how to survive A-ROOMS ENTITIES(best guide to help reach A-1000) | DOORS ROBLOX

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the only guide you will need to learn how to survive the entities in the secret room at door 60 in doors roblox

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Ngl, A-120 has gotta be the most disturbing entity in the rooms. Like, when you hear the noise, you just gotta hide and the most unsettling thing is, whenever you hide in the lockers, it knows you are in there but can't do anything because it's just a face and that's it.


For a-90, moving you camera and looking around counts as moving and you will take damage. If you die a lot to him, that’s why.


Tip if you're soloing this: Bring the Doors Flashlight. There will be plenty of batteries for you to recharge it through your run, so don't worry too much about running out.


a-90 can also attack while a-60 is coming, and it’s pretty common, So when you are at around door 120, always expect an a-90 attack when you hear a-60.


I know I’m late but as a person with A-1000 myself, I suggest bringing a regular flashlight as it helps you see much better than the Rooms flashlight. It also has more time of usage than the rooms flashlight, so you won’t have to worry about recharging it almost every few seconds. And plus, batteries are not that rare to find in the Rooms. You may buy it in the pre-run shop, or the mid-run shop. I usually buy it in the pre-run shop, since it is risky to go to Jeff, because he may not sell it. But if you are lucky enough, to get it in the mid-run shop, you’ve basically saved knobs. Whenever I’m helping someone to TRY to get A-1000, I buy lockpicks and a flashlight. I tell them to try to buy a flashlight too. Lockpicks are really good in this scenario because of locked loot chests. Most of them have lockpicks in them, but I am very cautious when it comes to that. I rarely every do this. A few times, it had nothing but coins, so I had to find a lockpick. Big drawers (the one that spawn with keys, or one room with the broken window you have to crouch through) are good too.

Speed running to rooms:
I suggest using rushing a bit ahead when rush/ ambush spawns. Use any safe spots you absolutely know work. This will help you go a bit faster. If you want to go faster, only loot in rooms with locks. Also, if you want more speed, have a vitamin or two with you. Use them at the best time possible to help you get to the Rooms’ Rooms faster.

The reason I have a whole topic of rush is because he may spawn at room 61. When you get there, IMMEDIATELY GO DOWN INTO THE BASEMENT. Or you can hide in the closet at room 60. Also why am I calling it room? Anyway, that’s rush’s topic covered right there.

Ambush: Again, if he spawns and you use vitamins to get to door 60/61, same thing for rush.

A-90: A-90 may be one of the most annoying entities in rooms. He isn’t the number 1 annoying one though. When he spawns with a-60, most of the time your already in the locker. If your not, he’s actually kind of saving you, if you move or not (if your health is not 90, or below.) by delaying a-60. A-90 is a very easy entity to deal with the further you go, OR the more times you go to the rooms

A-120: A-120 is the most annoying entity. He is very terrifying, since he tracks every player down if their not hiding. Im not even sure there is a single safe spot for rooms and the rooms entities won’t kill you. Most of the time he rebounds, wasting your time. He can spawn with a-90 as well. I don’t know what a-90 does to a-120. Maybe pauses, I don’t know. A-120 stops you from opening the next door. So the first time your in rooms, if your lucky and skillful enough to get to him, you’ll probably just go ahead to the next room to open it. But what do you know? You can’t. A-120 makes you go back a room or two, in some scenarios. You may have to use vitamins if you were afk for a short time. In scenarios that there’s a locker in the room that he spawns, then your perfectly fine. Also, don’t get out of the locker unless he is gone. He may make little sound when he rebounds, then it becomes loud. A-120 is an Ambush like entity.

A-60 is a Rush like entity, and he spawns near his door number. In some cases, he spawns a bit earlier. For me once he spawned at room A-059, which I didn’t really care about. A-60 spawns with A-90 more commonly the further you are into the rooms. He is faster than rush so get into a locker as fast as possible. A-90 delays A-60, so don’t worry when A-90 comes at all. A-60 I believe just goes to the next door, and doesn’t go near everyone’s locker, like A-120.

