Transformers: Top 10 Saddest Autobot Deaths (Movie Rankings) 2019

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Here's my Top 10 Saddest Autobot Deaths in the Transformers movies. If there's 1 thing I think we all can agree upon is that a sad movie death can have a lingering impact if done right. And this is something that was made apparent over 30 years ago in the 86 Transformers movie. As soon as you find yourself connecting with a character they become cannon fodder to move the plot forward. And in the case of the live action Transformers universe we found ourselves reconnecting to old faces just to see history repeat itself. What's up guys? My name is RBG. And welcome another Transformers Top 10 video. This is something where we take the best and worst elements of the live action films and comprise them in top 10 rankings. For today's video I wanted to present a list of the saddest Autobots deaths. Because there have been a few that have undoubtedly tugged on fan's heart strings. It seems like that was something Michael Bay got right with each installment. As much as we may hate the way our favorite Autobot is portrayed or their design changes we eventually grow fund of them. And even miss them when they're replaced with newer members for the sake of selling toys. But without further ado here's a list of the top 10 Autobot deaths that kicked us in the gut and left us stunned.

#Transformers2019 #Top10
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"Bee, I think they`re going to kill us" - That just hurts different


Man bro i remember when ironhide died i almost had a heart attack i was in my feelings


Ngl as soon as he reached Ratchet, I felt like I was about to tear up.


When an Autobot dies: noooo😭
When a Decepticon dies: screw you, go to Cybertronian hell


Ironhide: *gives prime jazz* “We couldn’t save him
Prime: “aww Jazz..”

Now that part made me so sad


When jazz died I literally cried, i think i buried my jazz transformer when i was younger


Jazz: "you want a peice of me !? you want a peice !?"
Megatron: "non, i want 2"


Jazz hurt because he was my favorite and my first transformers toy.


Why do people keep forgetting that animated Optimus died as well


In terms of the Michael Bay movie, Ironhide's death hit me the hardest. I saw Jazz's demise coming but Sentinel came out of NOWHERE to shoot Ironhide from the back. I still haven't gotten over that.


Que’s has the saddest death he litteraly begged for mercy


To this day I'm surprised why many fans hate ratchet's death. Saying Michael Bay didn't care about him. He literally gave him such an emotional death we literally wanted Optimus to hunt humans. Humans! That man literally pulled out heart strings and made us emotional. He didnt disrespect him. He gave him a decent send off that tested Optimus' morals.


I loved the movie jazz's design more than any transformer from the movies, his death was absolutely depressing because he was infinitely cooler than bee, also his toy was my favorite back then until (ironic enough) my step brother ripped him in two just like megatron while I was outside. When I found out I was devastated then proceeded to hit him with said broken toy to avenge him. Never replaced it as since my dad got it for me it was extra special so I just kept playing with the broken toy for years


The Forest fight was a homage to how strong a Prime can be
using the Matrix of Leadership. Optimus was outnumbered and
beaten, but he taps into the Matrix of Leadership for the strength
to protect Sam.


I can’t thank you enough for giving Iron Hide #2 on this list, he is my #1 favorite character in the franchise, and I was super mad when they decided to kill him off


“ was it because he was a brother” made them tears come out my eyes but they turned into tears of laughter 😂


I remember I saw Iron Hide's death. I asked my Grandma "Is he going to be OK?" She literally didn't what was going on and she said "I don't know" I was so sad


Thank goodness Jazz was first cause he is the OG transformer, we all love and hope he comes back.


I agree mostly. But i must say that Ironhide's death struck me hard. I didn't expect such a scene which adds the dramatism.


Ironhide and Ratchets deaths hit me the hardest. I remember crying so much in theaters after seeing Ironhide die, same for ratchet, Those were my 2 out of my 4 favorites in the bayverse.
They didn't deserve what happened to them, but due to the toys I guess they were just tired of making them, and had ideas for new toys, that's probably one of the reasons they were killed off.
