Hundreds of Pro-Palestinian Protesters Arrested Outside New York Stock Exchange | News9

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Police arrested more than 200 pro-Palestinian demonstrators who had staged a sit-in outside the New York Stock Exchange on Monday (October 14) to demand an end to U.S. support for Israel's war in Gaza, authorities said.
The protesters, many of them from activist groups such as Jewish Voice for Peace, chanted "let Gaza live" and "stop funding genocide" in front of the exchange's iconic building near Wall Street, in lower Manhattan.

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"The biggest insult to the memory of the ho.locaust is not denying it but using it as an excuse to justify the geno.cide of the Pales.tinian people."

- Norman Finkelstein


Libertad para el valer osos y noble pueblo de Palestina, saludos desde Perú.


If you are a real human being, you must have a humanistic mindset. Do not behave inhumanly.
Killing innocent people, cutting off food and water to innocent people, arresting and torturing innocent people should not be done
Only those who shout good things about democracy and human rights are doing cruel things
No one in the world has ever done such a cruel thing like you


they are not pro palestinians just to discredit them or make them lesser. these are good human beings and the real chosen people who does good things.
