I rode 100 ̶m̶i̶ km on a $100 Walmart fixie, so you don't have to.

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For lightweight, top-tier steel bikes, check out Wabi Cycles:

Walmart bikes have a reputation for being heavy, unreliable bikes that are a waste of money, but are they really as bad as everyone says? To find out, I rode 100 km on a Walmart fixie, so you don't have to.

Fixie Famous Shoutout:
Evan Clement
Joey Rapalo
Marek Dravecky

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Michael Rector
Austin Fowler
Pat Bateman

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#walmartfixie #fixie #metriccentury
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I'm imagining the poor guy who took that free fixie, pedalled up to speed and tried to freewheel...


The alternative you recommended costs 8-12 times the price. That's like saying don't buy a Civic when a LaFerrari will do...


New to cycling? Do NOT be discouraged by this video, Zach and people like Zach!

I rarely ever comment on Youtube videos but I had to on this one. Zach and purist like Zach are the reason why so many people are afraid to even begin their cycling journey. I have bikes that range up to $3k and MOST of the time I ride my Wal-Mart Fixie, the exact same bike he rides in this video. I've now had it for less than a year and have put 1k miles on it. Other than regular maintenance, this bike holds up! He wants to like it but moreover wants to be super cool by dogging the bike. I used to look to Zach's videos for guidance but this will be the last for me.

Things I noticed and spent way too much time breaking down so you don't have to and yes I live in my mom's basement, and all other funny and harsh things to say about people who spend this much time on a review:
@ 0:03 "growing up all I rode..." remember where you came from, Zach, and understand that we all take similar yet different paths to cycling.
@ 0:34 snobs are what makes barrier of cycling not fun for new riders
@ 0:57 has a good way to weigh a bike but then does not use it to weigh Wal-Mart Fixie..
@ 1:17 activating negative and condescending attitude while bike is still in box!!
@ 2:49 he "smacks" a metal seat post into a metal frame then it just "falls in" @ 2:53
@ 3:32 compliments spacing of rear wheel, in a condescending attitude.
@ 4:04 "I don't want to just be negative about this bike, " yet has shown preconceived displeasure in bike BEFORE unboxing!
@4:36 "bummed" out because bike may exceed his expectations.
@5:05 "Doing my best to stay positive..." Really though?
@ 5:40 the chain slipping incident can probably be traced back to user error due to a lack of mechanical skills @ 3:09 but then also rode for the next 60 miles without this happening again...
@ 6:12 admits bike is not "actually all bad" but then tries to finds a way to contradict himself @ 6:23
@ 6:30 mentions sore legs @ 6 miles of riding but then [SPOILER] @ 13:40 - 13:50 after riding another 50+ miles states he's ok and nothing hurts. So which one is it really?
@ 7:00 states "every single centimeter counts" for comfort but then states how uncomfortable he is on a bike that's not his size @ 7:25. Wouldn't this be any bike that's not your size?
@ 7:30 mile 17 lower back pain....sounds like a reference to @
@ 8:18 two miles of gravel and chain didn't fall off....wait!! what happened?!
@ 8:30 saddened by his own statement of commending bike
Hurt ego @ 8:56 and continues to demean "this lady" stating that she could only be "cool" if she did "drugs in college"
Hurt ego @ 9:30 and has to "Swallow my pride" @ 9:36
@10:40 "good thing that this bike is slow." Is the bike slow or are did you state you would be riding a "steady and conservative rate of 10 miles per hour" during this ride @ 5:24
Hurt ego @ 11:53
Hurt ego @ 12:07
Hurt ego @ 12:13
Hurt ego @ 12:17
Hurt ego @ 12:20
Hurt ego @ 12:23, "I want to blame the bike but it's holding up.'"
@12:28 now he's "disappointed" that it's worth $100.
@ 13:31 If you finished the next 40 miles you would have accomplished the goal you set for yourself
@13:39 "not having fun anymore" but doesn't state why other than "there's no point."
@ 13:43 "nothing is sore." Why are you flip-flopping now on your earlier ailments?
@ 14:30 wait....what?! "surprisingly adequate"? But you spent so much negative energy! How will you ever get that negative energy back?!
@ 14:42 "long term reliability of the bike is questionable." Maybe that was the point of the next 40 miles you abandoned?
@ 15:13 "as poorly as the bike fit me, it was surprisingly comfortable." another flip flop? NO!
@ 15:23 " after 6 hours of riding this thing, I wasn't sore at all" Amnesia much?
@ 15:28 now bike isn't worth the money?!
Enter paid advertisement @ 16:05


"it's wrapped in paper"...Right! That's the right way to wrap up a bike without wasting a ton of plastic.


Those light wabi bikes are marking you soft bro lol


How can you have a single complaint about a bike that cost a 100 bucks.


so many of us start out on walmart bikes.


Seeing through the Snobbery, I bought a $100 Walmart Kent 700c "Fixie" after watching this video. I Love it, it's awesome. Can't wait for my next ride.

Thanks Whining Snob. I genuinely appreciate the video.


I’ve had this bike for 5 years. I love it. I did have to replace the crankset and pedals because they broke but overall I think it’s great.


As a bike mechanic that’s worked on these one thing that might’ve helped make it not so slow is if the hubs and bottom bracket were adjusted as best as possible. Most of those parts can’t even be turned by hand because they’re so tight from the factory.


Dang man. This was my first fixie and was how I fell in love with biking. Im actually kinda offended how badly you're talking about something that is sentimental to me. I saw your review on starter bikes and you suggested ones in the $500 range. For some of us, that is all we can or want to spend on a bike. This amount of insulting of my bike makes me not want to continue watching your channel.


$100 bike? What do you expect? I feel for all the exploited workers from the factory to the WalMart that made this price even possible.


Had to pull the pin at 3 minutes. The prospect of 17 minutes of crying was too much.


Saw a guy delivering pizzas in DC today on this same bike. He zipped away before I could ask him how many miles he put on it.


Come on dude, you been bikepacking. 30 lbs is no thing.


U can’t lift 30 pounds without struggling bra 🤣🤣🤣


This guy seems so negative like chill out It’s not that serious


i’ve been riding one for 4 years. no problems 🤣🤣🤣


Zach, “30lbs is too heavy to be called a bike”, me, proceeds to look at my enduro rig, 35lbs


I call "foul". 1) You're a serious bike rider, but only have a large adjustable wrench? 2) Riding that far in jeans/chinos? 3) How did you keep your camera/phone/go-pro charged? 4) What or where did you eat?
