Aliens the board game queen alien scenario and review

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This is a full play though of the last scenario Ripley vs the queen, from the Board game Aliens. A short review follows the scenario. Aliens is a board game from Leading Edge Games made 1989. The mechanics of the game are very similar to how the movie feels. Playing through the game you will be on the edge of your seat not knowing where the next alien will come from. Will Ripley defeat the queen and end the nightmare. Meet me at the table to find out.

This Survival action adventure game was created by Leading Edge games. more info on the game can be found on board game geek.

This is a link to the Flash version of this game. I didn't find the table sim version of this game. I have not used these version of the game so I don't know how they function.

Here are a few Aliens board game links I was made aware of recently. Please check them out!

All music by Action Versus Action.

All used video clips are from:
Aliens a copyright 1986 ‧ Fantasy/Science fiction film from 20th Century Fox.

Thank you for watching, stay tuned for the next part of Aliens the board game coming soon.
I'll meet you at the table
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Wow I can't believe this timing! I just saw Aliens for the first time two weeks ago and I can't get enough of it! I got a bunch of miniatures and have been building my own boards. The only problem is I'm not good at learning rules by myself. These playthroughs have been so helpful! I'd love to see the expansions. Maybe I can even teach my friends. Thanks for the great videos!!!


Thank you for these play throughs. The game is an old favourite of mine and I have enjoyed watching your plays. I was looking forward to the expansion scenarios so I would love it if you continued with these. Having said that, the Queen Alien scenario in this video is easily the weakest in the game and one that  I have only played once compared to the hundreds of times of the other scenarios.This game is long out of print and difficult to get hold off and the company who makes it no longer exists,  but anyone wanting to play should head to Board Game Geek where the fan community has kept this game alive. The board, standees, cards and a pdf of the rules are all free to download and print and play. I used to own this game and loved it but sadly lost it a few years ago, and it was to my delight that I was able to rebuild it from the files on BGG.There are alternate rules in the expanded pdf such as a rule to make the pistols more effective. They are pretty useless in this game but someone has come up with the 'hasty shot' rule where you can get off a shot with the pistol as you are grabbed by an alien. Of course that leaves you open to acid splash so the rule's a double edged sword.
