Arduino Basics: Introduction to Libraries

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Welcome back everyone! Be sure to subscribe. This is the final video for this round of Arduino Basics. Today we talk about Arduino Libraries and their possible uses with Model Railroads!
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Another nice bit of information for us beginners. Also, trains!


Very cool video! Thats one thing I always wanted to know how to do it run two libraries at once!


Very nice Jimmy...I always had a little trouble understanding libraries and how to use them. This cleared it up for me a lot. I have a lot of ideas that i want to use Arduino for, like using servos for turnouts and crossing gates etc. My DCC is Arduino based (DCC++) and I love it. I think it does everything any other DCC system does, but I'm not sure (never used DCC before this). I have an old WIFI router that is connected to an very old very slow computer(running windows 7) with JMRI on it to use Withrottle to control trains with my phone. I want to figure out how to add a power booster in. I have a medium sized HO layout with a double track main line so more power would be nice. I'm not having any trouble running two Locos, but I'm thinking I am going to need more amps to run more than that IDK...Loved the runbys, your layout looks great...Sorry for rambling on...Thank You for everything Tom


What about automating the layout. Controlling the turnouts and trains using the Arduino without any user interference would be great to set up at a display.


hi Jimmy... another awesome info vid.. thx for sharing.. vinny


Good explanation of the libraries. Off the subject foe a minute, I see you have Norfolk Southern on your layout. Why did you go with that? And I do have a reason for asking. -Jack


What type of grade crossing signal are you using and how is it operated.


salut à tous et à toutes. D'abord j'aimerais dire que je suis fan de cette chaine, j'adore ces vidéos. Je fais presque les mêmes sur ma chaine mais je ne fais que débuter pour l'instant alors s'il vous plaît allez jeter un œil à ma chaine et si elle vous plaît abonnez vous.

