Sony A7iv After 34,307 Photos... Any Regrets?

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Here is my long term review of the Sony A7iv, Sony's hybrid camera that i've used for wedding photography throughout the 2023 season. Does APS-C S&Q mode bother me? Is 33mp enough?

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i love my A7IV. i mainly do concert photography but hoping to branch out into sports photography/videography soon


Thanks for the tip on different set for still/mv! That has bugged me for years!🎉


I own the A7iv and it's being my work horse for nearly 2 years. Alot from rugby, pride parades, wedding anniversarys and others. I did the get the A7cii because I said this to myself last year that Sony will make a compact A7iv and i got my wish however its mainly for non client work and holidays.


I own an a7IV as well and I don't regret it 1 bit. I am, however, looking forward to the a7sIV to come out because I've been mostly invested in video work lately and the dual native ISO on the "video" cameras has been on wishlist for a while.
Great looking pics and videos, as a wedding editor I loved the shots you put in the video, the colours look fantastic. Keep going 💪❤


I’ve been using my A7iv as purely a camera for my Leica 35mm Summicron v4 KOB.
No regrets. Limitless Leica photos.
I use it to digitize my film negatives too.
I don’t even own a AF lens for my Sony.


Cool little update buddy - what do you think about the new A9 III announced today


I’m thinking about making the switch to the a7rv only because I’ve had nothing but problems with my a7iv. I did lots of research and seems like it’s only affecting the people who preordered this camera, but now I’m unable to rely on it. I’ve sent it in 2ce now to be fixed and I’m contemplating if I should own two cameras, especially if this breaks on me during a really important shoot.


After comparing A7IV video footage to A7SIII I'd say A7IV looks better. And low light performance is great and here is why, even though IV has second dual ISO at 3200 (SLog3) and A7SIII has second at (12800), 3200 is better IMHO because first of all, if don't have enough exposure at 3200 ISO on f2.8 lens, you need to add light to the scene anyway. 12800 is an overkill IMHO and is usable in low light for either 4 and higher fstops or slow motion. I have tested A7IV during night in urban situations and ISO3200, f2.8 lens (Tamron 28-75mm g2) and it works fantastic. there is some minor noise in dark places that have little to no light but compared to A7SIII it's more usable. If I use A7SIII on 12800 ISO in similar situations I'm overexposing and getting nothing in return; also A7IV has much much sharper looking image and the details are pure perfection. Even the iso noise looks great and can easily be removed with light noise reduction (davinci resolve) or you can add grain and it will perfectly blend with it.

+ A7IV can shoot amazing photos and costs half of what A7SIII costs - that's why I got two and getting the third for my podcast setup (replacing the a7iii)


2:15 Hi Danny, great video! Sorry, what lens/lenses are these lovely a7iv shots taken with? Thanks!


I'm a Fuji guy, but sony cameras look like a great platform for more professional work


Im thinking to switch from apsc to fullframe, and now i get the sony a7iv or waiting for the A7V what you think ?


I want to upgrade my canon 5dmk3, should i buy a7s3 or a74 in 2024?


What do you think about getting a7c ii over a7iv?


Which is best camera of photography and videography
Sony A7c vs sony 6700
Plz suggest mi which is best for hybrid shooting


Before i watch this, for some reason, the a7iii and the a7iv me off and make me irrationally angry. I think i hate that they are so loved when they make so many compromises. But im a poor boy and i cant afford an a1 that makes no compromises lol
