our ADLEY MOViE is coming soon!! 🎬

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Adley is the director AND gets Lost in the Movies!
watch the latest A for Adley Video:
watch the latest Best Day Ever:
this is our youtube shorts!! this is a place that i can share all of my favorite moments from my adley videos! dinosaur stuff with Niko, crafts with Mom, pirate island with dad, vacations with Navey, and pet spa with Olive and Koopa!
watch the latest A for Adley Video:
watch the latest Best Day Ever:
this is our youtube shorts!! this is a place that i can share all of my favorite moments from my adley videos! dinosaur stuff with Niko, crafts with Mom, pirate island with dad, vacations with Navey, and pet spa with Olive and Koopa!
our ADLEY MOViE is coming soon!! 🎬
join ADLEY'S family at the MOViE!! A for Adley: LOST iN THE MOViES is coming to THEATERS!!
Adley's SNEAK PEAK into the MOViE!! watch a clip of A for Adley: Lost In the Movies premiere #s...
A for Adley THE MOViE!! Daddy Daughter Date! Dinosaur Park visit! Cops vs Robbers prison escape!
we BROKE the MOViE!! 🎥 A for ADLEY: Lost in the Movies BEHiND the SCENES!! #shorts
A for ADLEY: Lost in the Movies 🎬 FiLM DAY with our FAMiLY!! behind the scenes making our movie!!...
A for Adley stuck in the MOViES!! Adley's adventure trapped in the world of family cartoons! #s...
NEW ADLEY MOViE!! A for Adley: LOST iN THE MOViES is coming to theaters 🍿 FAMiLY CARTOONS 🎬 #shorts...
BABY ADLEY is TRAPPED!! mischievous monkey buddies & Adley are LOST iN THE MOViES!!
A for ADLEY - MOViE DAY 💜 a Best Day Ever at the Purple Carpet Party with Friends & Rainbow Gho...
RAiNBOW GHOSTS MOViE with ORANGE!! Adley & Niko setup a Family Party but a ghost opens The Port...
CARTOON ADLEY & LiKE NASTYA dance party at ViDSUMMiT!! #aforadley
ADLEY does a SPLiT on STAGE!! she shows off her moves to the crowd at VidSummit with niko & dad ...
BABY ADLEY DAREDEViL!! Jumping off a MONSTER TRUCK! Cartoon Baby Transformation Tricks with Dad
Adley's MOViE PREMiERE!! ➡️ @AforAdley takes a SELFiE during the PURPLE CARPET PARTY!! #shorts...
ADLEY turns into A BABY!! Adley JUMPS off STAiRS, Morning MiSTAKES, & Magic Cereal! #shorts
ADLEY PLAYS a MAGiCAL PiANO!! adley pretends to play a new song that sounds a little familiar 🤔 🎹📱...
CARTOON ADLEY HiDES!! heres how we turn a drawing into a full cartoon! which one is your favorite?
iRL vs CARTOON MUSiC ViDEO!! Baby Adley Ride or Die Throwback! Fun Kid Sing Along
NEW ADLEY MOViE!! A for Adley: LOST iN THE MOViES is coming to theaters 🍿 FAMiLY CARTOONS 🎬 #shorts...
PRiME MOUNTAiN?! Fairy Adley jumps off giant pile of prime with Nastya..
ALLiGATORS in our HOUSE!! @SpacestationAnimation Adley's floor flooded & is Lava! Family ...
hide n seek THE MOVIE!! Adley & family stuck inside our house, 1 HOUR of ultimate hidden adventu...
ADLEY CAUGHT a tiny LEPRECHAUN!! new Song, Slime, and Traps for St Patrick's Day! Green Handed...