Yes, you may be wondering why Glitch is here. Glitch is basically The Void in Rooms. So yeah, I don’t need to explain. Okay, fine, I’ll explain something. If your too far behind, Glitch will teleport you back to your friend(s).

Things you shouldn’t worry about:
Number 1 thing is hide. Hide doesn’t exist for Rooms, so you could just afk there and hide forever.
Every other Doors Entity.

Rooms Flashlight:
A very standard light source. It requires you to shake it for it to “charge” back up. The Doors Flashlight is better. If you don’t have it, then this is your go-to. Lighters, candles, and any other light source I’m missing other than the rooms and doors flashlight is trash for Rooms. It has a green color that lights up the room. It’s color makes it a bit bad, though.

This is short for what people call “The Rooms Tablet.” It is your reward for beating the Rooms and getting to A-1000. I have mine in The Rift, and I never take it out. Last time I took it out, the game couldn’t load. So I had to do the WHOLE thing over again to get it back. Everyone wants this, and I can understand why.

The Rooms’ Modifiers:
Stop Right There is a modifier that makes A-90 spawn. It may spawn at the most worst times, like at The Seek Chase, or when your running from Figure at door 100. I have no idea if it stops Rush or Ambush, but all I know is that people use it sometimes.
Room For More is another Rooms Modifier that has a really good name. It is a modifier that activates all the Rooms entities.
A-120 advantage: You can hide in drawers with coins inside them if you don’t take all of them for Rush, Ambush, A-60 AND A-120.

Back On Track: This is a badge if you take an exit that is a shortcut. It will teleport you back to Doors. The first one is near A-200.

A-1000: This achievement explains itself. You earn this badge by going all the way to A-1000, and successfully beating The Rooms.

The Rooms takes about 2 hours to beat. So I would do it on a Friday, or Saturday night. Or the morning of a weekend or a free day off of school because of whatever reason it is.

The Rift:
The rift is key if you want to save The Rooms Flashlight or the NVCS-3000 for another match with your friends, or just to look at.

The Crucifix:
This doesn’t work on any of the Rooms entities at all, so your toast. Especially for A-60 or A-120. No chance at all unless you hide last second for absolutely no reason at all.

It doesn’t show when any Rooms entities come, but it does KIND OF work. It lights up the area for you a bit, but it’s a waste if you use it, because it is most useful in the Greenhouse.

Knobs: Knobs are one of the MOST things you want to get in The Rooms, since you want your hard work to pay off another way, don’t you? Gold is the way to do that. It depends on the amount of gold you are starting with. I start with somewhere near 1, 000 gold, to get me ready for the ENORMOUS amount of knobs I am going to make in the amazing dimension of The Rooms.

Guaranteed items in The Rooms:
No other item will spawn in The Rooms, and don’t get me wrong, the NVCS-3000 and The Rooms’ Flashlight are there, but they won’t really “spawn.” They are guaranteed on a room. The NVCS-3000 is guaranteed to be found on A-1000, and The Rooms’ Flashlight is guaranteed on A-000.

Curious Light:
Since Guiding Light is not here, do not expect him to LIGHT the room that you are on if your are stuck. And don’t expect Curious Light to do it either, since he’s not the type of guy to do that thing for you. Curious Light barely gives you any tips, only for A-90. It says “it detects movement.” Curious Light is considered an entities, making there be 5 ENTITIES in The Rooms.

List of All Entities:
Curious Light

Emergency moments:
Whenever your in an emergency, use a spare vitamin or if you don’t have one, look for the nearest locker if it is for A-60 or A-120. If it’s for A-60, it’s probably already too late if A-90 didn’t spawn with him.
If it is an emergency for A-90, your probably gonna die anyway, since the bug of A-90 killing you the next time he comes and tries to attack will probably occur. This bug is unknown, and no one knows if it is meant to happen, anyway.

The flashlight and candle will help you here the most. The Rooms Flashlight is not the best light source to take in The Hotel. The NVCS-3000 doesn’t tell you where the next door is. The candle will tell you when Rush is coming, and it detects Eyes and Screech too. It is all dark, too.

Door 100: The NVCS-3000 will help you find all the elevator fuses. It is also good to put in the rift too. It is a very helpful item, since it makes Figure way way easier.

