CO2 is plant food – we need more

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CO2 is vital for life on earth, and we are currently in a CO2 drought. There is good evidence for much more atmospheric CO2 before the flood. This would have promoted improved plant growth and productivity.

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The global flood explains so much. Too bad secularists dismiss it. They would have a lot more knowledge and plenty of explanations for some things they currently don't understand. 🙂🙏


Casting down imagination and every high thing that dares exalt itself against the knowledge of God. Keep up the gr8 work!


The worst thing is that you present this information as fact based on scientific evidence. It is not. Yes plants absorb CO2 for photosynthesis but we're not just talking about plants because it goes so much deeper than this. The important thing is that organisms on earth are not used to the amount of CO2 that is being released into our atmosphere. Levels did indeed use to be higher, and organisms were adapted to that way of life (Higher pH of ocean, a warmer planet, ect.). When carbon levels decreased and conditions changed due to it, organisms became adapted to that. CO2 levels naturally change and shift over the years and ecosystems were in a sort of equilibrium, adapting to the gradual shifts. The problem we're experiencing is that the rise in CO2 is happening faster than than it ever has before, and there is not enough time for ecosystems to cope and adapt to the changing conditions. Therefore we're seeing disrupted food webs and decreased repopulation. It doesn't matter that CO2 is plant food because:
Plants are dying due to over-consumption by consumers because larger predators are endangered and dying, and not keeping consumer levels balanced
Pollinators that allow plant fertilisation are dying out and struggling to survive
Extreme weather conditions are causing floods, droughts, disrupted soil/sea pH, and cold storms that prevent plants from thriving
The point I just stated are due to human activity such as pollution and CO2 release, in fact so much of the things that are killing plants are due to too much CO2 release too fast. Please don't spread such dangerous and damaging information based on ignorant or confirmation bias science. We have a role to protect our Earth and reduce our environmental impact.


I think those climate change alarmists are now going "Huh?!"


Typo in your title. The 2 in CO2 should be subscript not superscript.


*Common sense at last*

I also suspect CO2 represents less than 0.15% of the total gas in the atmosphere.


so wrong on so many levels, i actually thougt this is a comedy channel.

im not a christian and for a long time i actually despised every form of religion. but in the end we live on the same planet. please look into the matter of climate change and dont dismiss it as witchcraft.

we could save so much by getting together and resolving this issue.


Maybe this is part of the reason that there were giants on the Earth in those days.


U tube won't let me like this video


I’ve been saying this for nearly 20 years


I would take this fact one step further guys and make the claim that not only was there more CO2 and O2 present in the atmosphere, but that they were at higher air pressures compared to today, due to the ice canopy over the firmament compressing it down to around 10 miles or so! This is referenced in Genesis 1:7! Further scientific evidence for this is the fact that the insects were much bigger and like plants also absorb much of their air through pores in their abdomens! Amphibians were also larger and depended on osmosis of oxygen through their skin! Both of these examples depend on higher O2 concentrations, as well as higher atmospheric pressures in order to get that large!


your talking as death is death to the flesh, then you are of the fleshly minded, guess your spirit doesnt comprehend
