File format not supported problem in premiere pro ..

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In this tutorial you will get the information about how to fix this problem. There are a lot of solutions but This is perfect solution around them.. keep watching thankyou.

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I imported 271mb video but output is 58mb. Only Audio is playing. no visible Video... What to do


the file is running now well on premiere pro but now the problem is RECEIVING THIS MESSAGE FROM PP Error retrieving frame 967 at time I ALREADY RETRIED CONVERTING THEN ALSO RECEIVING THE SAME MESSAGE HELP!!


You really helped me save hours. Thank you.


Bro it takes too much time, any way for it to become faster?


I was creating my Showreel and i stuck there.It was really important for me to Edit and after failing to convert in VLC i tried other options for some hours and it did not work.

Finally just saw your video and tried.It worked.1 hour Video converted in 3 seconds.That Video and Audio Codec needed to be Checked.

Thanks buddy, thanks For the Tip.Thanks Alot.

Love From India


Really appreciate and respect you . I was tripping balls and having a hard to add one important scene of the funeral and ur video save my night.


thank you bro for this tutorial otherwise i am in a big problem to give video to my client on time


Thank You So It's very helpful to


Lol.. it actually worked, ive tried so many ways, all failed.. this is the easiest, fastest and simplest one and im shocked it worked 😂 cheers!


Thnx vro..I was on openshot...and after install Adobe.. I was facing same've solved it ..❤


bro thanku so much i was finding this like this video only thanku very much


Now i can't edit my video, because it said this file already exists and i pressed overwrite now i can't even watch it :(


Thank you Mr for this tutoririal, you really help me


Thank you so much sir, this help alot 😊😇❣️


Hi bro
Thanks. When we convert, will it reduce video quality??


Thanks a lot brother✔✔👏👏 I used many applications to fix this issue but failed to fix the ur way man lit🔥


Thankuhh so much bro bhot helpfull video hai yrr content creator ko pata hoga puri mehnat kharb hojati wrna abhi yrr thankuhh againn ❤️


Bro nothing works I can't important anything. I tried so many videos none worked!


Your video was very helpful 😊 thanks. But you should work on your audio as well, don't mind


thanksss a lottt brooo u just saved my liffe!
