What Happened To David After Alien Covenant? The Android Messiah - Explained

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What Happened To David After Alien Covenant? The Android Messiah - Explained

#disney #alien #hulu

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I really wanted the next film to be about David. It was such a wonderful dark twist of a cliffhanger. Imagine all the possibilities with people waking up in a ship run by a crazed robot running alien experiments on people.


I like to believe that David didn't create the xenonorph and merely re discoverd the engineers' creation .
The fact that there is a mural to the alien queen in prometheus pretty much proves this .


I just feel sorry for Shaw after Prometheus


Thank you for still creating this type of content. I get that it might not attract views and you have a buissnes. but this is part of the heart and soul that made me subscribe years ago. The narrative style is brilliant.


These alien lore vids are taking me back to the roots of this channel bruh, please keep them coming. So stoked for the new movie.


I still hope to see Michael Fassbender appear in an Alien sequel. There needs to be closure to David's character on screen


In my mind, I always liked to believe that David eventually landed on Origae-6 and continued his experiments. His God complex eventually bringing him to the realisation that only by infusing himself into the experiment can he truly create the "perfect organism". It would be this final fusion that would give the Alien it's mechanical aspects and David himself would become the first ever Alien, an Alien King of sorts. In order to do it he'd require more black goo, so he'd travel back to LV-223 to get some. He'd then intend to return to earth as it's new God, planning on turning all of humanity into Alien creatures. He would take another of the Engineers ships, using the remaining humans from the Covenant to create a ship full of eggs. What he hadn't bargained on though, was the final version of the creature, in it's face hugger form, wouldn't recognise him as kin but merely an abomination and would attack him. Desperate to get to earth before the inevitable, he would fall short, a creature bursting from his chest as he piloted the ship, causing it to crash on LV-426...


I like to think David is stuck drifting in space...forever alone...unable to hurt anyone anymore... lost to his madness


I actually really liked the mystery around David's character and the unanswered questions.


I think David just carried on with the experiments started by the Engineers. I don't believe he was the creator of the Xeno. Just continued the work. I wish Prometheus and Covenant explored the Engineers in more depth rather than shoe horn the Alien in.


I will agree it is nice to know David was the one giving info to Wayland as some of the info the company gets is explained, not all but some.


I honestly don't want David's Journey to end in ALIEN COVENANT (2017), David character has so much potential and his arc deserve to see it through to the end and I know we needed it more than ever.


I want there to be a scene where David comes face to face with a Xenomorph Queen, a pure blood from the LV-426 line and not one of his inferior copies, and after his inferior copies were wiped out by the pure blood Xenos he is brought before the Queen who then promptly cuts off his limbs with her spear-tail and glues his torso to the Hive wall reduced to nothing more than a trophy or the Queens veritable court jester.


What would've been more interesting is a prequel that explains the origin of the engineers and the space jockey.
Focusing on the same template of ships getting infected by an alien species and spending the rest of the time confined to a ship is like groundhog day.
Promethus was promising a visit to Paradise and a revelation of the original creators.


Fassbender needs to take more roles. He's been great in pretty much everything I've seen him in✊️✊️✊️


Did anyone else chear when the crew members of the Covenant started drying from their own stupidity? Also, David creates the xenomorph? Nope! I never bought into that.


I love it when you do this type of video. Hopefully if not in the movies then in the novels we will find out about David's travels and the conclusion of his story


So glad you’re doing lore videos again.


I wish they gave us the movie that was shown in the Covenant trailers.


David as android messiah/bringer of human apocalypse makes more sense than "mad scientist trying to create the perfect organism just for the sake of it". With a couple of throwaway lines the comic books have given David better motivation than Alien Covenant did. His dislike of humans would also explain why he would want to target their creators, the Engineers (although I still don't buy that those luddite albinos he wiped out with such ease on Paradise were the actual Engineers).