Boy Scouts To Rename Themselves To Be More 'Inclusive'

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Boy Scouts of America recently announced that it will undergo a rebrand to be more "inclusive." This is just the final step in the hollowing out of the organization.

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Scout Oath: On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.


As an Eagle Scout, I mourn the loss of an institution that was fundamental in my growth - by requiring me to become better and reach high ideals. The Boy Scouts of America will be greatly missed


This is sad. I was a Boy Scout back in the 70s. There is no more Boy Scouts of America.


I am not ashamed to have been a Boy Scout. I am ashamed of what the Boy Scouts have become.


“Membership is at historic lows”

So we found a way to lower it more.


As an Eagle Scout from the early 2000s, I'm appalled. One of my biggest hopes in life was to be a scout dad, not happening now.


This is such a shame. I was a boy scout over 70 years ago.


Trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent. What happened to this? First class scout here.


As the first officer of a Trail Life troop in rural Ohio, I am so grateful for the fifty BSA members who stood their ground in 2013 and split their troops off in order to stand for the traditional values of the original Boy Scouts.


I had Scouts that are now officers, pharmacists, engineers and electricians. Managers in many business. As a former Scoutmaster I am very sad about the state of the organization.


On my honor, I will do my best,
To do my duty, to God and my country.
To obey the scout law,
To help other people at all time,
To keep myself physically strong,
Mentally awake,
And morally straight.


Here at the Boy Scouts we'll be changing our we desire low attendance and hate money.


I was in Boy Scouts for all of my middle school and high school life. When I started, nobody cared all that much about DEI because common sense existed. I just aged out the past September and I got my Eagle rank. But scouting has fallen so far since it was founded. I live in California, so it’s a little bit more… intense over here. But many scouts in my troop all disliked the idea of scouting changing its mission to be “more appealing” so we all started nicknaming ourselves the “multi gender scouts of America” because of its absurd nature. The very essence of scouting is to train up boys into leaders so we can be ready for the real world and nobody ever said that we were bad because girls and gays weren’t in the program. Our whole goal was to help other people and “do our good turn daily” (the scout motto) to help others then ourselves. Also what happened to having a program that gives boys an outlet for them to let loose and learn life skills? Another program that has fallen prey to the radical blue hair agenda, I’m going to be sick 🤢


My grandson achieved his Eagle Scout this year. He’s been accepted at Virginia Tech and into the Corps of Cadets. He has goals, focus and direction. He knows he’s a guy! I could go on.
He loved being a Boy Scout. And Boy Scouts (plus a stable two parent family) showed him how to be a man in today’s crazy world.
Everyone loses when woke takes over.


I’m a Boy Scout. There is nothing wrong with girls wanting to go camping, but let boys be boys.


As a former Scout I'm so, so sad!🇺🇸


The Boy Scouts sold out to homosexuals decades ago. It's all about LGBQ and whatever else now. I got my Eagle Scout award at the age of 17, forty years ago. If i could renounce my eagle award and box up my scouting stuff and give it back, I would.


As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, the Boy Scouts was integral to my activities almost on a weekly basis. We were constantly going camping, hiking, earning merit badges, and I earned my Eagle when I turned 14. The church was by far the biggest supporter of the Boy Scouts organization. When the church pulled out and officially disassociated with BSA because of this, the BSA lost a LOT of funding and participants. It’s sad to realize I’m the last generation of something that was so impactful to my boyhood. The BSA knows how to destroy a good thing.


"membership is at historic lows" ... so let's make it even lower. Brilliant.


Dear CEO, Boy Scouts is NOT a ‘programme’!!!! It is an organisation. It’s not some temporary summer course. Show some respect.
