ranking 50+ popular YA fantasy books i've read in my life ✨

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today we are ranking all the 50+ Young Adult Fantasy books i've read in my life to give you an overview of which ones i think were the best and which ones were the worst :) maybe you get some ya fantasy recommendations out of this!

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Hi! My name is Leonie and I am a 24 year old girl who loves talking about books! From YA to non-fiction to classics, I read it all (although fantasy will always be my fave). I live in the Netherlands and go to university, but make booktube videos in my spare time :)

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The Cruel Prince was such an interesting book for me to read, because normally I hate books were the love interest treats the main character terribly ( City of bones, A court of thrones and roses etc). But I enjoyed the romance in The Cruel Prince a lot and I think its because the book doesn't treat it like a healthy relationship, it acknowledges that it is bad, and that's the point. The characters in the book are morally gray and do bad things, they're not supposed to be setting an example, unlike in other books like City of Bones where the love interest is literally part angel and the romance is supposedly perfect. Rant over.


One thing I love about YA fantasy is that the names are literally all the same. It’s just (noun) of (noun) or (adjective)(noun), and half of the time they use the same words (glass, crown, prince, blood, bone, queen, thorn etc)

Idk I just find it funny


I wish there was a guilty pleasure category where you put books you KNOW are bad but couldn't help but enjoy without really knowing why 😅


Her: - ranting about how much she hates Throne of Glass -
Me: - looks at the entire series in my bookshelf -


I'm reading six of crows for the first time and it's making me think I rated all my other books too high. It's that good. The dialogue is perfect


Always remember that Throne of Glass was written around year 2000 when she was 16, so it's a huge difference between YA fantasy from back then and today.


i think “like good eggs” is the best description ever. perfectly whimsical and perfectly accurate. i will think about that tier name forever 😭


Throne of Glass might not be the best YA book series, but it still holds a special place in my heart. The main character is like mary sue a bit, but after the first book it shows her struggles too. And I really think we did saw her bloodthrsty side, but the point was she never wanted to be an assasin she was surviving. All her trauma and flaws really peak in Heir of Fire. In my opinion, Sarah wanted to point out how we should thrive to be strong no matter our imperfections.
It is just my opinion on the book, feel free to share how u feel


In 2020, one of your videos was suggested to me and and I didn't watch it at first but subscribed to your channel just so I wouldnt forget your name and could come back and watch it when I had the time. I didn't unsubscribe like I'd planned afterwards, I watched more of your videos and you've become my favourite channel, not just on booktube. Thank you for randomly popping up in my recommended videos ❤


I picked up The Cruel Prince after your review and was still convinced I wouldn't enjoy it but of course I loved it and have almost finished the entire series 😂 so will definitely try some of your other faves, thank you! ☺


I genuinely loved the whole caraval series and tbh the first book was the least impressive but the others have such a special place in my heart. I absolutely adore them.


Thank you for acknowledging the incredible level of “Six of Crows.” Honestly, I’ve always wanted to read more YA fantasy romance books, but my first experience was with Six of Crows😂. And ever since then, I struggle to feel satisfied with any other book because I can’t help but compare them to Six of Crows, leading often to some disappointment. Of course, everyone has different preferences, but in my opinion, some YA romances tend to become cringe-worthy, overly cliché, or excessively cheesy, which hinders my immersion in the story. So it’s refreshing to find someone with similar book tastes, and I’m eagerly looking forward to seeing which other book series you ranked highly (I couldn’t contain my excitement and paused the video when you were discussing Six of Crows so idk yet what it is🫣)


Throne of glass is a series that got me into reading and i personally loved the first book, im reading empire of storms now ☆


I totally understand you didn't like the Mortal Instruments but maybe try Cassandra Clare's the Infernal Devices (Clockwork Angel is the first book in the trilogy). Set in Victorian era London, it's got a great dark and gloomy atmosphere and a love triangle that's actually done well😇


This video was really useful because my 14 year old daughter has just started reading YA books. She's reading Six of Crows at the moment and loving it. I now know to avoid Court of Thorns for a while because she's not quite old enough for the smut. 😆


caraval is literally one of my favourite fantasy books ever😳 it’s okay…it’s okay🥲


1:30 Leonie reading the best tier
Me, a kanej stan, crying in the corner of my room


I would highly recommend the newest series from Cassandra Claire called 'The Last Hours', it's a great series with a lovely 20th century london and paris setting, interesting characters and character dynamics as well as a pretty good plot for which you will just want to know what happens next...the best series by this author if you ask me that everyone who likes fantasy should read 💫


I recommend the book "Six Crimson Cranes" by Elizabeth Lim. Absolutely adored reading it and it is asian folklore based and very different from any other fantasy I have read.


I actually really loved Sorcery of Thorns 😅
It gave me strong Howls Moving Castle vibes, which is my favorite Ghilbli film, but I do see the flaws it had.
