Why Extraterrestrials Are Visiting Your Dreams (ET 'Alien' CONTACT)

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In this video, Ill show you why you're having more Extraterrestrial "Alien" contact dreams and how you can use this information to improve your life and understand this phenomenon.

Since you're being contacted by Extraterrestrials in your dreams, it's important to understand what this means for you. By understanding what's happening in your dreams, you can start to use this information to improve your waking life as well. By understanding the messages that the Extraterrestrials are sending you, you can start to make significant shifts and attract even more ET CONTACT.
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Yes! I star watch and often see huge white flashes of light like a camera flash that responds when I ask questions in my head and I'm sure it's myself as an E. D 🦋


I know, and understand, exactly what you are saying. And you can feel and sense another level of information other people can't feel. You have a sense of self from an outer perspective.

Be all you can be. Feel the moment you are in. Trust the process.


I’ve learned to project my soul to other dimensions and planets. My last contact was made with a tall white in a bluish planet that was wholly organic yet they were in a higher dimension. The being spoke to me telepathically and showed me that earth is full of avatars that my own soul chose to take part in (the Earth project). This being began to show me avatars of different interstellar beings in containers full of liquid that held avatars of humanoids, insectoids, reptilians, etc. and waking up from that projected dream that I fully intended to by meditating before going to sleep, has awakened me and I’m constantly receiving downloads from what I am thinking are parts of the Akashic Records. So I’m glad to know I am not alone. And dude. I LIVE FOR YOUR LAUGH.


I’ve had three ufo 🛸 dreams contact recently since I’ve filmed and saw a spaceship. In the dreams however the spaceships are totally different to one another. Thank you for this video ❤


Ok so I just had the most vivid dream of my life, and it was of an extraterrestrial coming to me and telling me all kinds of information and showing me images that’s it’s seen. And it said they are going to be coming here openly very soon. So I got online and typed in dreams about extraterrestrial and your video popped up. Crazy!


Wow. You have such a gift for taking complex concepts and explaining them in a very simple, bite sized way. Thank you for what you do, Nathan 🤍 another amazing video!


I just saw the notification and you caught me in a very unexpectedly extraverted mood. Every other night I feel like I'm hearing these noises at night when I'm in complete silence. I'll let you know what I think when the video is over. They have had a very strong presence this last month. Last night in particular, the owls were hooting repeatedly all night, when they haven't been in my vicinity for months. A few days before, an owl landed in front of me while I was drinking tea and felt a thought enter my presence that I should go outside. As of tonight, I burnt one of my moldavite bandanas as a form of energetic release and I felt like residuals of all my work were freed and they're manifesting as transmissions and a sudden drive to reach out to all of my earthbound celestial siblings and guides. My hope is that it reaches everybody that needs to receive it. 777


I had an amazing dream last night of these good looking human beings, we were in this really peaceful place. They kept looking at me. All of the sudden a bright white light shone out of from their eyes, there were others like me in this area that did not shine, a lady with her eyes lit then approached me and touched my left arm, as she did my eyes let out this bright white light, as this happened she said we visit you at home. I woke up, it felt so real and I feel absolutely happy now that I have been searching for answers.


I've been meditating with crystals for 3 months. Moldavite, Amethyst, Lemurian.
My dreams have completely changed. I've contacted with spirits and my ancestors in my dreams. Crystals have helped me strengthen my dreams. Thankfully I don't have anymore dark traumatic disturbing dreams anymore. 😁🙏☮️


The toast analogy is trippy for a personal reason, lol. Also, I'm ready for more than dreams, I want a whole new reality


Ive been having super realistic alirn drrams for over 2 decades and ive been recording them ever since. Came upon this video bc of my dream last night about an alien invasion


What a brilliant video. I have untold dreams, with a couple recurring from a kid. I done a diary since December and I had 6 dreams, 5 being very similar. so God knows how many I've had in my life time. I have been struggling to figure out what to do with all for ages but started a podcast recently but this whole analogy of the game resonated with me so much. Its must be for a reason right? This shit gets me up then puts me down sometimes, its a bit of a head fuck at the same time i feel so honoured that I am even experiencing this. Like you, I am quite logical even tho lol i believe I am in contact with ET's and I feel like it has opened me up to try something extraordinary. I explain to people, I didn't wake up one day believing in Aliens but this stuff warps your perception of life having experienced it your whole life. It generates curiosity, wonder and it makes me feel isolated sometimes. Thats all I can take from it at the moment. Personally as this how I am recievin all this, it is fueling me to try something related to this, or why else why continually experience it...I am still figuring out my shit but this video helped a lot man. Subbed and liked too


Haha beautiful timing, yea been having some crazy experiences lately 🌌🛸 much love.
💚 :)


ET contact in my dream: I woke in the middle of the night (still in the dream world I assume) I’m in my room, in my bed. There are people dancing all around my room, shamanic like. And there’s someone sitting right beside me and I can tell they were ET but taking the form of someone I knew and trusted. As I’m becoming aware of all this, I hear the person sitting beside me go we are removing your ear right now”. And I felt they are healing different parts of my body. I was not afraid. I felt complete trust. It was really cool


Bad health . extreme anxiety.and many other things can cause dreams of what the person has fears about.


I had a dream about ET. I was in a place i think in europe and i was outside a place that looked like my house, it seem there was a big destruction of buildings all over the place, i dint know if it was a war or earthquake. There came a blond woman and i took her inside our house to meet my family (they were around 5 people i didnt recognized them but i knew they were my family). The family af first said the woman should not be there but i insisted it was ok. Then we all got into a room inside the house and then we found ourselves in very big saucer size of the house, it emerged up the sky and destroyed the house completely and flew to the outer space. We were observing the earth from a distance and it looked there was big destruction going on there. Behold the people that i thought to be my family changed shape to gray aliens like the ones we see on movies and then we had a discussion on how we can travel to the distance shelter. They said there were two ways we can get to the remote shelter planet. The first one is the portal within the solar system that can take us faster, the other one is travel at very high speeds which can take years. It looks like only human bodies are affected with time. So for both methods they had to hibernate me and the woman we took on earth during the journey but the problem is the saucer had only one human hibernating device and that was why they disagreed with me for taking that blond woman on earth. I actually told them I am not ready with that journey and I woke up from that dream. The strange thing in that dream is that no one was uttering any word it was like you send a block of information using your mind for communication and they get it, i dont know how was that possible. I wish i could ask them more questions but it looks like i am one of them and i know everything they know but just dont remember it in human form. Sorry for bad grammar i am from Tanzania


Youve just nailed this e.t. contact narrative. Well explained brother. At some point there are some 'men in black' arresting me on my dream. Lol Thank you.


Hey brother 💗
I’m new and you’ve reached me 💗 I’ve had similar experiences but with source, I do relate to what you’re saying 💗 thank you for being here for me 💗 I love you 💗


I've had a couple of dreams, compressed feeling. A strange shape I can't descripe, like an infinite shape, the edges and corners are both sharp and blunt, at the same time.

This shape is terrifying but just a shape. Like a triangular presence then inverted so it looks soft at the same time. And it gives me an impression of being a frequency crossing through this shape.

And it altered me.

I know it seems like some people are not living and souless, like they are not alive. They can't feel or be interested in anything, real.


I totally relate with what you’re saying, I lucid dream almost every night and often times have full on conversations with these human like “beings”. We have conversations about our existence how we exist. Usually existing on a different timeline or space and time or overall alternate universe. For whatever reason I get the feeling that I’m not suppose to receive some of this hard information about these other existences and I’ll be forced to wake up, it’s super strange.
