
NAVEY LEARNS how to CRAWL!!!! Baby Birds, Morning Parade, Park Games, and some Swimming for the 4th

NAVEY's 3rd BiRTHDAY!! a Frozen Party with Friends! Balloons, Bubbles, ice rescue, and Slip n Slide

Navey's MAGiC LAMB Song!! a Best Day Ever with Baby Navey and her Unicorn Lamb riding rainbow slides

NAVEY meets NiKO & ADLEY :) baby sister is finally home! an adorable memory with our WHOLE FAMILY!

NAVEYs 1st BiRTHDAY!! Cake & Presents with little miss Navey on her bday! balloon wake up tradition

7:00am Adley’s Morning Routine 💤 Dad Won’t Wakeup! baby Navey rescue! get Niko ready! Mom Asleep!

💅 DADDY DAUGHTER DATE 💅 Adley and Navey nail salon spa day with dad! then icecream & craft store

Adley SiNG and DANCE Recital 🎤 Navey loves watching Adleys song! Snowy Elf trapped inside a balloon

NAYVEE HIT MY CAR... *emotional*

ZOMBiE MOM and a SiCK NAVEY 💜 Making Waffles with Adley & Niko for a Breakfast in Bed surprise

Navey visits Adley's HAiR SALON 💄 Niko gets a Chameleon makeover & Dad has Cheetah make up by Adley

Navey’s First Bath!! swimming inside our house! Adley is a Villain! Family & Spacestation updates!

HAPPY BiRTHDAY PRiNCESS NAVEY!! hope you have the best birthday Fairy Dress up birthday EVER..

CRAZY BABiES CARTOONS!! Adley Niko & Navey eat Baby Puffs and troll Dad into some Crazy Baby Fun!

NAVEY 2nd BiRTHDAY!! Farm Animals Surprise Party, hiding presents, and bday balloons morning routine

Mom & Kids Vacation!! Swimming and Harry Potter World! Navey wakes up early and morning routine

ADLEY and NAVEY - CLUB HOUSE!! Adley’s new bedroom neighborhood! kids playhouse room gets makeover!

ADLEY WON'T WAKEUP! Navey Helps with Adleys morning routine! is she Asleep or Lost in her Dreams?

SCOOTERS & ROLLERBLADES!! 🛴🛼 Adley Niko & Navey film their skating adventure on Alli's old camcorder

Inside The Navy's Indoor Ocean

ADLEY and NAVEY - ROOM SWiTCH!! Adley’s New Bed, Navey’s First Bedroom, Niko’s gets a Makeover 🔁

NAVEY SLiDE TRiCK!! Picking Pumpkins morning routine and a Family Bike Ride to PiRATE iSLAND 🏴‍☠️

NiKO'S BRAVE AMBULANCE RiDE 🚑 Adley & Navey Surprise him with a GiANT MONKEY! Mom saves the day

🌷 DADDY DAUGHTER DATE 🌷 Adley & Navey Spa Day with Dad! Niko Bear and Mom play games at the Arcade