James Comey is asked about obstruction of justice (C-SPAN)

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If you give me 500 cash and ask me to vote yes for a bill that would benefit your company. And then I took the 500 cash from your hands, and voted yes. I would be guilty of taking a bribe. But if you asked me to vote yes for a bill that would benefit your company. And I voted yes for that bill. Then you invited me over to your company to speak, and you gave me a speaking fee of 500 cash. That's not a bribe. So in Washington, there are ways around every law. And when I tell you I hope, you can't twist the words to mean anything other than their legal meaning. Or if I hope you drop dead, and the words can be legally twisted, then everyone in the USA is guilty of committing a terroristic threat. Because when they say, I hope, it now means something totally different according to the New Comey Law Dictionary.
