What is the RIVAL Type of Each of the 16 Personalities

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Which of the 16 Myers-Briggs Types are the biggest rivals? Could it be the INTJ and INTP? What about the ENTP and ISTJ? We'll analyze the personality types to draw a conclusion about which types may have the most competition... and conflict.

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The 16 Personalities of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator are INFJ, INTJ, INFP, ISFP, INTP, ISTP, ISFJ, ISTJ, ENFP, ENTP, ESTP, ESFP, ENTJ, ESTJ, ENFJ, ESFJ

#16Personalities #16Types #MBTI #MyersBriggs #INFJ #INFP #INTJ #INTP #ENTP #ENFP
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As an ISTP i can confirm I didn't watch this whole video because there were no timestamps and no one commented the time stamps


Interesting. I'm infp, and my infj sister and I often watch these videos and have long and riveting discussions about our functional differences. Still drives me nuts that everything she does is orderly and elegant, while my work bears the mark of a perpetual child.


As an INTP, I was very much suspecting INTJ is the rival type. I hope you do a sketch of types interacting with their rival type


EP - Struggles with being stuck or controlled
IJ - Struggles with unnecessary chaos
EJ - Struggles with being socially rejected
IP - Struggles with being misidentified by society

EP - seeks variety and options
IJ - seeks certainty and control
EJ - seeks love and connection from others
IP - seeks significance in their own identity


INFJ married to an INFP. I always describe our relationship as: we have the same toolbox but we use our tools in the opposite way. Having the same toolbox makes us connect at the deepest level, that's why we get along so well. But in the day to day, we create frustration (INFJ to INFP) and stress (INFP to INFJ) to each other because we are exact opposites in the way our brains function.


This makes sense bc I’m an INTP and my sister is an INTJ and we are ALWAYS at each others throats bc she’s super inflexible and by the book and I am very much not

** for the record I get along just fine with my other siblings


Just thinking of entp and entj being rivals just makes me think of an epic standoff between the god of control and the god of chaos


I'm ENFP and my coworker bestie is ENFJ, and we agree on many things, but when I tell you they are for COMPLETELY different reasons, I crack up every time, because I'm always expecting her reasons to be like mine, and they hardly ever are, but we reach the same conclusion on so many things. It's hilarious


As an INFJ, I've always butted heads with ISTJs and ESTJs, probably because we share none of the same functions, and my Inuitive nature drives them crazy!


As a INTP who tested as INTJ and ENTP too, I agree I'm rival of myself, but we are bestie at the same time.


*INTJ* here ☆ *INTPs* tend to be competitive, *ENTJs* stay in their own lane usually, *INFJs* are often friends & they have emotional manipulation skills which I lack. *ESTPs* tend to try to copy me. And ultra *sensory/feeler types* are usually very confused by me. That's been my personal experience


In socionics these relations between rivals are called quasi-identical, because for example an INTP and and INTJ can look very similar from the outside: Both are calm and collected, somewhat "cold" and struggling with the emotional, into weird niche interests and represent the typical intellectual in general.

But when you look a bit deeper, they couldn't be any more different: The INTP is interested into meticulous, logical accuracy while the INTJ does not care too much about the details and sees thinking more as a tool to serve their intuition. But regarding Ne, where the INTP on the other hand can get somewhat "careless" and less meticulous, the INTJ is much more focused and "strict". So they are both meticulous and careless in opposite areas and want completely different things but finally can end up in similar places because they still both care about NT in general.


I, INFJ, had a INFP friend. We got along with and helped each other just fine but when it came to helping a friend we would get in the biggest arguments. We always thought that the way the other person is helping our friend is wrong and not helping.


infj here - infp i absolutely always feel like you're ahead of me in the sense that you are much more attuned to your feelings and less likely to be a martyr and self-sacrifice your own for others (ha ha @me), though i think that you feel like us infjs are passing you sometimes because you don't track your progress and stagnate more often sometimes (even tho ur incredibly talented)


It makes sense. I’m an INTP and my two closest friends are INTJ and ENTP. And our friendship is very friendly competition focused. Lots of debating. I’m not a competitive person at all, until I’m hanging out with them. And then I must win!


I laughed so hard when he said “this person does/think everything wrong, yet he is next to me.” As an INTP before clicking this video, the INTJ was on my mind. I had this healthy rival in my high school days who was an INTJ, and we were literally telling each other “I’m gonna win” whenever we’re debating, or finding out the criminal in Agatha novels, or watching a thriller mystery movies to expect the end, or even getting the highest grade in a physics test. (Spoiler: I won most of the time, if not always.)


I'd like to see:
16 Personalities Interacting With Their Rival Type
16 Personalities Interacting With Their Second Most Similar Type (Share the same Aux function)
16 Personalities Interacting With Their Third Most Similar Type (Different Dom and Aux, but in the same temperament)


I am an INFP and my husband is an INFJ, which are supposedly rival types, yet we've been married for 46 years and are happy together. We get along well and enjoy each other's company.


As an INFP I kind of think of ENFPs as my rival because we are much the same except ENFPs are able to sort of float through life and everyone loves them. Meanwhile I’m seen as the weird one and struggle to find my place in the world.

Edit: I don’t mean to say I don’t like ENFPs. I actually love you guys. It’s just annoying that we get labeled as the crybaby type while ENFPs are seen as the fun fancy free types. I don’t care that much about it so no need for consoling just a twinge of jealousy is all.


INTP here, and I actually agree with this video. I know an INTJ. We're in the same class and I do see him as my rival. It can also be because he always ranks number 1 in most of the exams while I rank 2 or 3. But also he just seems in a way very similar yet very different than me. We are mostly introverts, None of us have a lot of friends, Both of us take studying very seriously but on the other hand, he is despite being an introvert pretty good at talking to people which I'm terrible at. He's also extremely and honestly terrifyingly organised. He's also better at class than I am somehow. But also I'm more artistic than him. I write poems and such which I'm sure he can not do.
