Ambiguous loss & tragic optimism: Our journey through collective grief | Bob Hutchins | TEDxFranklin

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Collective losses are real and remind us that, while we grieve and suffer together, we can also move forward and heal together. From ambiguous loss to tragic optimism, here’s how we can emerge stronger.

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"Your mind is the medium, the world is the canvas and God is the creator. Within this greater understanding, your physical, mental and spiritual natures are all confirmed and brought into right relationship with one another. This balance is simple to understand yet very challenging to achieve. Here you are being given the short way, the direct way, the expedient way. This is the way that does not require constant deliberation, the way that does not require constant comparison and study. Here you are being shown the open door to truth. Therefore, this is the challenging way, the immediate way. This is being offered to you in order to save you time and therefore suffering. All happiness emanates from the fulfillment of your purpose in the world. All sadness, anger and confusion result from the denial of this purpose.

You are a piece of the puzzle. The world is the board on which the puzzle is constructed. The puzzle is the mirror where the face of God is seen. When you experience your right relationship with anyone, your individual piece will reflect the face of God, as will all other individual pieces. This is what awaits you in the future. At this time, it is your task to find where you fit and belong. Once you find the right people with the right purpose, your contribution will be called forth from you, it will give of itself and you will begin to experience spiritual power and movement. You will experience purpose, meaning and direction in your life ever increasingly as these relationships are accepted and cultivated and as you dedicate yourself to them."

A quote from *Your Relationship with the World* - a teaching from *The New Message from God* as revealed to Marshall Vian Summers.


True, I am a student of Srimad Bhagavad Geetha, that was born out of the questioning mind, confused grieving with ambiguous loss, by the character called Arjuna, and answered by the True Consciousness called the Lord Krishna. Tragic optimism kindles curiosity, talking to, expressing nerd fear, confused priorities, beliefs, values and allow you to think beyond the cocooned thinking, live outside the Frog in the well syndrome, and ironically tears open the laziness, inactive mind and polluted mind that are the true enemies within.
Your Talk is a gentle reminder to my past, when I was all alone, facing the volleys of uncertainty, fear gripping me always but I refused to cry .
That bottled up emotions flooded my thoughts but I choose to study this Holy Gita, take people who are distressed, infuse a little of this decoction and allow them to realize the beautiful life around then, waiting to be explored.


Tragically, I suffered from high severe anxiety. I have autism, Autism well autism should not be used a a weakness. Autism is fantastic as autism is a super power in my eyes. Many seemed to suffer like me, I struggle to trust and understand the world. The world seems so small to me. But the world is powerful. Everyone is equal. Everyone should be treated the same. I struggle to talk sometimes. I struggle with my anxiety all the time but I overcame so many of my horrid fears. I witnessed my friend breaking a bone. I froze in fear. I froze staff members where trying to move me away from the issue. But I did not move. i froze I was in fear. I was in shock I was panicked in fear. Paramedics came I was moved away a bit. I was refusing to move away. I didn’t want to leave my friend. My friend was always caring about me! I was scared. But then the paramedic was doing an operation on her I could not see it I was being blocked. Ever since, I have froze. Many disgused what to do if my friend dies. She is not going to die. She has a condition she is going to go blind at the age of 30. I was sad and nearly in tears when she told me the truth. People shout at my friend without even knowing the truth and why she can’t read the writing. She struggles to see. Every day I protect her in a distance. That paramedic took one look at me and said is that girl okay? I was nearly in tears. I couldn’t breath. I was panicking. I looked and I froze. I suddenly said to the teachers no but I know something is wrong! I wanted to help. I knew what to do. But I could not help I was pushed away again. Why? Sadly I can not help others even though I am clever and i know how to look after others and save others normally adults take over. I never get opportunities that I want to do. So I stand I watch in a distance I learn. What I learn is never to give up. Now I know I stressed and in fear but I wasn’t budging for a long time. A head of science looked at my friend like she was an object of the human body. I was in tears. I suddenly felt anger build in me. So now I am going to make an assembly of the situation I won’t tell the teachers on what happened I am going to tell everyone so then everyone can help me. I am fed up to be honest. I want to help but people seem to not understand me. My relationships with pupils are drifting away because of school staff. I have no freedom, Whenever i turn people are always talking about me. Even the news talks about me. Its heartbreaking my family is judged constantly. Its like we are not listened to anymore.


I’m so grateful I found this channel at the most perfect time! Thank you so much, they are so much more helpful than u kno


Ambiguous loss - tragic optimism
Thank you 🙏 ☀️🌙


What is impossible with man is possible with God


You speak very well and answer many of my questions. Thank you very much


Still feels like there needs to be a catalyst for tragic optimism. Even if it comes from obvious loss. Not everyone finds hope in tragedy automatically. People who can are still better with others around them who do it with them. People who can't definitely need people around them who can .


Watching while drafting my lesson exemplar. ♥ From Philippines.


I have been reinventing myself since the year started and at some point I felt like I wasn’t doing enough.But after watching this video I feel like I’ve been too hard on myself.Thank you for sharing this.


This was so great Bob. Appreciate your honesty and ability to connect stories to the practical.


To anyone watching this...



Thank you for these generous insights and truly impactful stories. I think everyone should share this with the people they care about.


Este canal incrível mudou e está mudando a minha vida, saber que eu era vendedor de picolé, servente de pedreiro e hoje tenho LIBERDADE FINANCEIRA, graças ao conhecimento que tirei daqui e de outros canais incríveis, as vezes nem eu acredito no que estou vivendo, acabei até criando um canal no YouTube para estar ajudando como fui ajudado, Muito obrigado novamente…


Всем здравия ребята желаю вам всем любви и добра 💖🙏🤗


Wow, Bob! That is a fantastic Ted Talk. Thank you so much for sharing.


I remember when we didn't have an "mis-information minister".


"I'm just a dreamer"...


We’re caught up playing the impassioned protagonist in our Subjective Narrative of Self🎈


Oh useful source of knowledge. I was wondering this too and you explained it to me
