YOLO-NAS: Introducing One of The Most Efficient Object Detection Algorithms

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What is Yolo-NAS?

YOLO-NAS is an object detection model developed by Deci and delivers superior real-time object detection capabilities and high performance ready for production. YOLO-NAS models outperformed models like YOLOv7, and YOLOv8, including the recently launched YOLOv6-v3.0.

YOLO NAS performs a mighty 20.5% better than YOLOV7, a little more than 11% over YOLOV5 and a teeny 1.75% improvement over YOLOV8.

This video talks about Yolo-NAS and shows the object detection and instance segmentation prediction results on a video using the Yolo-NAS model.

Topics Covered

✅What is YOLO-NAS?
✅Some Key Architectural Insights into YOLO-NAS
✅A Brief Summary Training of YOLO-NAS Models
✅How To Use YOLO-NAS For Inference

⭐️ Time Stamps:⭐️
00:00-00:22: Introduction
00:22-01:20: YOLO-NAS
01:20-01:32: Models
01:32-02:25: Inference
02:25-03:07: Libraries
03:07-03:25: Model Architecture
03:25-04:30: Running Inference
04:30-04:44: Results
04:44-06:02: NAS in YOLO-NAS
06:02-06:18: Outro


Processing, Image Classification, Object Detection, Face Detection, Face Recognition, YOLO, Segmentation, Pose Estimation, and many more using OpenCV(Python/C++), PyTorch, and TensorFlow.

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Рекомендации по теме

Hi sir, where can I find the YOLO NAS colab notebook to work on


Hi Sir, Can you please make a video on YOLO world model? How it is different from other YOLO model with Use case for yoloworld model.


Can anyone please how to save the model after training on custom dataset, so that I don't have to train again and again for inference in different type of videos


but how is a v5 model better than v7 ??
