How To Save Vegetable Seeds For Next Season! You Must DO THIS As A Homesteader!

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Seeds saving is so important! You can't have a garden without the seeds. I leave lots in my garden, just to have seed next year. Great video!


It's great to grow for yourself but many others like myself want to make growing communities where we can trade. You can't grow everything. Get a community of growers together and have a huge variety of basically free food. We have set up a market in a small town of 2500 with about 200 growers and small livestock growers and it's been wonderful. We trade amongst ourselves and people that dont want to trade can purchase. Why deal with political beurocrats that want to control our food prices when we have the power to produce our own food?


now where i live in an apartment complex, I grow indoors in 2 plastic tubs just plants for saving seeds.


The other benefit of saving seeds is that they're from a plant that is slowly acclimating itself to your environment animal grows stronger with each new season


At the beginning of the plandemic, I noticed everyone rushing to buy tp. Personally, I went for the seeds first and had that section all to myself 😁
Few years later I still have my library garden and I love it. This video was super helpful to me because next years garden will hopefully be entirely based off the seeds I collect at the end of this year’s season.
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You can also just dice tomatoes and put them on top of your own dirt mixture you like and place in cool dark area over fall winter and the gel on them seeds keep them safe and come next season you push them down in dirt on pot place in window


I was today years old when i found out the "flowers" i picked for mom as a child are carrots flowers 😭


Thanks for sharing your tips. And your dog running in the background is hilarious 😂😂😂.


One tip when drying similar looking seeds like cantaloupe vs cucumber, don't forget to write the name of the variety on the paper towel to avoid confusion ..


I didn't realise it was that easy


Well with me it's all about local climate acclimated seed, availability of seed and non dependent of the corporate market plus ensuring variety choice. Saving money is a plus.


You didn’t mention how to store the seeds. Jar? Envelope? Plastic container? I saved pepper seeds from store bought hot cherry peppers I loved and green peppers from the market. I wrapped them dried in plastic wrap then in an envelope. They are still growing. I realize the importance of growing your own plants and herbs especially and I’m not a homesteader. I have two small decks on my condo and plant in containers. I start plants from themselves, ex: celery, scallions, etc. thanks for the tomato seed extraction info, will do that.


I can attest to this, thank you. I've already had to replant our beans twice. I purchased ours from a local farm store, evidently non gmo doesn't necessarily mean heirloom. I will be saving them this year.


Great video! Straight to the point but thorough enough to feel confident, and the video examples really help. Thank you!


I was hoping you would share how to save the seeds. What you use to store them and organize them.


Straight information. Most underrated video on the internet. Appreciate your work and message. God Bless and Good Luck ✊🙏


I always save seeds from things I like but I agree this year seed saving is more important than ever before because we don't know what will be available come winter. I had ordered a lot.of.the seeds I wanted for.the year prior to the pandemic, but i had forgotten a few summer crop seeds and thought well I'll order those when its closer to seed starting time for those. Seed starting time came and I was blown away to find that I couldn't get things i wanted that I had not seed saved for whatever reason or things I had wanted to try this year for.the first time since I knew i was tripling the size of my garden even before the pandemic - that was just the plan for this year. Im still on waiting lists for things and fruit bushes I had ordered in April are still not here. Its been nuts. So save seeds! If you like it, save the seeds, even if it's from the grocery store, save it. You'll be a lot less stressed come spring garden seed starting time if you do. Great video thank you :)


when I had a small garden space and couldn't space my tomatoes, squashes, melons etc. I'd do a rotation each year and can up that variety that would last me, (one person) more than a year with canning just beef steak tomatoes, & Romas for sauces.


I am slowly learning basics of cultivation and farming around my home garden and flower pots on sundeck...slowly...what a great skill and ability...and not really complicated...imagine being able to be able to grow your own food and give to others ( later when you have your few acres )


My tomatoes from last year reseeded themselves. I had cherry tomatoes sprout all over the garden this year, lol.
