How I Survived Being Fired (Multiple Times) | The Financial Diet

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I was bullied, I handled it calmly like an adult and reported it, it was a very black and white case, they decided it is easier to victim blame the newer employee than deal with the difficult person so I was fired.


Was just fired in 1.5 hours ago. I feel very upset and ashamed, but honestly, wasn’t happy there for a long time. At first, I was devastated at the rejection, but now that I’m thinking about it, I think that I can find something better, with better benefits and a better work environment. Thanks Chelsea.


This is a topic that I feel like NO ONE talks about. It's so relieving to hear someone talk about it in such a candid way


Last Fall I bought a new car and moved to another city for my first official full-time office job which ate up like 10.5 hours of my day including commute times. 2 months later I got fired because I was too bored and "wasn't learning fast enough".
2 weeks after that I randomly stumbled into a dream job that allows me to live the lifestyle that I want and travel freely. Even got promoted.

Sometimes, getting fired is the best thing that can happen.


I wasn't embarrassed. I was numb. A manager should be very upfront when letting someone go. My manager just said things weren't working out. I went and got my stuff and everyone was working and I went out the door. No one knew and I drove down the freeway looking at people driving and thinking if those people only knew what just happened to me. And also I feel a manager should at least have a phone number or something to give for help. It's literally a traumatic crisis and you won't understand until it happens to you. I think its cold to tell someone to leave and expect them to just go out in the world to never be seen from again. I was there for 4 years. You do survive. Being at that job was killing me and I was having a nervous breakdown. Even the best of jobs can go bad because work situations change. I learned my lesson and that is to leave if it ever gets that bad again. Even if you don't have a job lined up. I never want to be fired again. It's too painful.


I've been fired from my previous job. I've studied 3 years in college and landed a job on the other side of the Canada while I was still studying. (From Ontario, to B.C) The company was willing to wait for me to finish school. I finished school, and started the job, it was everything I wanted and more. But living away from home, from ALL my friends and family started taking a toll on me after 6 months. I wasn't making any friends, my co-workers were just... co-workers. Everything at my job was great but outside of work wasn't. Then I started becoming unhappy and it was effecting my work ethic. My managers suspended me without pay because I've made a couple mistakes. I was too embarrassed to speak about my life outside work to my managers and explain my situation. So when it came to the disciplinary interview, I broke down (emotional) hardcore and I then explained my situation to the HR that were interviewing me. I was hinting at them to fire me. And so I was fired.

Lesson learned: Even though you've got the greatest job in the world... you also need to have the greatest life outside of your job.


At my previous company, a high level manager blew to whistle on an employee from another department because she saw him on Facebook at work. She talked to the CEO and his manager. His manager checked his productivity sheet and he had the highest amount of output of work within a given time frame in his entire department. I think the internet surfing reason for firing needs to be reevaluated


I got fired two times, and I started to feel like I'm not good at anything.... Thank you for this


I just got fired yesterday and I'm devastated. Your speech made me realize that I actually didn't even like my job. Thank you for your positive advice.


Many times people get fired from jobs when they are too acute, and might form a threat to their managers/ bosses. It sucks, but it's something I've seen many times. To hold a job at a big company, you need to be a sycophant and be able to be inconspicuous until you get promoted and then slowly be more bold. People leave school thinking idealistically that everyone wants to see you do your utmost. Sometimes that's dangerous.


I got fired a few days ago. I was so unhappy and depressed at that job that just a few months in I started looking for new jobs. 8 months later and still no luck finding a different job and I am "let go" for not reaching my sales quota. I was a wonderful worker otherwise and never caused problems/drama like many of my co-workers, yet I was the one they let go. I am scared because I just moved to this new city alone and that was my only source of income. This video gave me some hope but I can't shake my anxiety after this happened. Hoping and praying something else comes along soon!


I got fired from my previous job because some one lied on me. 🤷🏾‍♀️ but I got a better paying job in the process


I got fired and wrongfully terminated but I'm going to get me another job


I didn't feel ashamed when I was fired from a certain job. I felt relief and anger. Relief because I was tired of going into that office with the office politics and the racism and microaggressions. My supervisor was a VERY pessimistic person and a snake. She would pull personal info out of you by being friendly and then use it against you later. We were transitioning and the new manager(who trained me years ago) was sitting by her everyday and an escalated situation led me to trying to speak with his boss, but instead I wound up in HR's office and got fired. I got a better paying and easier job a couple of week's after, but it definitely made me think about my approach when working with others.


I have a learning disability i told them about prior to being hired and they fired me for not progressing fast enough which i felt was illegal because in no way did they attempt to accommodate me in anyway. Got a better job now but its bs.


You have saved my day. I was fired after 29 years of hard work and dedication. This video brightened my day. Thank you so so so much! 🙏


This is a very good video. I recently got fired and after letting it sink in, I realize it was my own fault. I need constant stimulation and office work was limiting my creative mind. I often browsed the internet and became not so motivated to do the work. Thank you for your words and encouragement. I got employed elsewhere literally the very next day, however being fired served a real lesson to me that I’ve learned from.


I too have been fired many times, I was not a good employee... Like you I decided that my only possible recourse was to open my own business and make my own rules, once I settled into the mindset of a business owner, rather than just an employee I started to thrive. One thing that being fired like four times has taught me is that the only person on this Earth that you can trust is yourself, it can be depressing and even a shock to the system for social or otherwise engaged individuals but the simple and blunt fact of the matter is that not everyone has empathy, sympathy or the most important trait which is discernment. Many of the people with the privilege to hire and fire care a lot more about themselves than you, and how can you blame them?... naivety is what lost me most of the jobs, once you hit about 30 years old you have an epiphany in which you discover the secret to success is becoming a good actor because perception paints reality.


As a hiring manager I would also add that if and when you need to address it during an interview, just own it. You can spin almost any negative, and showing what you've learned from being fired is huge. Do not make it sound like it was everyone else's fault, it really won't help you. Self awareness and personal growth are huge.


I got fired from my first job recently because I called in sick because I didn't want to go to work because I didn't feel comfortable with someone there. My family is very ashamed because of this and they get embarrassed when people ask about me and my job, they look down on me a little and its not a big deal for me anymore, I just want to move on from this and learn
