Expectations vs. Reality

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When things don't go the way we expect, it's hard not to be frustrated and disappointed. How do we move on after unmet expectations? And how do we break the vicious cycle?

Today, Fr. Mike tells us how to keep it real.

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Love you Father Mike, may corruption never touch your heart. You have made my relationship with the Lord have meaning again. Thank you


My therapist says "blessed are the flexible, for they will not be bent out of shape". Thank you Father Mike! I really liked your example


Thank you, Father Mike! My life currently feels like a walk through a dark valley, and I’m lost, confused, and feel out of control. Please pray for me!


My expectation is that God will keep his promises. Reality is that God has his favourites that He blesses abundantly, and then those on to whom He loves to inflict a lifetime of suffering and pain.


I needed this one ! Thank you, Fr. Mike ! I found myself actually smiling in relief! As my Grandmother would always say,
“ It is what it is ! “


Im starting to think Father Mike has spy gear in my house and can read my mind, lol. He has an uncanny ability to give the daily message of exactly what is weighing on my heart. Even videos recorded 5-7 years ago. Thank you, Father Mike.


God thank You for giving us Fr. Mike Schmitz. Keep him for us. We surely need him.


Thank you Jesus for bringing Father Mike and the Catholic Church back into my Life.
Thank you for bringing hope, love and laughter back into my soul. I'm blessed and very grateful.


Dear Father Mike, your energy and zest for life are so contagious and uplifting. Thank you for the work you're doing on this YouTube channel! A small gift from myself to you and to the viewers of the channel - there is a New Message from God in the world, a New Revelation for the times to come. It's called The New Message from God. It's not here to replace existing religions but to clarify them, to give them a fresh context, and to reignite the Spirit within them. I invite you to explore its teachings. God bless!


Thank you so much for this. The faster we accept the reality, the better our life gets. Unless we are at peace with the situation, we can't think straight to generate solutions


I was always frustrated that it seemed my life was always cleaning, cooking, laundry, shopping, and all manner of household chores.
Then, I had a change of heart.
I realized that these things I was getting frustrated about are just how it is. Get it done... that's all I can do.
I also remember being taught that everything I do can be viewed as giving it up to God. That helped a LOT!


Yep my job is a nightmare of passive aggressive management and I turned it over and live 100% in our father’s Will to the best of my ability 🎉


as a GP running a full-day neighbourhood clinic, i can definitely relate.


Another good one, Father Mike. I’m 71 and I only recently learned this lesson! Lol. I was so impatient with my husband and having to repeat myself. But I prayed on it and realized, that’s who he is. He hadn’t changed in all these years. So why don’t I give him (and myself) a break from unrealistic expectations. It took some practice but we have a much happier household now.


Thank you Father. Suddenly all these messages about reality, life dreams, success vs reality are coming to me. It’s God answering my prayers 🙏


This is why Psalm 29:11 and the Serenity Prayer is on my lips everyday.
I never pray for something, I pray only to be a better, stronger, more godly person.


This is very much what I deal with working at Trader Joe’s, and you don’t realize how much you owe The Lord for the blessing of patience until you work with food and people


I trust in God and keep faith even as I struggle to take care of my children and myself. As a single mother things are so hard on me. Both of my sons are autistic I’m overwhelmed. God please hear my prayers. I’m constantly struggling to buy groceries and constantly struggling to pay rent and now that I’m home schooling my sons I’m struggling to buy their school supplies. I’m so ashamed and overwhelmed so please be kind. I choose to have faith over fear as christians that’s all we can do. No matter your struggle, we can turn to God. He knows us personally and can give us strength to overcome our challenges. Heavenly and merciful Father, I come before your glorious throne today, in humble adoration please help me overcome my struggles and my constant fear of homelessness. Walking with faith is all I can do!


Only recently since i have been deeper in my faith, has my patience grown exponentially. What used to tick me off I'm like, meh..whatever. Im learning I can't control everything and let go, let God!


Father I listen to you every day I listen to catechism and listen to the Bible study sometimes it gets a little confusing for me because I’m 75 and it’s hard to follow the app at times kind of confusing for an old man but anyway father were there we listen to you like I am now God bless you and Jeff I pray for you every day father believe me I pray for you thank you for your inspiration in life I sent everything to my daughter she’s older and my other daughter I sent her everything that you have on your app and they love it thank you so much for being there God bless you
