The Emerging Understanding of International Law in Cyberspace - CyCon 2019

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The 11th International Conference on Cyber Conflict (CyCon 2019) organized by NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE) in Tallinn evolved around the theme of Silent Battle.

It is now broadly accepted that international law applies to cyberspace. While States remain divided on whether existing law is adequate or whether new treaty instruments are needed, the emergence of a comprehensive new global treaty is unlikely.

Instead, a host of initiatives – driven by States, international and regional organisations, and the private sector – promote non-binding international norms of responsible conduct with a view to maintaining security and stability in cyberspace. The speakers will share their insight into the parallel (and sometimes competing) norm-developing initiatives.

Speakers and Topics:

- Heli Tiirmaa-Klaar, Ambassador at Large for Cyber Security, Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

- The Role of G7 in Promoting Security and Stability in Cyberspace by Dr. Stefano Mele, Partner and Head of Technology, Privacy and Cybersecurity Legal Department, Carnelutti Law Firm

- The Rise of Regionals: How Regional Organisations Contribute to International Cyber Stability Negotiations at the UN Level by Nikolas Ott, Project Manager – Cyber/ICT Security, Transnational Threats Department, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)

Moderator: Kadri Kaska, Legal Researcher, NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence

The NATO CCDCOE is a NATO-accredited cyber defence hub focusing on research, training and exercises. The international military organisation based in Estonia is a community of currently 25 nations providing a 360-degree look at cyber defence, with expertise in the areas of technology, strategy, operations and law.

**Note that some CyCon 2019 presentations were submitted and created in a personal capacity and are not necessarily affiliated with, nor representative of, the views of the speakers’ respective organisations**
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