Part 2- WOMEN Over 40 & Single! Why Are BLACK Women So ANGRY?

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The views and opinions on this video are strictly my own. Some of the individuals in this story, will not appreciate me sharing my story. However, it is my story to tell.
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PLEASE READ: There will be some things said in this video that many people are not ready to hear. I refuse to answer comments or questions about why I chose to speak about MY family's business. As I have said many times before, It is My story to tell. The individuals who I speak of in the video should be ashamed not me. If this video shall so much as help one woman begin the healing process, then a blessing it is.


I think we are so disappointed/angry because the ones that are supposed to love us the most are the ones that sometimes end up hurting us the most.


'There are more secrets in a black family than in Vegas.' I don't know how I discovered your channel, but thank you for sharing.


Thank God for older black women on youtube talking to us. Thank you ♥️


When the student is ready the teacher appears. That's how I explain just finding out about you only today. I've found a community of grown classy women, who look at life as I do. Im greatful.


Your honesty... Your transparency... We appreciate you sis!!!!


Hi, I grew up with both parents and they were in love with one another. So as I matured into a man and on into my 40s I never understood why Ive felt anger from sister's I didn't even know. I felt I was being stereotyped. I never understood why Ive gotten that from black wemen until now as I watch this video. Thank you so much! This is like bridging the gap. I am sorry for what all you've been through, but just know it's people like you that make the difference. Keep up the good work.


One of the most powerful messages a woman can have is sharing her own story! Thank you for sharing. Peace.


🙏🏾❤️👑 As a male that's gone thru a similar situation, I found this being addressed absolutely enlightening and honestly refreshing. These are the things that we never speak about. I usually check your vids for frag commentary, but this is very much needed as well. I think that until we address the generational curses across the board we will always have the struggle and strife between black men and women. I thank you for your honesty and transparency, it allowed me to have new insight into the in-fighting that we become so accustomed to. 🙏🏾❤️👑


There are quite a few “Angry” black women but I believe the majority of us are just hurt. Maybe even disappointed which comes off as angry.


I’m sorry to hear that you had to go through child abuse I’m originally from India and it’s very common there and just like in your culture we are told not to say anything hide it and yes women are always held responsible for men’s action... But thanks for sharing your story you’re very brave and a beautiful woman I wish you best of luck and happiness


This was one of the most transparent video I've seen in a long time. Thank you for your honesty. I know this will be beneficial in freeing many women. While I have never experienced sexual abuse, most of us have experienced some other form of abuse, that leads to all types of disfunctional behaviors. I remember sharing my story at a women's conference at church. I had women in their late 70's and 80's coming to me after saying how liberating it was to hear someone share honestly, and how they now felt free to let go of the pain and guilt they had carried for decades.
You my sister, are wise beyond your years. I'm so happy to be following you.
May God richly bless you.


As a black father of a beautiful daughter this hit me HARD. Your story sounded like a real life nightmare. I have 3 sisters No brothers and this shocked me. I thank God for my strong father for protecting them until I was old enough. Ty for being brave 🙏🏾 you're a true warrior ❤


Silence of the cannot save themselves". Thank you.


Girl, you rock!!! Thanks for your honesty. You are on to something: The intergenerational trauma plays a big role in us as black women being angry. The code of secrecy with which we are raised seemingly globally, is a big factor in our anger as few of our families allow for space for us to speak of serial and other violations that may be experienced. Therefore many of us, while fed, sheltered and clothed, are or were devoid of that much needed emotional nurturing and unconditional acceptance that is so vital to our very humanity. We stumble in this life to seek such and some of us make cardinal mistakes in trying to fix our brokenness because we are not even aware that that is what we are doing!! So we stumble on and do the best we can. And sometimes we gain healing which is so necessary as we then venture into the larger community and environment where we face a whole other set of systemic inequalities and inequities. So once healed (for those who identify with what I am saying), we.must deal with the larger world while being fiercely protective of our healing while doing the best we can for our children and our sisters we encounter in our life journey. Thank you, my Sister, for a thoughtful treatment of this very challenging issue. Peace & Blessings


Thank you Eva for your honesty. I have male relatives in my family that have done things and it was swept under the rug. Black women have a legacy of pain. We are fighting the pain of our mothers and struggling to love ourselves. Your mothers pain affected you. My mothers pain has affected me as well as things of my childhood and young womanhood. I’m still fighting for my femininity- fighting to be happy and attract the love I deserve. I realize I may end up with a non black man because I have to open my pool. Ladies we deserve more. Love you Ms. Eva.


I have been hearing more and more stories of mothers refusing to believe or take action when their child tells them about a friend or family member who has sexually assaulted them.


Girl, thank you for the transparency and the free therapy. Your story is a lot of women's story. You have great energy because you are finally free.


That's messed up when you're in a situation where your mother is suppose to protect you.She doesn't and that hurts.Then don't let her be married to the man, when you grow up. They are still together. The daughter /mother bond is gone. You don't want to come to the house and you don't want to be around them.Then that mental abuse your mother still gives you and you're grown. It's very hurtful. You forgive but you have to love from a distance.


I agree we are angry because we were raised by angry women. Broken women who were unable to overcome the hand they were dealt in life. We have to break the cycle. The cycle of being ashamed, poverty, abuse, single parent homes.... the list goes on and on. Once we realize we are the way were are based on these things- we can heal and learn to change behaviors. We have to grow and overcome. If we don’t our grandchildren will be broken and their grandchildren will be broken. Thank you so much for sharing your story. 🙏💗🙏
