Insert a Coin Battery into the TV and all the channels in the world will be unlocked Antenna Booster

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Hi guys! In today's video, get ready to discover an incredible trick that will unblock all the world's channels on your TV! Believe it or not, all you need is a simple coin cell battery to build a powerful digital antenna.

In this step-by-step tutorial, I'll show you how to strategically place the clip on your TV, giving you quick and easy access to HDTV and UHF channels. You won't need to spend expensive antennas or cable TV services.

The built-in antenna with a coin cell battery is an economical and efficient solution for those who want to enjoy various channels, including high quality channels. This trick is perfect for those looking for an affordable and easy-to-implement option.

So, don't waste time and watch the full video to learn how to make your own digital antenna with a coin battery. I am sure you will be impressed with the picture quality and the number of channels available.

#antenna #antennadigital #signalbooster #battery
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What a brilliant hack! Within seconds of using it, not only did I get EVERY channel…it tore a hole in the space-time continuum and created a wormhole to another dimension. After that I used the device on the tv in my bedroom and that one opened up the matrix and I’m proud to say that I am now THE ONE.. sorry Keanu


I connected this to my dad's old Delorean and traveled back in time to stop myself from wasting 15 minutes, 51 seconds watching this video


Instead of connecting it to my TV, I put the connector in my left ear. The pictures are now broadcast directly to my retinas, thereby negating the need to have a TV at all. Fantastic, thank you. 😂


I modified the design by adding a quartz crystal from an old Casio watch and was able to contact the spirit world! Gramps is doing just fine, thanks.


I bought an antenna just like this from Radio Shack 57 years ago and it still works!


The comments put a smile on my face today. Great to not have to see a bunch of negativity.


You sir are a Genius! Your hack worked so well, I decided to amplify it a bit, using two twelve volt, car batteries. I now get live feeds from the Hubble telescope and the Mars Rover!


I haven't tried to make it & have no idea if it works, but glad I watched, & the comments are hilarious. 😂😂😂😂


I did this. I now get tomorrow’s lotto results today 🎉😂


So happy I checked the comments first! 😂


You win the prize for having the channel with the best comments!!


Cable TV was "sold" to us 40 years ago as "Pay up front and you will never see another commercial". I was so disappointed the first time I saw cable was full of ads and we opted out 35 years ago. We put an "old fashioned" TV antenna on our roof, and it worked until it fell apart, then we put a more up-to-date antenna in the attic. The money we saved over 35 years of not having cable, invested at a modest interest rate of comes to over $100, 000. Laugh if you want, but contrary to popular belief, cable is NOT a public utility. Some people spend money on things they don't need, they cry that they don't have enough. Wake up. I enjoyed this video and the funny comments.


I followed the steps very closely and I was able to get all the channels in the solar system. I got hooked on Saturn Television Shopping Network. I ordered an Adamantium ring that will make me live forever and make me the wisest man in the universe, according to the description. The product says that I will be able to realize when I'm scammed in the future 🖖😜🖖. All I did to order it was to sign off my entire life savings. I'm so smart! lol
Thanks for such a wonderful informative video!!!🙏


I followed the instructions and wow, I'm now finally able to avidly follow live goat herding from Kazakhstan and outhouse cleaning tutorials from Guatemala. Thanks man.


I added 2 more batteries in a series / parallel design with a multiphasic bipolar shift condenser which causes ripples along the ultra standard time frequencies allowing me to actually track AND view the starship Enterprise in a galaxy far far away! No joke


I added this to both my water and electric meter. Both now give me clear hi definition television.


This is awesome, can't wait to start my own cable company, I'm hooking everybody up.


Now I have 42, 000 channels on my tv. And I'm still watching Youtube.


I made one of these it worked great! It also created a portal to travel back in time, I met a guy in the past and told him everything I knew about the future, he started some kind of cartoon called the Simpsons 🤷‍♂️ give it a try.


Im an electronics major (out of college) AND As soon as I finished putting this AMAZING device together, I INSTINCTIVELY KNEW to rub it on my beans. Well, INSTANTLY, BAMM!!! Not only did EVERY CHANNEL IN THE WORLD come on (1st thing that popped up was “I Love Lucy”, dubbed in Cantonese, from a channel in China) but I also found myself approximately 35 YEARS YOUNGER!!! So, not only is it THE WORLDS MOST POWERFUL ANTENNA, that person in the comments was RIGHT, it IS some kind of STAR GATE!!! Try it, you won’t be disappointed with your tight, young, strong fat less, new body & baby face!!! ;-)
