A DNA Test Reveals A Surprise in One Family Tree

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Genetic genealogist CeCe Moore has convinced dozens of her family members to take a look at the stories their DNA tells. See the surprising ancestral connection she found between her brother-in-law and a very famous American in this clip from the 2014 World Science Festival program, "It's All Relatives."

Original Program Date: May 29, 2014

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I could listen to Cece Moore all day. Great presenter, clear thinker, able to make a complicated subject understandable.


Thomas Jefferson and I have a common grandfather. His 3rd is my 8th. Christopher Branch. Our line splits from his two sons. The 1st born is his direct line, his 2nd born is mine.


I really want to get my Full DNA trace report. This is so amazing to me


Recently I took a My Heritage DNA Test. I was surprised to discover that on my mother's side I have Iberian, Greek and west Asian ancestry. On my father's side my ancestry is Scandinavian, which was not a surprise.


Perhaps, if everyone with ancestors in Southern US, took DNA tests It might change the attitudes about racism. We are all “children of God”, and following this credo, we must Love one another. We are all Human Beings and should recognize the dignity of all mankind! I pray every day for peace and healing in our sick, sad world! Divine Mercy, have mercy on us and on the whole 🌍🇨🇦🇨🇦✝️🙏🏽☮️☮️


Another person that grew up thinking he had indigenous blood, his granny lied to cover up the African roots.


Following the increasing percentages of ethnicity back in time, very useful technique!


Enjoy listening to her and the information she comes up with.


I did a DNA test and also found out that I did not have American Indian ancestory as I was told all my life but did find out I was 3% African-Caribbean from Barbados. I also found a lot of ancestory that I was never told about. Turns out I'm Swedish, Spanish, Italian, English, German, French and Slavic. 😎


Some slaves did have names listed in certain areas. They are also in the Federal Mortality schedules before the Civil War. Slaves over a hundred years of age were listed in almost all counties.
A story from a forgotten source tells of the resentment by slaveholders required to give slaves surnames. Most just gave their family surnames while others made up irrelevant names.
If you are tracing a family history, don't make an assumption.


Let's not forget Jefferson's daddy fathered Sally Hemmings and President Jefferson's wife. Hemmings' mother was full African (American).


So that meant his 4x great grandma was black


Whenever a girl dies a family tree ends


Why people all of sudden make this like some kinda surprise. Oh... I have x% of African in my blood...yay... Yeah... And ?


CeCe share dna with my sister and not with me, and her father and aunt share dna with my mom her first cousin. So i guess its via my mother her maternal grandparents and via Cece her father side but i think we will never figure out what ancestors is in between


White can’t find their Indian ancestry because they was switch from Indian to African Americans.. by white peoples


6% "African"...wow he's a regular Zulu warrior...SMH
Thanks for endorsing the ignorant, irrational, illogical (NON-SCIENTIFIC) "1-Drop-Rule".
Next you'll be telling us that Obama is really a "black" man with an inconveniently WHITE "mother".
Oh America...your silly race games will never end.
BTW...your brother-in-law with the 6% "African" is a WHITE man with a remote "African" relative...nothing more nothing less.
Silly WHITE Americans lookin' for a negro in the closet...smh


Jefferson would have had to be 150 ears old when he fathered the child spoken of in 1870. How can he be related to this man in any significant way? His great great gramdmother would have had to be black.


Many of you may say great a DNA test you can buy over the counter, the test can tell you so much about you, where you came from, and family tree information. All you do is take the test send the results to the company and in about two weeks' time, you get the results. Well, I like that too the only problem is that, if by chance, you get charged with a severer crime and a law enforcement agencies want to know everything there is to know about someone and if by chance you had taken that test and sent it in the information they want will already be on a national DNA data bank; forget about refusing to take a DNA test because if you buy the test send it in for the results every law enforcement government agency in the world will have your DNA on file; even the aliens will have the info. Even if there is a clause on the test package that says your test will remain private don't fall for it. Anyway, it's your life to do with it as you please.


What does this mean? It makes no sense. How is Thomas Jefferson involved in such a high percentage of African DNA? Do these people think we are fools.
