H. Luke Shaefer: Lessons in using evidence to fight poverty

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Luke Shaefer gives the inaugural Hermann and Amalie Kohn Professorship in Social Policy and Social Justice Lecture. November, 2021.
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Section 5 of the FTC Act prohibits "Unfair or deceptive acts or practices in or affecting commerce."
Shouldn't the same apply to the news, government, and political campaigns by law.
#TruthMatters - Freedom of speech was never meant as freedom to distort the truth.
"Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry." -
If the government can prohibit unfair or deceptive acts in commerce why would we expect or accept less from the government, those campaigning for a seat or position, or the news. In essence they (government and campaigns) are all selling us something, even if it's an idea, goal or plan. As for the news, there is a major difference between a reporter getting wrong information and intentionally misleading others.

There should be a law requiring truth in politics. End the dirty tricks and misleading of the American people. End the disinformation campaigns in this nation.
