How To Direct A Movie: Directing And Acting In The Same Film

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Acting in a film that you're directing can be tough. Here are tips for filmmakers on how to direct and act in the same film.


(2nd channel) DARIOUS BRITT

The music and sound effects are from mixcraft 6 which I own a license for and can be used for commercial purposes. Acoustica is the company that owns the mixcraft 6 sound product. Below is a link that explains that license holders can use music and audio for commercial use

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I just recently found your channel and as an upcoming filmmaker your channel is helping me more than any other channel I've found. You're really inspiring me to make more films with all these tips you've been posting.


I act in all the films i direct.. gonna work on a big budget film now... hope i find a good AD and DOP who can look out for me....


I have done this and its all really true what you are talking about. The tip of getting a good DP for me was critical because jumping from acting to directing to see what was filmed was the most difficult thing for me. But the thing that I like the most was making different choices on the set, delivering the lines in different ways. I am going to use that next time. Thanks so much for the hints! Useful stuff.


More great advice man! I write, act, direct and edit my pieces and I felt the pressure from the start. Luckily I do have a solid DP and AD. And I help him by being the DP or/and AD on his projects. It works great as we know what each other wants but have different eyes so can see things the other might have missed due to pressure etc.


THANK you for FINALLY addressing this question I have long asked on forums:
How do actors direct movies that they star in?


directing and acting is a TOUGH job to do especially a fight sequence, and im the only one who have the experience in an action sequence. so far your video have help me alot and you got a fan from malaysia. keep giving tips if you can.


Dude, I appreciate the fuck out of your videos. Thank you so much for taking the time to put these together.


Just shot a short a few months back where I directed and played the main character. Let me say it was a challenge! Reason being, I didn't really trust my DP!!!! That is the KEY to being able to be safe as far as framing and proper composition without worries as an actor... I agree with you all the way!
In pre-production is the time you spend as a director to explain your vision to them. The DP brings it to life visually, but if you can't trust them your performance WILL suffer! There was one scene that was OTS MCUs the whole way I was confident (as an actor) because I had one of them sit in my position and I pulled focus on them. Then I sat there... Trust of a DP says, "I know he/she will pull focus if my head leaves my mark". NOPE can't assume with an untrustworthy DP! I got back home to edit and my close up was out of focus- talk about pissed! Lol
So thumbs up on the video. And I think it gets easier with time and experience!


Wow you’re saving me on my first music video thanks so much for VALUABLE advice


Your channel is becoming one of my favourite channels. I never skip through an episode.I watch and pay attention to everything you post. I just dig it, and really enjoy your delivery!


Gonna be doing this myself soon and I'm so glad I remembered you had this. Gonna need it.


I used to be in my videos alot, and have tried to bring it down a little, now that I prefer being behind the camera. One great thing is to find someone who you've worked with for a while who knows your style and how you like things to look. That way they can judge what to do while on camera or whatever they're doing. Also, great video again!


Your last recommendation about doing different takes to provide options I never realized until watching your video. Thanks!


Man, I'm loving your channel! You now have a brazilian fan! hehe


This was a very informative and helpful video. Currently I am directing my first film that I also have the "fortune" of acting in, along with other duties. Oh boy, is it stressful (and we haven't even started on the scenes I'm in yet!) but this is putting my mind at ease as it gives me a bit of insight into this whole complicated, messy process. Thanks for the video, man.


Dude u r the best film making guide u can find online!!!!. Thnx 4 all ur tips!!!


This is so helpful! Thanks! A longtime actor and writer... I'm going to direct my next film. It was encouraging to hear that I have followed almost all of your tips so far. Best to you!


Great video! Is this what they mean with oldie but goldie?
Done it in the theatre and now gonna do it on film, really good tips.👍
It's a little same when you're recording and producing your own singing and music (done that too), when you have a different role as a singer (for example) and then you listen to yourself when you're mixing. You are in a totally different position when listening to your composition and arrangements and just "feeling good with musicians"(actually impacts how you hear things) but then you have to listen to mistakes and all that, be critical and kinda take yourself outside of it all. Then when you're mixing it, it's really difficult to listen to your own voice and just try to listen to it like it would be "just a singer"... Same in a way that all the roles have different tasks and here you have the actor who should feel good and relaxed and have no worries, and if you are directing, you are making sure there are no worries and if you are producing it also, you carry all the worries... So yeah, i'm not sure if i can explain it, but it's kinda "schizophrenic" you have to be able to divide yourself to be multiple persons. Your explanation and tips are golden! 🏆


Absolutely helpful, I needed to hear this. I'm going to be filming a short tomorrow which I wrote, will direct, and will star in. Kinda nervous, but I'm excited for the challenge! I think I have good people around me and prepping has been helpful


This is true. It's hard but awesome & worth it
