Impacts of COVID-19 on Utility Customer-Oriented Clean Energy Programs Workshop (Apr. 23, 2020)

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What: Impacts of COVID-19 on Utility Customer-Oriented Clean Energy Programs Workshop
When: Thursday, April 23, 2020, 9:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M.

Please note: This recording begins 20 minutes after the start of the workshop, during the first panelist’s prepared comments. CPUC Deputy Executive Director Edward Randolph’s opening remarks were not recorded. We apologize for this error.

The CPUC's Energy Division held a public webinar to seek input on the challenges faced by industries focused on customer-oriented clean energy programs during the COVID-19 crisis and to identify possible solutions.

The shelter-at-home directives and the prohibitions on non-essential work and travel, while essential for public health, may negatively impact California’s customer-oriented programs aimed at advancing clean energy. Some of these impacts may be short term and may dissipate once the emergency orders are lifted, while others may be long term and may disrupt the ability of these industries to meet program goals for years to come. Many of the disruptions may impact the state’s ability to reduce the impacts of wildfires and PSPS events or hurt its ability to provide affordable utility service to low income and vulnerable communities.

The purpose of this workshop is to take a holistic look at the common challenges faced by our customer programs due to the COVID-19 crisis and brainstorm solutions that can be applied widely. The workshop’s scope includes the following industry and program areas: mainstream and low-income energy efficiency, behind-the-meter solar and storage, San Joaquin Valley pilots, residential demand response, transportation electrification, and building decarbonization programs.

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