Fortnite but 390Hz (POV)

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Fortnite Sens: 3.8% , 800 dpi
Socials :
🔹️Creator code 'Vainsz' (epicpartner)
Want to suggest content ideas? Submit it here!
♦️Settings video (Fortnite, Recording, Rendering)
- Some of the links down below are amazon affiliate links. If you buy items using the links,
I will earn some commission from it without you paying any extra cost. So thankyou :)
Keyboards :
Peripherals :
🔸️Mousepad : Artisan Hien
🔸️Monitor : Acer Nitro XV2252Q 390hz
🔸️2nd Monitor : Iiyama 27 144hz 2560x1440
My Computer (PC) Parts :
Socials :
🔹️Creator code 'Vainsz' (epicpartner)
Want to suggest content ideas? Submit it here!
♦️Settings video (Fortnite, Recording, Rendering)
- Some of the links down below are amazon affiliate links. If you buy items using the links,
I will earn some commission from it without you paying any extra cost. So thankyou :)
Keyboards :
Peripherals :
🔸️Mousepad : Artisan Hien
🔸️Monitor : Acer Nitro XV2252Q 390hz
🔸️2nd Monitor : Iiyama 27 144hz 2560x1440
My Computer (PC) Parts :
Fortnite but 390Hz (POV)
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