The Milky Way’s Black Hole! (FIRST Image Revealed)

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Astronomers from the Event Horizon Telescope project unveil an image of our galaxy's black hole, called Sagittarius A*.
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awesome news... side joke: we can discover a black hole, yet still cant get a simple powerpoint to work @ 3.30sec


Hundreds years for now, scientists will hold a press conference revealing high definition images of Black Hole, and this current ones will also displayed side by side.


Black holes are real and this is what they look like.
Einstein's General Relativity is right.
Here we are, on this tiny insignificant planet are able to understand the mind- boggling unimaginably vast & complex universe.


Just did a few sums. Photographing the Super Massive Black Hole at the centre of the Milky-way, is equivalent to photographing an object 1cm across at a distance of 28, 000 km (approximately). Pretty amazing!


Why not a simple neutron star...?
Because the black hole hypothesis is based on a misinterpretation of the Schwartzchild solutions.


Believe me m in state of shock, blackhole my childhood fantasy and now we are able to see, I wasn't expected that we could ever see it with telescope ( indeed we first saw in 2019 using electromagnetics and complex algorithm


Looking at image and learning the concept and idea, it seems like universe more silent and peaceful than we expected.. if black whole is existing, than the ending of Milky way is ultimate in long run meanwhile it seems silent and peaceful with misterious...


This is exactly the reflection of human kinds consciousness, but in my understanding there have to be more wormholes!


How can that be Sagittarius A ? I thought we could only look at the galaxy edge on and that the Center of M81 galaxy was where the pictures came from ?


A bit strange hearing her speak of a black hole as if it was a favorite pet.


Hope, , u will focused in our own global crisis, , help other people i needs, , try to solve peoblems in our earth, , how to save clumate change, , not wasting ur strenght ang dollars just to prove ur knowledge among others, I thinkk our creator will be hapoy if we will love each other and share all things u have to those in needs, , but i congratulates all of u..but the more u discover many things it will continue and no one can stop u to do it..


So if I’m understanding this correctly, this is not actually a photograph but a composite virtual image from bits of data taken from various satellite telescopes and processed by an algorithm incorporating Einstein‘s equations?I understand most deep space images are compiled bits of data, I’m just wondering what percentage of this is “real imaging” and what is “simulated”.


All holy books are 100 percent science, but humans too time to understood


You can show us a picture of the black hole far far away but you cant make a video?


Jesus Christ is coming back to recieve Gods Holy Spirit


Hi guys I am Brazilian
Brazil is better
And deep down in your hearts you know this


SO my Question is this.. If the JWT is the Big Papa on the scene . Lets point Big Daddy at that Black hole and have them SHOW US.. a Nice 4K resolution pic.. Show us what it REALLY looks like., THanks


I'm puzzled about the fact that the black hole looks like a doughnut. Why can we see into the centre?


Give a exact numerical value whale calculating mass of Plantes with just taking pictures by such genuine organisation is just aweful.


∴ “the Central Sun [ at the Galactic Center, 'at the very heart of the Milky Way' ], which is the invisible source of all that is in our Solar System. Our visible Sun is but the mirror in which are reflected the rays of energy from the Spiritual Sun. The real Sun is as invisible as the real Man.”

“The Sun is the nearest approach we have to a visible symbol of God, yet it is but a veil for That which is behind. What That is cannot be uttered publicly.”

“In a manner similar to that in which the World of Life Spirit [ extending from the Sun ] correlates us to the other planets in our own solar system does the World of Divine Spirit [ extending from the invisible Central Sun, the World of God ◬ ] correlate us to the other solar systems. We may regard the solar systems as separate sponges, swimming in a World of Divine Spirit, ” (...) “so that God and the other great Beings who are mentioned are not far away in space. They pervade every part of their own realms and realms of greater density than their own. They are all present in our world and are actually and de facto "nearer than hands and feet." It is a literal truth when we say " in Him we live and move and have our being." For none of us could exist outside these great Intelligences Who pervade and sustain our world with Their Life.” 🙏

-- The Cosmo (1909)⁽¹⁾ by Max Heindel, the Western Mystic

“Be embraced, Millions!
This kiss to all the world!
Brothers, above the starry canopy
There must dwell a loving Father.
Are you collapsing, millions?
Do you sense the creator, world?
Seek him above the starry canopy!
Above stars must He dwell.”

-- Ode to Joy,
youtube: /PB7Bx-rYBBs
in the final (fourth) movement of the Ninth Symphony.

ukr: Космоконцепція Розенкрейцерів
rus: Космоконцепция розенкрейцеров
eng: The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception
