3 Things That Happen When Your Manifestation is Close!

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Three things that will happen before your manifestation arrives!!! 💃🏽💃🏽
1. You stop questioning your manifestation.
2. You stop looking for it in your 3D reality.
3. Anxiety will dissipate and confidence will start to increase.

Just a summary, listen to the full video for extra juicy bits! 😋

Thank you so much for all the great nuggets, Shelly🥰


i won the lottery. and the thing that stuck out to me during the manifesting process is Abraham Hicks, said..you will know that you know that you know it is here. more than just words. firstly you must know you will have your desire, then know that your desire is waiting for perfect timing, and finally you know there is nothing that can stop the momentum


Just to flesh out Shelly's 2nd point wherein she says, "the 3D reality is going to stop bothering you." What she means is what used to trigger you before (SP not texting back, SP not looking like they're interested, SP lives very far away, SP said this, SP did that, etc) will not trigger you anymore. And you cannot fake it. You cannot just declare, "The 3D won't stop bothering me anymore". You arrive there naturally once you have changed your state of being to the person who is deserving of their desire, or has their desire (whatever works for you). And you will know if you have changed or not because the things that used to bother you before *will come back* as a "test" for your state of being. Some manifesting teachers call this *echo* . If you have, then the manifestation will come shortly afterwards because the next step is the changing of the outer reality to reflect the change of your state of being.


I have manifested my sp back but I still get anxious if I don’t hear from him … but it’s the awareness and the confidence that “hey wait a minute!! I’m in control he’s going to ask me out to lunch today!” Guess what he called and asked me out to lunch TODAY🥰👌🏽 RELAX into the knowing and put yourself on the pedestal dang it!!

I manifested SP back in august and reconnected with him in person in September. All I did was ASSUME he misses me and wants to see me… 3D he kept saying “idk” and “I’m not ready for a relationship” blah blah blah. We’ve been dating since mid September! Lol ignore the 3D!!! Persist in your new story!! HE hasn’t said we are official but at this point I don’t need him to tell me when I already have what I want in our relationship! We spend all our free time together or with his family (mine is dysfunctional and we don’t gather often) this is what I wanted! A family who accepts me for me and I have it!! 🥺💕

Don’t give up!!


4:36 THIS is very key, when you believe in your inner creation more than anything, just like pure faith, it releases all negativity.


This is so accurate. I used to question and get anxious a lot before regarding my manifestations but now all I feel is confidence. I feel more powerful now also because I worked on myself a lot ♥️


I don’t even get too excited anymore because it feels so normal now! I just need to get into the “love” feelings to make it stronger! Working on that now. 🙂


By practicing the feeling of the end results, I changed naturally my bad habits without any efforts, I feel like i am transforming myself into the person who has the desire that I want ! I'm so happy to see movements in my own personnality 😁💖


This is true word. I thought I was doing wrong when I slowed down/felt the urge that I didn’t need to affirm like how I used to when I started, only to find out that’s a sign of completion.


I am in the Shelly club! One of the best channels on YT. Practicing over and over and over ( is the key) brought me the level of confidence & knowing of getting my wish. Did not come overnight but you just have to decide and commit to taking the time and feel the end result. I noticed changes in myself: feel more peaceful, positive & confident about life, but do not stop practicing. I actually started to enjoy the journey itself, cause it feels good! May all of our wishes come true 😊


I am manifesting going to live by my own and be financially independent. I can say that after i bought Shelly's course and practicing all the tecniques she talks about in her videos now the reality still bothers me, but surprisingly not as much as before. In these days i had an issue again with my family, our relation has never been simple and the happiest, after i fight with them normally i felt a void that took months to go away, not kiddin! Now just after an hour i'm back to myself and my state of the wish fulfilled. So glad Shelly that you mentioned this 😍 nothing during all these years has given me results! I tried and tried to change my reality, so hard, sometimes it's still hard maybe because of my strong past programming but now i have so many tools and i am much more confident, thank you 😘


I have to say sometimes these 3 are hard for people are because there's so much content out there saying "make it comes faster. You're blocking it because you said this word over another word, do this practice 5x a day not 1, etc." which can make you doubt if you're doing it "right" even though you were on your right path. It's great for there to be such an awakening and info out there, but sometimes it's overwhelming to be regularly hit with it, especially if it's coming from a good place.


I question no one about my Manifestation, because no one believes I will ever Hit "The Jackpot Lottery"!!!! (they say) "my family" they have to see it before they believe it, I say, you have to believe it, before you see it, so for that reason, I'm own my own....Thank You!!!! I feel very Bless to hear your message!!!!


My beautiful lady tells me she loves how confident I am when it comes to knowing what I want with her and where we are going. This is not just me saying it. When I first saw my beautiful lady in my work place I knew she was going to be mine and now she is but what I need to say is I saw us like you get a book and flick through the pages my life with her flashed before me and in this I saw us married living together and being the guy she has always wanted and now I can’t believe she wants me the way she does


When I first started to watch ur videos I knew never what you meant when u said that you will feel chosen on the inside … it would annoy me that I didn’t get it. It discouraged me from watching ur videos but then one thing lead to another I kept digging deep in I kept going back to myself and then finally it hit me I woke up and I felt chosen I felt loved I felt at peace. And now I can’t ever imagine anything differently and now I enjoy ur videos because I know exactly what ur talking about lol


Shelly is right. This is why my manifestation not here yet because down I still have a little doubt. I am not confident enough yet. Thanks Shelly I will work on that.. I knew something was wrong.


you have 111k subscribers 🎉✨ THIS is a definite sign !


Once i could just say SP is my wife. When i stopped stressing over the 3d world and I stopped questioning everything my SP showed up. Thank you SB


I my manifestation close now and I know it, Ms. Shelly!


I really needed to hear this today. Because I did something out of the ordinary for me (a really nice gesture) and then I sent myself into a tailspin 😢
