Jehovah's Witnesses 'Two Witness Rule' ~ Explained

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A short animation illustrating how allegations of child mistreatment have been subjected to the 'Two Witness Rule' within the Jehovah's Witnesses organization, leading to the concealment of information within congregations.

Special thank you to Neal Emery of Reason Coffee Shop & Bookstore & Lydia Finch for their help in the making of this animation.

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That explains why my father could be an abusive alcoholic who slept with any women who didn‘t refuse enough, without a single response or consequence by the elders, while my mother got shunned by her parents for filing for a divorce because she couldn‘t take it anymore.

I still have nightmares and I haven‘t been a witness for almost 20 years.


As a former Jehovah's Witness, I can confirm that this video accurately describes the application of the now infamous Two Witness Rule that Watchtower insists that all of it's "appointed men" or Elders follow.

Ironically many JW's are not aware the rule is applied like this as the details of how Watchtower handles sexual abuse allegations are mostly hidden away from normal Witnesses, contained in a rulebook called Shepherd the Flock of God which only congregation elders are allowed to possess or read from.

The religion really is a dangerous cult, and many of it's members are utterly in the dark as to the harm it does.


So if a JW steals from the offering box with only 1 witness and that person goes to the elder with the accusation and the thief denies it, all is good?


The real reason the two witness rule is adopted by jehovah witnesses, is because they are incredibly dishonest people in general, and think
nothing of the commandment, Shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. It is too easy for one person to stand up and make
accusations. I was given a criminal record that ruined my life, when a Jehovah witness, along with the two required witnesses, showed up
to bear false witness to a crime that I never committed. You can't imagine being falsely accused, its practically equivalent to child abuse
of which I was also a victim of. They should be called the Jehovahs, Perpetrators. rather than Jehovahs witnesses.

Can you imagine in a cult sect like this one, how easy it really would be to get a witness. They are all together on everything. This would be a smart argument on their behalf, that the rule protects more than harms, because they bear false witness so much.


Sad this organization is still allowed to promote themselves on the street


exelent video needs to be publicly aired ...they still have not complied with the ARC recomendations..just smoke and mirrors


When I went to the elders with my allegation however, the three of them wanted every single sordid little detail. Including,
"Had I worn anything inappropriate?"
"Had I danced in a certain way at the recent ceilidh we held together as JW's that enticed him to act the way he did?"
"Had I flirted with him to cause him to do this to me?"
"Was there just some misunderstanding? Was my father teaching me sex ed?"

All ludicrous questions to be asking any victim, let alone a child. Even at 16 and although by that time with my allegations under Scottish law I was an adult, due to my sheltered upbringing I was still a child.

They called him in to speak with him. He confessed.

Here is the kicker: I was told to never contact the police about this because it would bring reproach on their God's name. I was told never to speak about it to anyone else. I would face disfellowshipping and shunning if I dared to speak out.

But I did speak out, and thousands of more people who were in my position have spoken out about their abuse, and the secret cover ups since.

The last kicker: One of the elders whom I brought forward the above allegations to, tried it on with me too. Under Scottish Law, being an Elder, he was in a position of trust, and had abused his position. I never mentioned anything about him, until the beginning of this year, in court. When he was found guilty to several charges relating to child sexual abuse, with not just myself, but 5 other people, spanning back to the 1970's. And last I heard, more women are now finding their voice too about the same perpetrator.

My advice to anyone within the Kingdom Halls reading this, who have suffered at the hands of abusers, never be afraid to go to the police. Please refer to Romans13:1-14 if you need a bible verse to back you up, knowing that your God, actually does have your back, and the Governing Authorities, according to JW's and their bible, are placed here by God. These Governing Authorities, are the police, the judges and the jury.

I don't want any pity, I have done my crying, I am so much stronger now and will fight until the JW's appalling two witness policy is crushed, and a better child safeguarding policy put in place. xx


bypass the elders leave the group nothing is worth bringing harm or creating a negative abusive environment for your child. what is wrong with these people!! horrible!!! very shocking info great vid


The scriputure reads " shall not CONVICT" Ok fine but the victim is a witness and thats enough to prompt an investigation. Sadly the investigation will bring forth many more witness"s. Victims are also witness's.




The verse is speaking of having 2 or 3 witnesses to hear out the matter of accusation not the witness of the crime, its just another way cults twist scripture


That verse correct me if I'm wrong doesn't say you need witness if someone is accoused of a crime. It talkes about witnesses when you go talk to your brother about a incident- how can you make that jump.


The two-witness-rule is actually irrelevant with regard to prosecuting abuser. The rule is applied to a sin, it regulates congregational matters. It is used to establish whether there are grounds for calling a judicial committee, a committee who will not punish a crime but a sin.
What is important is that the victim or their parents ( in case of children ) report the crime to the police and no-one attempts to prevent them from doing that.


I don't agree with 50% of what the Watchtower Witnesses preach but I looked into this two witness rule and it seems it is scriptural. What do you have to say about these scriptures. We don't follow imperfect men, but we are to follow BIBLE TEACHINGS. What's your view on these scriptures?:

Deuteronomy 19:15 ESV /
“A single witness shall not suffice against a person for ANY crime or for ANY wrong in connection with any offense that he has committed. Only on the evidence of two witnesses or of three witnesses shall a charge be established.

2 Corinthians 13:1 ESV /
This is the third time I am coming to you. Every charge must be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses.

John 8:17 ESV /
In your Law it is written that the testimony of two people is true.

1 Timothy 5:19 ESV /
Do not admit a charge against an elder except on the evidence of two or three witnesses.

Numbers 35:30 ESV /
“If anyone kills a person, the murderer shall be put to death on the evidence of witnesses. But no person shall be put to death on the testimony of one witness.


As a former JW this always worried me. I wasn't aware of it until years down the line.Its the perfect place for paedophiles to hide. Its funny this because as gay man I was never accepted so I chose to walk away. My mother whose a non practising JW said that gays were similar to phaedophilqs, we apparently chose this way of life we were not born like this. Yip you can hear all the bull.... in that IM sure.


Jesus christ said people will hate and speaking liars about his followers Jehovah's witnesses Mathew 5:10-12, 24:9, John 15:18-21.


"Keep Yourselves in God's Love" lv Book, pg 223 Footnote: "In rare instances, one Christian might commit a serious crime against another--such as rape, assault, murder, or major theft. In such cases, it would not be unchristian to report the matter to the authorities, even doing so might result in a court case or a criminal trial."
Hmm it seems WT says one thing and then says another thing. No wonder people (elders) are confused.


They are lovely people, but I'm not sure if these people are actually helped by this setup up but at the same time. Are they wonderful what? No they are not. Maybe they should permit the police car to the Jehovah's witnesses congregations to look into said two witness rule things.


Excellent video! One thing though that you should clarify is that the 1006 cases found in the ARC were cases ONLY in Australia. The way the video is worded gives the false impression this is those cases are a worldwide total.


Two Witness rule is not something Invented by Jehovah's Witnesses. Its a rule mentioned in the Bible.
Matthew 18:16: " the mouth of two or three witnesses every matter may be established."
2 Corinthians 13:1: “...At the mouth of two witnesses or of three every matter must be established."
1 Timothy 5:19 "Do not admit an accusation against an older man, except only on the evidence of two or three witnesses.
