The Narcotic Flower That Seduced Ancient Egypt's Royals | Private Lives Of Pharaohs | Real Royalty

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Pyramids, tombs and Pharaohs; are the icons of Ancient Egypt, but they don't tell the whole story. Delve into the secret lives of Ancient Egyptians, ranging from their sex lives to delve into the mystery of who really built the Pyramids.

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There is a lily called a Spider Lily here in Australia. I planted some at the foot of my stairs from the deck to the garden below so that as I walked up or down the stairs I could smell their soft, subtle nighttime scent. One night I was down at the bottom of the stairs and started to breathe their scientific in. I went from one flower to another breathing in deeply their individual scent. One of the flowers sent an incredible experience into my nostrils and into the cavities where the breath goes in the head. It was as if all the cells inside my nose and the insides of the inner places where that breath goes we’re electrified with an experience that was indescribable. It was an absolute highly transportive experience that seemed to explode somewhere in the inside of my head/brain. It was one of the most amazing and awe inspiring and like an explosion of pure pleasure on a very physical and also enlightening experience. When I sold my house and went back later on to see it, the woman who was 8n the garden had pulled all those glorious flowering plants out of the garden. I was very sad. But now, whenever I see these flowers growing I will stop and smell each one to remind me and also just in case one of them grants me that experience again 🌸🌹🌷🪷


Scientist: Let's analyze the components to see what the drug does.
Me: Let's just smoke it.


I'm not an expert in any of this but I find it difficult to understand why the ancient Egyptians would spend time with lotus plants when they have poppies available just around the corner in ancient Mesopotamia. There is evidence that poppies have been used as the "joy plant" since 3500 BC.


Lotuses rise from the mud without stains, so they are often viewed as a symbol of purity. Since they return to the murky water each evening, and open their blooms at the break of day, lotus flowers are also symbols of strength, resilience, and rebirth..


The blue Lotus is something I know very little about, and for sure it's importance to the Egyptians is something to hopefully understand more. However I want to chime-in about another plant, that was DEFINITELY essential and important to the Egyptians, and humanity at large, and perhaps even more incorporated as a regular food/medicine than is generally recognized. That plant is the famous Opium Poppy. Has far greater application than the simple "narcotic pain relief" it is so famous for today. In fact, association with sleep (thus the label of Narcotic, like narcolepsy, and the botanical nomer Somniferum) is a grave mis-association in many ways. It is a substantial systemic physiological food/medicine substance, that actually supports higher-level development and waking functionality in human beings when properly used. It could certainly be a major factor in humans being able to build something like the pyramids (whether the Egyptians built them or not). I harp about this all the time, the proper RE-examination and exploration into some of these famous forbidden plants, because my experience tells me we've been lied to, and even that these plants are NECESSARY for our well-being and future.


Excellent finds thanx to the scientists of today to bringin us such important discoverires of the ancient world


"She's probably one of the best behaved patients we've had" had me 💀😂


Please don't tell me the only reason we don't know of the Lotus flowers hallucinatory properties is because noone has extracted the alkaloids and tested a lil' toot in 6k years.


Thanks for letting me see this project movie


I never knew the lotus had so much medicinal properties. Not only Egypt loved them so do the Indians of India. No wonder.


They needed to wear gloves while handling evidence. Contaminating your samples.


May God bless you always! I needed this documentary


I really enjoyed this movie and I like the ending very much. I could imagine a sequel. Interesting idea.


We couldn’t build a pyramid like this today. With giant machines and you think they used ramps.


Has anyone else notice small glitches throughout the documentary?


blue lotus when mixed with dmt creates and experience that is indescribable, very much different that dmt on its own . a glorious experience


Lotus (nelumbo) is different than water lily (nymphaea). They are both aquatic plants, but they are different. There are different shades of blue water lilies, but no blue lotus.


It’s available in North America it’s a mild sedative like weed but not mentally affective just relaxing


Hmm? There one huge problem. These people including the person who claims he knows the truth is a complete fraud. He's not connected to the ancient kemets and neither were the people who raided the tombs.


Every time the British archeologist Joan Fletcher is being filmed its more about Joan then about archeology.