Second Rift: So there’s now this place called the “Backdoor” outside the lobby. Yes outside. You can go outside now. (Don’t worry, no grass.) and if you search hard enough you’ll find it. Once you enter, the first door will be -50. Basically meaning you’ll have to go 50 doors to get to door 0. But to get the second rift, you’ll have to get 100 coins and buy the giant potion at the end. You’ll need to go to door 100 without an item in the rift (take it out if you have one) and place the potion in. The potion will spawn another rift. So put anything (or maybe your item that you took out!) you want!

Edit: Wow… I completely forgot about this! Thank you all for the support and let me know if you’d like any more guides!


for A-120, there's a chance that he'll come back a second time at you, but it's rather uncommon. There's even a chance he'll trick u into thinking he's gone, but the sounds he make are very feint. Should he be far for a moment, but not gone and he comes back, he does so very quickly. If in a locker, you'll see his smiley face for a second in front of you as he drops through the ground and disappears.


tip: DO NOT leave your locker until A-120's noise stops. Like Ambush, it can rebound and kill you if you get off early.


Tip: always enter the rooms on full health so you can tank a-90 once.


A-90 jumpscare is violent 💀, it's not predictable so you get jumpscared easily



TL;DR: Turn around a look for a closet on the previous room for A120

A120 isn’t exactly like A60 and Rush, his spawn requirements only check if the previous room has closets, so when you go into a room and A120 attacks sometimes there isn’t a closet in that room, so once you hear him coming, don’t look into the room you just opened for a closet, instead turn around and look for a closet in the previous room. I learned this the hard way, Good Luck!

Extra: Of course if you see a room with closets once you open the door you can just hide in one of those, but if you’re not sure the next room has closets it’s a good idea to just turn around since there’s a guaranteed closet in the previous room.


I died right now at A-963 and i noticed some things, so here is my tips:
1 Very often A-90 comes when you evading from A-60 first time
2 After 200+ rooms on metal T-room you can get A-120 and when you run back A-90 can spawn too (not 100% anyways get ready)
3 Every 100th room passed you get less and less loot
4 Just in case, keep 1 life-saving vitamins
5 A-90 can hit you if you go in locker when it appears on 0, 5 secs OR if you move in same time when it disappears
6 If you hear A-120 or A-60 you have time to run through 2 rooms forward or back (not 100%)
7 Candle dont emit light in the rooms


im glad doors added the game they were inspired off of! i remember playing rooms with friends and it was super fun, and im happy doors made it much more scarier than it used to be lol


I wanna add that entities may also trigger in rooms with no lockers, but it's pretty rare and unlucky I think. There's also a very small chance for entities to trigger before their assigned rooms. So, you're never really safe :)
Edit: I also wanna mention, to be crystal-clear, that A-90 is *the only entity that can trigger ANYTIME during your gameplay*(even before door A-90). This means that it could spawn at random even when you're in the middle of walking in the room you're currently in (I actually am in the middle of a run in the rooms and heard A-90 trigger sometimes as I'm typing this)


tips : a-120 can come back just like ambush, always wait until you hear no drum sounds at all before coming out of your hiding spot


So as i can tell A-120 actually targets your current location to kill you, so you can't just go under the bridge to the next room to avoid A-60's attack.


another tip about a-120, it can spawn in any room with or without lockers. BUT the room behind the room it spawned will ALWAYS have lockers.


A-120 hits different then the other rooms monsters just something about A-120 just gives me the chills


I think I know why the Crucifix doesn't work in Rooms. Rooms is another dimension from Doors since Rooms is an actual Roblox game that has nothing to do with Doors, since it was released earlier than Doors. Guiding light is in the Doors dimension and the Crucifix is powered by guiding light so it doesn't work since guiding light doesn't have any control over Rooms. This is the same for the candle. Curious light is the one over control of Rooms, but he can't control the Crucifix because he is from the Rooms dimension.


Finally Someone who goes into depth with these entities! Great Job!


I feel like a lot was left unmentioned, purely because a-120 can double back so you should stay in the locker until the drumming completely disappears. Also a-90 will damage if you enter a locker as the jumpscare is happening
