Everything I Don't Do When I Shoot Cars — 13 Tips in 6 Minutes

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Over the years I have found that certain techniques or pieces of gear slow me down, or produce uninspiring images. I'm going to share what I know to help you avoid doing bad things. Here are thirteen what-not-to-dos in six minutes.

Obviously, there are some exceptions, but if you're trying to become a better shooter, these are the things you need to know.

Shown in this video:

0:00 Start
0:05 Opening
0:55 Don't fill frame edge to edge
1:07 Watch for distractions behind car
1:28 Be deliberate about everything in frame
1:46 Don't shoot from eye level
2:08 Avoid mid-day sun
2:18 Don't have sun directly behind you
2:19 Don't overexpose
2:51 Avoid HDR
3:03 Don't shoot interiors in direct sun
3:14 Don't use wide angle lens on exterior
3:50 Change your angles
4:11 Don't obsess over strobe & lighting
4:38 Don't fixate on gear
5:24 Conclusion
5:53 Outro

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I don’t shoot cars professionally, but as a fellow professional photographer I can say that your comments ooze sincerity, experience and common sense. It was a delight to watch your video. Best of luck!


1. Don't fill the frame edge-to-edge with a car you are shooting
2. Don't ever have poles or distracting objects behind the car
3. Don't allow any ugly stuff behind the car (except to tell a story)
4. Don't shoot from eye level
5. Don't shoot in midday sun
6. Don't shoot with the sun behind you
7. Don't overexpose
8. Don't do HDR
9. Don't shoot interior in direct sun
10. Don't use a wide angle lens on exterior (on static shots)
11. Don't shoot the same angle again und again
12. Don't become obsessed with strobes and lightning
13. Don't fixate on gear


I've been shooting and writing about cars for a long time. I'm a retired member if IMPA--International Motor Press Association. I agree with almost everything except your prohibition of the wide angle. When you know what a wide angle can do in terms of emphasizing certain aspects of the photos then it can be great. One of my favorite shots was of a Jaguar "Leaper" shot from a low angle with the wide angle lens. The Leaper came leaping out of the frame, so to speak. That one was shot on Tri-X with a Nikon N90.


This video production quality deserves way more views


Depending on the angle, sometimes shooting really wide can be interesting since while it can show everything if you stop down, if you put a cpl on and crank the shuttler speed, sometimes it can have this really interesting effect where the car almost appears like its a toy car in the outside world and its a cool effect. Most of the time, I prefer shooting cars with a 85mm f/1.8 or longer lens. Nothing beats the compression off of the longer lenses. Other than that, great video! Definitely some amazing tips for sure


Sound advice here, my father was a professional photographer, and het taught me the basics, but also what you speak of, it's not about gear, or the prefect lighting or whatever. It's about seeing what's there, using your imagination, and keep things simple.


First time watching your youtube videos.
Short and no waste of time talking about pointless things. Love them 👌


I'm totally ok with point 13 but I think a polarising filter is a really must have for car photography because even if you get the best car, the best background & the best light. The reflection on the windshield of the clouds kills the vibe of the image in my opinion.


I watched this video because I have my first car shoot in a few days through no fault of my own. The brief includes several things you explicitly say not to do. So this was a fun learning experience.


Many thanks for sharing; the tip on taking a simple "Step" to climb on is absolutely brilliant !


Easier not to have distractions removed before shooting, rather than spending even more time trying edit them out later. Thanks for your video.


These tips are fantastic thank you. I was also the person that thought having different equipment would make you “professional” when I feel you should really focus on what you have and try to be the best at using what you have. Thanks again.


Ha! I am getting ready to do a shoot on a couple of vintage autos for shopping to production companies. I already had it in my head the massive amount of equipment I would be bringing. Now, I'm confident to just bring a couple of speedlites, triggers and a tripod. My back and I thank you!


Great! So helpful, I have to see your video multiple times and actually think about them, applied to my last shoot and try actually to absorb the lesson. One thought for myself: TRY NOT TO TAKE BAD OR AT LEAST NOT OBVIOUSLY BAD PICTURES! Your list helps a lot.


I am not going to argue with you. I am going to be grateful you made this video. I have a car that I really need to get the best price. I feel what you have just shown me will be a large help.


Most underrated photography channel I have ever seen. Earned an easy sub from me. Please keep up the extraordinary content!


This had some great ideas to keep in the back of your head when heading to a shoot! I’ll definitely try to come back to this vid when I prep next time. Nice work!


Thanks for the tips! It’d be helpful to see some shots of the wrong and right things to see the difference. Like the filling the frame with the car for example. Anyway appreciate the tips!


I can agree but the wide angle no you can get some beautiful shots with especially if you want something scenic


great compilation! To me, the no1 killer is to shoot from eye level, and it's a disaster when people use wide angle at the same time, which is almost the default case when they flip out their mobile phones. Simply going down low and zooming in on the car makes such a big difference.

and yes, i take along a small step ladder when i go to car shows now. makes for awesome perspectives!
