Group Theory|Lecture 30|Group of units|U(n) abelian group with multiplication modulo n|Theta Classes

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In this lecture we are going to introduce a special group known as group of units represented as U(n). As we know that set of residue classes modulo n is monoid with respect to multiplication modulo n as existence of inverse property fails. So, in order to form a group we are going to collect only those residue classes which have multiplicative inverse and these residue classes are called units.
Set of units forms an abelian group with respect to multiplication modulo n.
But before that we will first learn to form set of units and with the help of examples we will understand this.
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Set of units forms an abelian group with respect to multiplication modulo n.
But before that we will first learn to form set of units and with the help of examples we will understand this.
In case if any student has any doubt regarding this lecture do mention it in comment section.
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