YOLO-NAS: Step by Step Guide To Custom Object Detection Training
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In this computer vision tutorial video, we will train Yolo-NAS on a custom data set and test it over an unseen set.
The primary claim of Yolo-NAS is that it can detect small objects better than the previous models.
Although we can run several inference experiments to analyze the results, training it on a challenging data set will give us a better understanding.
What is YOLO-NAS?
YOLO-NAS is a game-changer in object detection model developed by Deci and delivers superior real-time object detection capabilities and production-ready for production. YOLO-NAS models outperformed models like YOLOv7, and YOLOv8, including the recently launched YOLOv6-v3.0.
Please refer to our previous video : "Introducing YOLO-NAS: One of The Most Efficient Object Detection Algorithms"
Topics Covered
✅The Object Detection Dataset to Train YOLO NAS
✅Train YOLO NAS on Custom Dataset
✅Fine Tuning YOLO NAS Models
✅Inference on Test Images using the Trained YOLO NAS Model
✅YOLO NAS Trained Model Video Inference Results
⭐️ Time Stamps:⭐️
00:00-00:28: Introduction
00:28-01:18: The Dataset
01:18-01:43: Annotations
01:43-10:50: Training the Models
10:50-11:08: Video Inference
11:08-11:30: Outro
Processing, Image Classification, Object Detection, Face Detection, Face Recognition, YOLO, Segmentation, Pose Estimation, and many more using OpenCV(Python/C++), PyTorch, and TensorFlow.
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