AMD Unveils Ryzen 9 3900x 12 Core, Shows Off Radeon RX 5700, And So Many Leaks Were Wrong

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AMD has just announced its next-generation 7nm based, Ryzen 3000 series CPUs with up to 12 cores and 24 threads at Computex 2019.

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The AdoreTV leaks were based on the 2018 expectations about the 2019/2020 PC market. The 1700X and 1900X technical specs did meet the technical specs as predicted by AdoreTV, only the 1800X was off. It is simple: After the recently leaked Intel roadmap, AMD does not need the higher spec 12 core nor the 16 cores anymore and they can demand higher prices and still bury Intel . AMD is in the business of maximizing profits and not in the business of satisfying customer expectations.

Technically, they did hit a wall around 4.5 GHz instead of the expected 5.0 GHz (AdoreTV). Just compare the 1800X and the 1700X, a turbo of 100 GHz more at the cost of 40 Watt. Forget overclocking these CPUs, you will need very expensive cooling to reach the high 4.x GHz values. .

I'm very happy! All CPUs can run at my cheap B450 Asrock motherboard, that only supports up to 105 Watt CPUs :)
No need for AMD to replace the Threadrippers in a hurry, their 16, 24 and 32 core CPUs remain very competitive and that is why they will not release the 16-core Ryzen soon. They are not in the business of reducing profits by competing with their own products.


Thank you so much WccftechTV! Yee exciting🐾🐾


Paul on Red Gaming Tech is convinced that Navi is using revised edition of GCN even though Lisa Su categorically said that Navi is NOT using GCN but a brand new arch called R-DNA. Full RTG disclosure on 10th June 2019.


Memorial Day, no work tomorrow...I mean today, so can stay up late for AMD news. Thanks Wccftech ! Great news from AMD too!!


People are saying Jim from Adored TV got it all wrong. I do not think so. He got the big picture stuff dead right, but details like prices and clock speeds not so much. He went off on a tangent with the leaks he received that had some details wrong, but I think his valuable work was how he deduced that Zen 2 would be 7nm chiplets running everything from APUs to server chips. He worked that out when everybody was expecting a monolithic die. He also correctly said there will be a 16 core CPU using these chiplets and it would be a mainstream desktop part, rather than HEDT. That is massive when not so long ago we were being told four cores is all we need for gaming. He also got it right about IPC and efficiency gains from 7mn node.

p.s. I think when those leaks happened 5ghz might have been a target. I read the motherboards were having heat issues related to PCIe 4.0, so perhaps they dialed them back to 4.6ghz due to that. The max TDP on the Ryzen 9 part that has 12 cores is still 105 watts, which is the same as the 2700x. I think it looks like they chose the promised support for older AM4 while still introducing PCIe 4.0, rather than push up to much higher TDP to get near 5ghz and not have that backward compatibility. Some of the tech channel were also speculating this is why the 16 core CPU exists but was not released. Maybe.


I'm pleased with the announcement.
Despite not hitting 5ghz that 12 core looks worthy.
Wouldn't be surprised if AMD is being a little conservative, With AIO water cooling we might see 5ghz anyway or at least have all cores running permanently on that boost clock.


The leaks arrived last year, they had enough time to change strategy, they have to have a card up their sleeve for when Intel shows up, lets hope E3 bring us more exciting AMD news.


14 FPS on the new 3DMark bench scene for 9900K+2080ti compared to 25 FPS for a Ryzen 3800X+RX 5700...hmm interesting. Still gonna wait on those 3rd party reviews before pulling the trigger in July.


Ryzen lineup makes me ashamed of my 5820K. Good thing is I can go back to AMD with pride. Last AMD system I had was the FX 8350 then I caved in to intel. From now on team red all the way .


I would upgrade to a 6v/12t ryzen 3000.

Ryzen 5 3600 $199 TAKE MY MONEY.


RX570 is now 5700, RX580 5800, etc... sounds so logical!


I don't understand why so many people were expecting 12 cores to be $300ish+ price when competitors 8 core costs 500$ today.
I was saying it will be about 500$ because AMD is not stupid and they exist to make money and not to give free presents. I also think we won't see 16 cores CPU until nm7+. It will all depend on what competitors can introduce. If nothing significant we stay where we are if something significantly better than what they have now then we will see 16 cores.
PS: you don't need any leaks for these simple calculations.


Its a good time for AMD to get a piece of that pie.. #2020


She said GCN isn't completely gone. there will also be GCN chips still in the works.


Wait so how many core was the 3700x and 65 watts?🔥♥️👍 That's pretty good now how does that IPC compares to itel gaming wise? If it's the same price as the 9700k steal.


3800x or 3900x I can't decide please help


Its amazing that i can spend so little on the 3700x and have way better performance than my 6700k but im getting the 3900x.


I decided early on not to jump on the 5GHz-hype train. In my mind, if the architecture did 4.5GHz and IPC improvements of ~10% I would be happy and would upgrade. They surpassed that. And we still know nothing about overclocking... perhaps this gen handles it better than 1:st gen.
So I must say that on a whole I consider this CPU generation a great step in the right direction and almost exactly where I mentally expected/hoped it to land.
The price is still well within "way better value than Intel"-territory and what can Intel respond with now? Sure, they paper launch a 9900KS, but that sounds like a halo product that might not show up in any real volume and that most definitely will be pretty costly. But it at least appears on paper they have a response.
Looking at Intel in most scenarios, what you gain from going from 4.5GHz to 5GHz isn't actually that much though. Especially if you game on it which is what most people staring blindly at frequency seems to be doing. If you do other heavy stuff, you most likely want the cores that 9900KS won't have.


keith sorry i thought you were the editor in chief. googled it. my bad


looks good.. even if 499 is a bit higher than I would have preferred (free would be best).. it's still half the price of intel.. which is kinda nuts even if the performance difference had been much smaller.. and 105W versus 165W for intel..
