Woody Allen SHOCKS Fans About Joan Baez

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Woody Allen SHOCKS Fans About Joan Baez..

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And later the whole country rose up against the Vietnam War!

It shows her values and strong convictions when she didn’t want to share the stage with the extremists! Where does one draw the line how much extremism one can tolerate?

She is admirable and courageous, really! 🎉


Sour Grapes? I'm not certain Woody Allen is the proper choice to be judging another person's character.


Strong personalities can be viewed with the same respect and love from different perspectives. Joan Baez involved her personality with great ethical and spiritual conviction. Gifted with a unique voice, she managed to seal her own wounds in a poetic balm with healing power for listeners as well.
Both Joan Baez and Woody Allen I consider artistic geniuses.


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Joan Baez - Woody Allen 👎
Too bad Woody couldn't work it out wit Joan - he would've made it on the most illustrious list of collaborators of the 20th century ....


Every "criticism" mentioned in this is a compliment as far as I am concerned. Who wants to die knowing they did what they were told and made everyone that supposedly mattered happy?


Joan's talent and contributions will long out live this cheap hit piece.


Geez, she's a human being, who wudda thunk it


I didn’t watch the whole video, but I’d sssume that Allen is uncompromising in his vision of how his movies should be made and Baez is stubborn and non-malleable to work with. Huge stars (and there was not many as big as Baez for a time) will often be like that. Is there really a “story” here? Must admit that I had no idea that these two even contemplated working together—sort of like hot fudge and tuna fish is my intuitive feeling.


Woody is a film genius and Joan is a folk music genius.Let each dominate in their own field.


It is reported that Joni Mitchell was also so uncompromising in her artistic vision that many talented collaborators and friends gave up. Very talented woman but areal PIA. Sounds like Baez was similar. But who can criticize Joni’s artistry? She’s a cut above


I love Joan Baez even more for her commitment to social justice and peace than her inestimably great talent as a performer. Woody Allen may be right about her being "difficult to work with, " but isn't that like the pot calling the kettle cast iron? I respect Woody much more for his unwavering commitment to his artistic vision and the art and craft of filmmaking than for his opinions about other artists' personalities.

I recently saw Judy Collins in concert. She is an even better performer today than when I saw her five years ago, and she spoke kindly of Joan Baez during both concerts. Joan and Judy may have been rivals rather than friends in the 1960s and 1970s, but they're not exactly enemies of one another. These great women are equally committed to progressive politics and their art. That their respective interests in musical genres are not exactly the same does not bother me one bit.

Have a great day, everyone. Peace.


“The Henry Kissinger Story” starring Woody Allen. Dead ringer! 🤣🤣


I'm a fan of both, and what I know of them seems like it could be an honest video. It did not seem harsh, mean, or demeaning criticisms. I've heard her make similar criticisms of herself. Don't worry she's still a hero


Baez in a Woody Allen comedy? A classic movie btw...maybe that would have been the joke, someone so serious all the time doing Woodys type of humor. If they were thinking of her in Diane Keatons role I think they dodged a bullet there.


cartoonist Al Capp (lil abner) used to lampoon Joan ...called her Joanie Phony but who remembers him now!


Thanks for setting the record straight. I had always thought Bob had simply told her to 'folk off!' as he plugged in and went electric!


I love the way this videomaker tries to make it seem like speaking out against the Viet Nam war was somehow a failing on Joan Baez' part. The rest of this video is just a random collection of the usual tiffs and feuds anyone who makes a difference will run into. Video = Mess.


Another hit job on liberal icons using half-baked argumentation--nicely sharp propaganda, though.


distracted and famous striving for what a rolling stone


First I’ve heard of all this stuff very surprised she was Allen’s first choice for the female lead in that great film⚛❤
