CPUC Workshop #1 on Aliso Canyon OII I.17-02-002 Phase 3 (Nov. 17, 2020)

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What: Aliso Canyon OII I.17-02-002 Phase 3 Workshop #1

When: Tuesday, November 17, 2020 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Background: The purpose of Phase 3 of the Aliso Canyon OII is to identify how the services presently provided by the Aliso Canyon natural gas storage field could be met if the field were to be eliminated. The CPUC’s consultant, FTI Consulting Inc., will analyze the gas system services needed to ensure gas and electric reliability in 2027 and 2035, propose scenarios that could meet reliability needs without Aliso Canyon, and evaluate the feasibility of these scenarios.

Workshop Purpose and Goals: The purpose of this workshop is to present modeling of the amount of gas storage needed to ensure gas and electric system reliability in the years 2027 and 2035 and share a set of preliminary scenarios for providing equivalent reliability without the use of gas storage at Aliso Canyon. Scenarios will be finalized and evaluated after the workshop. Analyses and scenarios will be presented by the consultants FTI Consulting Inc. and their subcontractor Gas Supply Consulting. The Commission requests informal comments on the workshop to be submitted to the service list by December 1, 2020.

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Where on the CPUC website can I post my comments in regards to this workshop? I do not see it on the CPUC website!
