How To Convert Into Sikhism | Guruka Singh
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How To Convert Into Sikhism | Guruka Singh
Either it's your destiny to be the Guru's Sikh, or it's not. It's not that you have to go through a certain procedure or ritual, and then you are converted. If the destiny to be a Sikh is written on your forehead, then you already have a relationship with the Guru, that you may not even be aware of. You as an individual don't convert, because the Guru chooses the Sikh. The Sikh doesn't choose the Guru. You may think you are converting, but actually Guru has already established the relationship with you. So if you want to try to convert, don't. Just be you, and if your authentic self is a Sikh, you are a Sikh.
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Either it's your destiny to be the Guru's Sikh, or it's not. It's not that you have to go through a certain procedure or ritual, and then you are converted. If the destiny to be a Sikh is written on your forehead, then you already have a relationship with the Guru, that you may not even be aware of. You as an individual don't convert, because the Guru chooses the Sikh. The Sikh doesn't choose the Guru. You may think you are converting, but actually Guru has already established the relationship with you. So if you want to try to convert, don't. Just be you, and if your authentic self is a Sikh, you are a Sikh.
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