1 Feature That Women Don't love In Men!

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1 Feature That Women Don't Love In Men!… In this dating advice video, I will share the features women don't love in men and help you avoid common dating and relationship mistakes. I want you to understand women better and know what women don't love in men to improve your interactions and realize what truly makes you stand out. To learn more about what women don't love in men, embrace this dating advice and watch the entire video here 👉

Knowing what women don't love in men can help build stronger relationships by promoting better communication, mutual respect, and understanding. This dating advice will help you learn what women don't love so you can make subtle changes that can turn things around. Embrace this dating advice to understand women better and avoid doing the things women don't love.

As your wingmam, female wingman, and dating coach for men, I want to make dating easier. I hope you find this dating advice for men helpful.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
- Things women don’t love in men
- What women don’t love in men
- Features that women don’t love in men
- What women don’t love
- Understand women
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for men video will give you the clarity you need.


I hope you enjoyed my video, "1 Feature That Women Don’t love In Men!"


Resources ❤

Love is the answer, people! Don’t give up. DO. NOT. GIVE. UP. HOPE. God loves you and so do I! You got this.


DISCLAIMER: Anna is not a psychologist, licensed therapist/counselor, medical advisor, or lawyer. The videos are opinions only, not advice. Therefore, you are responsible for your actions and the results thereof. Obey the law. If you have mental health issues or are considering harming yourself or others, seek appropriate help immediately.


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Men showing anxiety or any vulnerability seems to be despised subconsciously 😢


When we compromise ourselves for somebody else then we will never be happy and satisfied.


Keep the 4 F's in mind and you will NEVER be too nice!


Right on Red so true 😊. Looking good AJ take care ❤️😍🙏🇺🇲💯👊


I fight this behavior daily as im stellar at being codependent.


I once had a girl ask me 'What would you like to do?'' I said 'Whatever you would like to do, it doesn't matter to me. 'She said 'No, what would you like to do?' Me 'I'm happy to do whatever you would like to do.'

She got very angry and upset saying 'OMG!! Can't you just make a decision?!' Then before I could say anything she just turned and left. Never got a 2nd chance, thought I was just being nice!


As the years go by I've noticed a few things.

We (both men and women) tend to unconsciously give our partner what WE disproportionately feel is lacking from them trying to get more of that from them.

Men become too submissive and compromising wishing the women would give that.

Women become more aggressive and push for conflict because they want us to show a back bone in ways that make them feel like your capable of standing up to a problem.

At least I see a tendency for this in relationships where communication isn't top notch where you're comfortable expressing what your needs and expectations are.

This probably sounds harsh but women REALLY struggle with communicating thier wants clearly.

Think about getting the silent treatment when she's mad and men have NO IDEA WHY.

Women just can't comprehend how much more perception for OTHERS intentions they have... That men don't.

The "hints" a women will give "allegedly" 😂 are extremely obvious to a women's perception.

But for men we DON'T SEE IT!

I've told my girlfriend it's like a person with normal vision not understanding why can't he (colorblind) see this is red it's right there it's soooo obvious!

*Assuming she doesn't know he's color blind*

She'll just feel like he doesn't care about it "being red".

I liken it to a man not understanding why can't this women with arms and legs just like me lift this 300lbs?!?!

It's just so much more obvious in that case because it's something you can assign a value to.

We can't realistically see a woman is... 35% more perceptive to others non verbal ques.

Anyway thought I'd share my thoughts 😉.

Have a beautiful day...


Maybe in the pickup / dating phase this will be valid. Once she gets to eat that wedding cake you are never nice enough towards her, her mother, her friends, her boss, the pets, the waiters, essentially everything she fancies.


Too bad if being nice is your authentic and real. Ya screwed then aren't ya.


The greatest thing you can do is be you. If you don’t agree with what she’s saying, tell her you don’t agree with what she’s saying. If you don’t wanna go where she’s going tell her you don’t wanna go where she’s going. If you don’t want to eat where she wants to eat, tell her you don’t want to eat if she don’t get to where she wants to eat at maybe aren’t meant to be together. Tell her that too tell her she don’t wanna do what you wanna do and go where you wanna go 90% of time and you don’t need to be with her you need to find somebody else. you’re better off with her. If they’re disagreeable all the time get rid of her. Find one that’s agreeable. Our governments bringing thousands of Haitians and Venezuelan into the United States and most of them are men. So I guess they can go find one of them. Last I saw the bring into North Carolina Tennessee, where the hurricane hit 350, 000 Haitians and Venezuelans’s.


Somehow i have never been accused of this 😅


Great hair day, Anna. I hope I’m not being too nice 😍


If you aren't on your knees climbing your way up, you ain't making progress. Shit, I must be awesome. 😂


I don’t know if Women really understand this but I don’t think there’s anything more attractive to a Man, Guy🧍‍♂️ 👨 than a Sophisticated Woman 🧍‍♀️ 👩 who knows how to say No! and that’s at the top quality of our stack, list as us Men are concerned.


Letting women walk all over me has worked pretty well so far, so.... *¯\_(ツ)_/¯*


I'm a nice guy but i have bounderies.


if you are in your 40s and you want to live a little before the midlife crisis. 😅


The greatest thing you can do is be you. If you don’t agree with what she’s saying, tell her you don’t agree with what she’s saying. If you don’t wanna go where she’s going tell her you don’t wanna go where she’s going. If you don’t want to eat where she wants to eat, tell her you don’t want to eat if she don’t get to where she wants to eat at maybe aren’t meant to be together. Tell her that too tell her she don’t wanna do what you wanna do and go where you wanna go 90% of time and you don’t need to be with her you need to find somebody else. you’re better off with her. If they’re disagreeable all the time get rid of her. Find one that’s agreeable. Our governments bringing thousands of Haitians and Venezuelan into the United States and most of them are men. So I guess they can go find one of them. Last I saw the bring into North Carolina Tennessee, where the hurricane hit 350, 000 Haitians and Venezuelans’s.
