Farewell, Phone Addiction 📵🌱 6 Steps To Lower Your Screen Time

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If you're as fed up with your way too high screen time as I am, this video is for you. I'm going to share a bunch of tips you can use to use your phone more mindfully and stop scrolling for hours on end.

Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound.
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My name is Lucy, I'm a Dutchwoman here to offer an alternative approach to beauty.

On this channel I do mostly hair tutorials where I show you how to braid, pin and style your own hair. I recreate hairstyles from movies, tv shows or history and I regularly come up with my own, which I love to share with you!

I really enjoy diving into history to find out how women went about their beauty and dressing rituals in days past. Vintage and history-themed videos are my little passion project.

You'll find a bit of lifestyle content here as well, ranging from cozy chats over a cup of tea (my beloved Tea Time videos) to personal vlogs and home & interior videos.

Enjoy browsing!



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“Don’t multitask with your phone.” That’s something I really need to adopt. I have a terrible habit of googling or social media scrolling while watching movies, for example.


I started something like this on Monday evening! Switched my phone off and won't turn it back on till next monday. I'm allowed 15 minutes a day to check social media on a desktop computer. I watched The Social Dilemma and it scared the crap out of me. I'm attempting to ween myself off the mindless scrolling. I have so much time now! I'm sewing and doing so much art!


Very helpful! I deleted the Facebook app on my phone because I’m seeing a lot of people posting conspiracy theories about Covid 19 etc and as someone who has lost a loved one due to the virus I just don’t want to see it or deal with it right now. I thought to myself, why are you using your energy for this when you know it upsets you?
Going to try your other tips too!


Something that's really helped me is not using my phone for my alarm and charging it across the room so it's not immediately available when I wake up. I've gotten to the point where sometimes I forget about my phone until after I've eaten breakfast and am ready for the day! Also deleting social media apps so I can only use them on my laptop and it's more of a conscious decision.


For anyone worried about not being able to be reached in emergencies, iPhones (probably Android too) let you set favorite contacts that are able to “get through” the do not disturb wall.


Love that you're talking about this! One HUGE thing I recommend is that every one checks their phone usage and look at the 4 top time waisting apps. I was SHOCKED to find out how much time I was spending on my phone on average, and how much of it was really mindless on social media apps. Another helpful thing is to set up app timers. This allows you to decide how long you want to be on a specific app during the day and holds you accountable by turning the app off. It can feel restrictive, but can be really good if you feel like your will power is low.


Oh I needed this! I just got a weekly report saying my screen time went up 26% this week 😬 I really like the idea of having phone-free zones in the house. My bed should definitely be one of them cos I also get sucked into spending way too much time scrolling after I wake up 😅 thank you for this video!! 💗


I'm following the same path as you trying to overcome my phone and social media addiction as well.

P.s I am in love with your hair ❤❤


It says a lot about how much I enjoy this channel that I watched this even though I have no intention of lowering my screen time- because for me, my phone is my access to anything outside of myself.

My disability means I very rarely leave my house, and I also find most books to heavy to hold these days. So my phone is the literal only thing I have to entertain myself and communicate with people- and that’s not to mention the convenience of texting my carer when I need something. It feels much less rude than a bell! So my phone is so many things to me- books, tv, internet, connection and communication. Honestly, I’m so glad to be disabled now, rather than prior to the invention of the smart phone. I can’t even imagine how bored I would be- I’m not good at just doing nothing. I have to always have something to do, to occupy my mind.

But not everyone is me, and I think this video would be very helpful for those that do want to decrease their screen time. Plus, I just find Lucy’s voice very soothing.


Really helpful video, Lucy! 💜 I'll definitely have to try these myself.


And again the perfect video for me, dear Lucy. I spent so much time on my phone and computer yesterday that I felt really bad in the evening. *So today I put the timer on my phone on 60 minutes. Everytime I'm on my phone I start it (it's running right now) and everytime I stop using my phone I pause the timer. Once the 60 min are over I'm not allowed to use any electronic device for the rest of the day.*
I'm at 36 minutes so still a lot time left so far 😀


Such a perfect timing for this video! I just started thinking about how much time I spend in a day doing absolutely nothing, and then I feel bad in the evening for doing noting when I have a million things I would enjoy so much more. Will definatly impliment some of these tips to my life to get back on track 💖


Oh man... You all should watch "The Social Dilemma" on Netflix. It's so eye opening how social media makes you addicted and everyone doesn't even *know* it or *feel* it happening!! It's so insidious! Seriously. It interviews former CEOs/workers at all these social media companies. (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc..) And they're all very concerned. It's pretty wild!


Good point about finding alternative activities, sometimes I find myself scrolling through social media out of boredom (which isn't really boredom, more like combination of anxiety, fatigue and procrastination). Reading sounds like a good idea but it's a great privilege to be able to do that: our world is so noisy these days, being able to focus on reading is nearly impossible unless you are somewhere calm and quiet. Scrolling the phone does not require that much attention and I think this is the main reason why so many people do that. There is also something to be said about the privilege of being able to carry that book or cross-stitch project with you on your daily commute or to work, some of us cannot do that. Pro tip if you are in this group: ebook reader app on your phone!


My phone has a digital well being settings where i can disable specific apps for however long i want! So i tend to disable social media apps, but keep my notes, texting, and camera apps still available.


I find listening to audiobooks helps me slow down a lot. Without fail I used to put YouTube on in the background whilst doing household tasks, which normally resulted in me either getting sidetracked looking for the next thing to watch, or taking glances at my screen. Audiobooks are great because I feel like I’m actually achieving something, and they have this slow and steady continuity about them that helps calm down my attention span and that constant need for consuming the next thing


I found it so helpful for me to delete social media apps like Instagram off of my phone! I can still access them through my desktop, but I'm not as tempted to scroll throughout the day, and I never get sucked in to the explore page... it's been such a huge help!


Your videos always make me smile, Lucy!! This was such a good reminder for me because I too struggle with being on my phone endlessly and mindlessly. So thank you!!


These are some great tips! I havent't tried the "Do not disturb" thing, but I often just turn off the wifi on my phone when I don't wanna get distracted. Having a book close by at all time is also super helpful!


Loepsie is wearing color! Green looks amazing on you.
