【ENG DUB】How will Christ Return? | Endtime Prophecy | Revelation #thesecondcomin #therapture

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【ENG DUB】THE SECOND COMING——01 How will Christ Return? | Endtime Prophecy | The Book of Revelation #biblestudy #thesecondcoming #therapture

1.Before Christ returned to heaven, what promises did He leave to His disciples?
2.Christ has promised to save those who are waiting for him. We need to ask ourselves: Are we among those who are waiting and longing for His return?
3.How will Christ Return?
4.Does the second coming of Christ initially happen secretly and quietly, like a thief in the night?
5.What is the work of the Lord at the beginning of His return on the clouds in secret?

This is a series about the Second Coming of Christ, and now it is the first episode.
The Second Coming of Christ is a great and eagerly awaited event for apostles spreading the gospel. In the New Testament, this exciting event is mentioned approximately every 25 verses.

However, Satan confuses, deceives, and misleads people, making them unprepared to welcome the Second Coming of Christ.
Before Christ's first coming in Bethlehem, Satan had successfully deceived the Jews to misuse the prophecies of Christ's Second Coming.
Therefore, few were prepared to accept Christ's first coming. They didn't believe, and in the end, they even crucified Christ.
Because in the Old Testament, there are prophecies about the coming of Christ, the Messiah. But when Jesus came, they didn't even believe.
In the Old Testament, there are prophecies about both the first coming and the second coming of Christ.
However, they used the prophecies of the second coming to consider the first coming to be false, and therefore crucified Him.

Nowadays, Satan has once again deceived humanity by applying the prophecy of the seventy weeks about Christ's first coming in Daniel 9, to His Second Coming.
(The prophecies about Christ's first coming in the Old Testament are very clear.)
Once again, Satan has effectively deceived humanity by misapplying the prophecy of Christ's first coming—the prophecy of the seventy weeks—to the second coming of Christ.
As a result, when Christ returns, people cannot recognize Him again.

This is an introduction.

Regardless of religion or denomination, as long as you believe in Christ, believe in God, believe in reincarnation, turn away from evil and do good, repent and reform, we are brothers and sisters, and our denominations share the same vision. So let’s unite to spread the truth.

Kristen, a pastor from the East, has a profound study of both Eastern and Western religions and cultures. In his career, he paid special attention to textual research, clarifying historical facts, exploring the meaning of the Bible, and collecting all kinds of information, regardless of the school. To continue the spirit of Jesus, not to compromise with the world, to lead Christians to return to the truth and benefit the society.

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More Sermons:
The Bible says that when Christ returns, he will come on the clouds. How should we understand that?

How can we prepare for the arrival of that day?

What is the main work in the third stage upon the return of the Christ?

In the last days, there will be false christs. How can we recognize the true Son of Man returning?

Will humanity be happy forever in the New Jerusalem? How to enter the Kingdom of Heaven?

Will the returning Christ lift His chosen people up to the air? What does "the new Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God" mean?

Additional Explanation About Christ's Return

How will Christ return?

How can we discern the returning Christ? Why does He come in the flesh?


Who are the wise virgins?
They are the ones who remain holy, constantly engaged in spiritual practice, eagerly waiting for Christ's return.
They are the ones who truly serve Christ and spread the gospel constantly.
They will be the first to welcome Christ's second coming. They are earnestly longing for it.

Hope I can really do it
Lord, lead us to the right way


Suppose the returning Christ only teaches what is already written in the Bible without touching higher and deeper truths, then any pastor with a good memory could do it, and a false Christ could do it even better.
As a result, we cannot discern the true returning Christ.

Therefore, Christ must come in the flesh.
Initially, He can only carries out His ministry secretly, and those who recognize His voice will believe in Him and follow Him.
Over time, after several decades, when His chosen people have completed their mission of saving humanity, the world will eventually accept Him and confirm that He is exactly the returned Christ.


During his first coming, he said that he came down from heaven, but in reality, he came in the flesh.
And the Bible says that when Christ returns, he will come on the clouds. But in reality,
he was still sent by the Father and needed a human body. He was still born of a mother and came in the flesh.


There are more deeper truth that the returning Christ is going to teach.
If Christ just back that obviously, like pastor said, people in this age will wonder whether it is an ET rather than hearing the


(John 16:13) But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth.
Focus on the truth


my id name suits great for this series!


Christ has said, "When I return, my sheep listen to my voice." (John 10:27)


1 Peter Chapter
As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. (1 Peter 1:14)
Often times, I still follow my own selfish desires, always treating myself well and treating others much less well


follow the guidance of the Father to return to our spirituality


"the prophecy of Christ's first coming—the prophecy of the seventy weeks"
can someone tell more about this?


Whoever does great signs and wonders to make people believe him as the returning Lord must be false too.
Whoever claims to the world that he is the returning Lord must be false.


Any claim that "Christ is here or there" or "Christ is in the wilderness or inner rooms" is false and deceptive


He will return as normal human . He is not God. As he has shown to me..


No, not the second coming of Christ but the first coming of the real Christ, for Jesus 2000 yrs ago is not the Jewish Messiah at all but a servant like other servants of God snd his ministry ended 2000 yrs ago.


The only reason you believe in a god is you were told there was a god. It’s a failed and false belief. Upheld by man for no other reason than fear and control.
