Warfarer Is ABSOLUTE FIRE! Dragon's Dogma 2 Warfarer Vocation Guide & Best Warfarer Builds

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In this Dragon's Dogma 2 Warferer Build guide video, I'll share the best skills, augments and equipment to make your Warferer Vocation unstoppable! This unique vocation uses weapons from all the vocations to combo together to make some truly insane skill combos, enjoy!

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0:00 - Dragons Dogma 2 Warferer Vocation Guide
00:17 - How To Unlock Warferer
01:17 - How To Play Warferer
04:29 - Best Skills And Augments
05:09 - Warferer Build Ideas
08:15 - Best Equipment
08:49 - Warferer Tips
(Additional Description Tags): dragons dogma 2 warferer guide,dragons dogma 2 warferer build,dragons dogma 2 best warferer build,dragons dogma 2 warferer,dragons dogma 2 warferer tips,dragons dogma 2 how to play warferer,dragons dogma 2 builds,dragons dogma 2 best builds,dragons dogma 2 warferer,dragons dogma 2 class guide,dragons dogma 2 warferer vocation guide,warferer vocation explained,warferer vocation guide,dd2 warferer build,how to unlock warferer

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Hit me with your Warferer vocation combos!

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My Warfarer build is just Thief skills. I just want to play a thief with the cool Fighter armor. Fashion above all.


I broke the game last night... 3 sorc pawns and warfarer myself... 100% uptime on MSH and mage bubbles negates all damage and doesn't stagger sorcs making all casts go off. Killed 5 bosses last night taking ZERO damage lol. My 3rd skill is mage silence... Very situationally useful.


Slight correction for you: It is your heaviest weapon that is the only one that counts towards your weight


People go hard on these wierd ways to get Newt Licquer.... you guys know you can just craft it right? Its just like Fruit Juice and Saurian Tails combined....


I run Duospear/Archistaff/Magick Bow on my Warfarer, using Seeking Storm, Augural Flare, and Recovery Bolt. Plenty of damage from Augural Flare as well as galvanize and levitate, melee ability with duospear and seeking storm, and ranged attacks and healing with magick bow, letting me forego a mage in favor of another damage or tank pawn.

Also I can change it up whenever I want in the field from a camp, it's nuts.


For harder enemies, Sorcerer opens with augural flare, then switch to thief and skull splitter the area you set the flare = godly. For normal enemies, use the other skill slot to be the thief's smoke shroud as you can spam triangle and kill all of these in one or a few hits. So effective and fun to play!


my warfarer is set up for exploration.I have two weapons for fighting
Magic archer bow and twin spear, then snake daggers for chest location and staff/wand for levitate.
trickster augment to find seeker tokens and the rest kinda just help support the rest of that.
Recovery arrow for keeping the pawns up. and the other two skills get swapped around at a camp site depending on the situation im planning on facing.


My warfarer build is just discount dd1 magick archer

Daggers because scarlet kisses is insane damage

Magick bow because its great damage

stagittate avalanche because its insane for damage and staggering

Recovery arrow for healing and ranged pawn rezzing

Ricochet hunter for in cave mob clear

The augments i use is
zeal for the reduced stamina consumption

Enduramce for increases max stamina

Lethality for increased damage on vitals which ive notice also helps with staggering

Subtlety to help with not being targeted

Dominance to further increase staggering power

And sagacity to increase magic which is a great buff for magic bow and enchanted daggers


The first time I heard of the Warfarer Vocation I thought that you get 3 weapon skills with every equipped. So you'd give up one weapon skill to gain 3 new ones on any other weapon you have equipped. It was one of my complaints that 4 weapon skills especially for a Mage and a Sorcerer are just not enough, since part of the Mage/Sorcerer fantasy is being equipped with the right spell for every situation. Only having 4 skills and one of them being taken away by the weapon swap skill is pretty disappointing and kind of dumb.
Would it be op to have access to the entirety of all vocations at all times, a little on the high end, but the game isn't challenging anyway and it's singleplayer, so who cares. Let people have fun...


Trickster's clone dissapearing when you change weapon makes sense since it's a core skill, not a weapon skill. However, you can use the trickster's buff with magick archer and mystic spearhand to become the ultimate support while your team of 3 cracked up pawn deal all the damage.


Running Magick Archer and Thief has easily been the most fun for me so far.The utility off the frost bolt and the damage off skull splitter + draw and quarter has trivialized a lot of the boss fights for me. Still so excited about all the other combos I haven't tried yet tho!


Mystic Spearhand and Magic archer is so fun. I also keep a staff on hand to levitate when needed. Warfarer is the best class ever. I almost don't miss Mystic Knight.


Another good combo is what I like to call the Blitz Tank, where you can combo Thief With Warrior, allowing you to dodge as thief then immediately switch back to Barbarian for a harsh hit however the bread and butter of this combo is you can parry via Masterful Kill and have the enemy vulnerable on the ground from the knock back then hit them with a max strength charged attack like indomitable Lash or use a windstorm slash combo dealing major damage as they’re in a weakened state.

You can also use Bellow to Agro the enemy to set up the Parry but tbh all ya need is the barbarian skill that increases the likelihood of being targeted so you can trade it off with any thief or Barbarian skill you want to use aside from those 2 like Ensare for Aerial enemy coverage and to launch enemies towards you like scorpion for a killing blow or gorging lunge for traversal and steamrolling through any enemy in your path.


My warfare set up is magic spear, magic archer, thief and mage. Skills from magic spear I use the mirror shield
, thief I use the helm splitter, Sagittarius avalanche from the magic archer, the mage staff is use to levitate to reach high locations.


On PC there is a mod that let's you put 3 skills + rearmament for every saparate weapon. It makes warfarer completely broken but hey that's what I expected after getting it last. Well before using the mod I had most fun with just recreating strider with thief + archer


On XBOX controller you can LB< then RB thrice to get to the weapons menu in 1 second… rearmement is moot

I wish they had done more of a DMC or platinum gamesstyle where Rearmerment was a CORE SKILL unlocked that just has you INSTNATLY SWAP BY DOING THE MOVE of the equipped weapon. With the slight gold magic flourish that shows when you rearm

Sorta like in DMC5 you press the pistol button and the character just anim cancels into shooting buttery smooth.

So you can have 4 weapons and 4 skills and just press LB+A and you do Heavenward Sunder. LB+B and you use deathly Areow, LB+Y to skull split and LB+X for mirror shoeld or w/e 4 skills on however many weaps!


My Warfarer build is
Mystic Spear (The Mirror Shield to be invincible)
Thief (Skull splitter for obvious reasons)
Trickster (with the advanced buff pawn skill)
and My main pawn as a Fighter, a Mage with Celestial Paen for 100% stamina uptime and a Sorcerer with Maelstorm and Meteron

Everything we come across gets turned to Mc Donald’s French fries


I hate the fact that they didnt make it so that we could have different weapon skill loadouts for each weapon we equip. The fact that they refused to let us be a lore accurate arisen just killed any joy i would've had with this vocation as well as any possibility of me playing as it.


It's a good thing I could buy the three Newt Liqueurs from from that Higg's Tavern guy. I actually found three Newt Liqueurs from other locations, but brought each one to Lamond on three separate visits. If you give them to him this way, you don't unlock the Warfarer vocation. You have to give him three at once.
