A SURPRISING Truth About Infant Salvation

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A comforting truth to Christians who have lost their infants.
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"David’s servants said to him, “Why are you doing this? When the baby was still alive, you fasted and you cried. Now that the baby is dead, you get up and eat food.”

"David said, “While the baby was still alive, I fasted, and I cried. I thought, ‘Who knows? Maybe the Lord will feel sorry for me and let the baby live.’ But now that the baby is dead, why should I fast? I can’t bring him back to life. Someday I will go to him, but he cannot come back to me.” -2 Samuel 12

Seems to imply Heaven :)


❤ Todd, in 1997 my 17yo son Anthony was killed in a horrific car crash. I raised my 2 sons and 1 daughter as christian, not charismatic but Bible/Jesus believing. I worried so much and drove myself over whether or not my son was saved. I just couldn't remember at the time until my sister in Christ Judy of many years called me to remind me of a day that she took her son and my son Anthony to church, they both went forward to repent and ask Jesus to be their Lord and Savior and were both baptized that day. I finally remembered that day and I thank God for her calling to remind me. Since then in 2019 my other son Marcus also died. But I knew my son Marcus was saved and was able to get through losing both my son's through God's love and grace. I have one child left, my daughter who is currently struggling with addiction to fentanyl and meth. I would appreciate prayers on her behalf. Thank you for covering this subject Todd. It's so vital to get our children saved, to repent and to ask Jesus to be their Lord and Savior. That's our job as their parents. God bless you and your whole family Todd ✝️🙏❤️


God has a special love for Children. Jesus even said you have to become like a child (in Spirit) to enter his Kingdom. Matthew 18:3-5


I do understand the emotion when it comes to my child. I deeply love my children and grandchildren and it would be incredibly heartbreaking and painful to lose one or to have something terrible happen to one of them.
Unfortunately, though, sometimes those emotions overwhelm people and people essentially hold God hostage. In their own wicked hearts.

I did not create my children or grandchildren. God is the one that gives them life and breath.

The command and what I think is clearly the right mind and heart set in order to give us real and lasting peace is Matthew 10:37


I hope so but am not prepared to be dogmatic on this issue. I am one of those parents he spoke of but I trust in the perfect judge to judge perfectly and I’m satisfied with that. He saved me while I was a God hating sinner, I know that dogmatically ❤️🙏


That means every single aborted baby is in heaven, every single baby that belonged to Satanists that were sacrificed are also in heaven.


There needs to be a forum to discuss the age of accountability. This has not been discussed in depth and it is a subject in Christianity that is of great importance. At what age is a person eligible for Hell?


Jesus even said unless you become like these children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. He didn’t say to the children unless you become like these adults. They are completely dependent on God to provide for them what they need and to protect them from harm.


God is sovereign and His ways and thoughts are above ours. I can say I do not know, but our hope is in Christ alone.


I concur.... I wonder what kind of Fire and
Brimstone message He would bring forth if He knew about the Millions upon Millions of Babies Aborted today out of mear convenience . I'm sure they are All Rolling in their Grave's.., ...so to speak...


I remember seeing an out of body experience in which a woman died as she aborted her child. When she died, God took her to heaven where she saw every aborted, died young, miscarried child. There was all safe, happy, clothed and fed.

So, I think it’s most likely that they go to heaven. But I saw this a while ago so I’m not really sure.


This should be titled " the surprising truth of what Charles Spurgeon *said* about infant salvation"


BTW . Though I have tremendous respect and appreciation for his teaching and preaching, Charles Spurgeon is just a man. He is not the word of God


What about our disabled children? If they have no true understanding, are they saved from judgment? Do they need baptism despite not knowing what's happening?


He. As known in his era as the prince of preachers!


Just because he wanted to be tender ... does not mean it is biblical.


We want to be very careful we do not make our pets and loved ones being in heaven a deal breaker for God is no respector of men.


Babies go to heaven bc they are innocent. They don’t know right from wrong. They can’t go to hell


Christians should hope, i.e. believe, their infants dying in infancy are in heaven but the Bible doesn't support extending this beyond his people.

First, infants are saved by grace - they don't deserve heaven.

Second, David had this hope of his child because of God's covenant grace.

Third, we have this hope because we are in the same covenant with the same grace as David. This is a huge strike against Baptists - infants belong to the kingdom of heaven therefore they must be represented in the church. It's at this point Baptists steal the comfort that only rightly belongs to those who include infants in the church (i.e., the visible representation of God's people) and in covenant through baptism. Though don't misunderstand me, i want those who have lost babies to have this comfort. Just come to the greatest comfort which is God loves your children more than you so much so that he places his name upon them in baptism and includes them in his covenant of grace.


This is huge issue when Christians believe everyone optains eternal life. It just depends where you experience it. Believing in conditional immortality, this question is not so vexing for me.
