YOLO-NAS: Step by Step Guide To Custom Object Detection Training

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In this computer vision tutorial video, we will train Yolo-NAS on a custom data set and test it over an unseen set.
The primary claim of Yolo-NAS is that it can detect small objects better than the previous models.
Although we can run several inference experiments to analyze the results, training it on a challenging data set will give us a better understanding.

What is YOLO-NAS?

YOLO-NAS is a game-changer in object detection model developed by Deci and delivers superior real-time object detection capabilities and production-ready for production. YOLO-NAS models outperformed models like YOLOv7, and YOLOv8, including the recently launched YOLOv6-v3.0.
Please refer to our previous video : "Introducing YOLO-NAS: One of The Most Efficient Object Detection Algorithms"

Topics Covered
✅The Object Detection Dataset to Train YOLO NAS
✅Train YOLO NAS on Custom Dataset
✅Fine Tuning YOLO NAS Models
✅Inference on Test Images using the Trained YOLO NAS Model
✅YOLO NAS Trained Model Video Inference Results

⭐️ Time Stamps:⭐️
00:00-00:28: Introduction
00:28-01:18: The Dataset
01:18-01:43: Annotations
01:43-10:50: Training the Models
10:50-11:08: Video Inference
11:08-11:30: Outro


Processing, Image Classification, Object Detection, Face Detection, Face Recognition, YOLO, Segmentation, Pose Estimation, and many more using OpenCV(Python/C++), PyTorch, and TensorFlow.

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Рекомендации по теме

Can anyone please how to save the model after training on custom dataset, so that I don't have to train again and again for inference in different type of videos


I can not find where the graphs are generated, even in their main github repo, i could not find any instructions where i can find the training graphs


Whenever i try to run yolonas model in my jupyter notebook i always get error no module found for super gradient even after i have pip install super-gradients too how to solve this in jupyter notebook? Do we need to install additional library?


Hi, can i convert YOLOv8 model to YOLO NAS model


How to get the live feed of the camera after training is completed?


Hi, how to filter out a specific class in YOLO-nas eg. if I want to detect only 'Person',
what should be modified here out = model.predict("/content/1.jpg", conf=0.25)


Great! How to resume to training process if it pauses.


you given the best files of the yolo nas. now i want to run in raspberry pi or jetson nano can you give the procedure or any suggestion for these.


great guide, can anyone help me visualize the results like the p pr f1 score and the loss graphs other yolo models used to automatically generate the graphs after training but not yolo nas


I have a YOLO NAS model for animal detection. I ran the model for 25 epochs and have got the best.pth weights. I need to add more epochs, to train it more from where i left off. I have read somewhere that YOLO V5 have such an option. Does YOLO NAS have the same option? If so how can i implement it in colab?

PS. It took me 10 - 15 hours to train for 25 epochs. So I am tight on time. I am not sure whether I am doing something wrong, but I am training using A100 GPU in Colab and its taking this much time. Please advice. I have 17.8 GB of data which has around 38790 images, so i guess it makes sense to take that much time?

I tried looking through the YOLO NAS documentation and google searched it, but couldn't get any concrete ideas.


Can you provide the code to generate the graphs for training the model or can you explain how did you generated the graphs.


Is this any better than using Ultralytics Yolov8? That is what I use, very easy and less coding.


Whenever I try to train the YOLO-NAS model on colab, the instance automatically restarts, can you suggest any solution?


When I try to install super-gradients==3.1.1, I keep getting the following error:
Failed to build pycocotools
ERROR: Could not build wheels for pycocotools, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects

Anybody know how to solve this? Thanks.


Would you recommend object tracking for tracking a syringe in a botox training simulator? Or do you think the tech isn’t quite there for such small visual changes?


Would be possible to run YOLO NAS on edge devices like Jetson Nano?


how to import dataset from roboflow to train YOLO NAS, it would be great if you release a video on comparative analysis of YOLO models as you always do


How to use multiple GPUs for training?
