Subsidies Explained in One Minute

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A one-minute video which explains what a subsidy is and refers to situations in which subsidies benefit society as a whole as well as to situations in which using them isn't exactly fair.

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West Africa
You should see what happens in India !!


it's amazing how you can explain these complex topics in one minute. loving this channel!!


is this channel democratic, republican, or libertarian?

Since cotton isn't hugely profitable in USA without government subsidary, I think US should just let the poorer countries do it and focus our resources elsewhere. That way the poorer countries can still get good income and our government can save money and put it to better use. When it comes to global economics, we need to start thinking's the only way we can make the world a better place, otherwise things will only get worse for third world countries.

There are more than enough resources in this world to make sure nobody has to be homeless or hungry, but sadly people are greedy :(


This was a great video - well animated and well explained. I abhor subsidies... like, why do governments pick and choose who to "help"? We need to think from a global perspective if humanity is to thrive.


You should do a video explaining how the (Reserve Currency Privilege) that America and Europe have made them rich while keeping other countries poor. Thanks to the Reserve Currency Privilege America and Europe have, they can print money or borrow money from local banks and use it to finance their own development. African countries don't have Reserve Currency Privilege, they cannot print money or borrow from local banks to finance their development. If they don't earn enough USD or EUR from exporting, their countries are not able to develop. No country should need the currency of another country to develop, this is colonization and slavery in another form.


Another evil example of how the taxpayer is constantly paying for things they have no say over.


"Subsidies benefit society by encouraging people to develop new technologies."

This is a shocking lack of understanding of some of the basics of economics and it comes from a channel called 'One Minute Economics'.


you said a subsidy helps a producer sell their product.
what does NASA sell? who is NASA's customer?
subsidizing solar energy just means the customer pays more for energy. how can that be good for the consumer? you are confused.


0:02 yo isn't that Violets boyfriend on the right? from the Incredibles


They should subsidize the gaming industry. Imagine the games that would come from this!


How is space exploration good for society? In what way are my taxes being invested in space, benefitting the public?


Wealth distribution really is a pain... But socialist likes it even more


A UN Human Development Report in 2005 stated "The basic problem to be addressed in the WTO negotiations on agriculture can be summarised in three words: rich country subsidies. In the last round of world trade negotiations rich countries promised to cut agricultural subsidies. Since then, they have increased them".


You should call your video "One minute of 💩" American farmers are paid subsides because they're so productive they glut the market with so much produce they can't even recover the cost of production. Producing more to earn more just makes the situation worse. Farmers are actually paid to NOT grow crops, to keep them from saturating the market. Those who are paid to grow things are paid to keep them from abandoning unprofitable markets.

Africans with hand tools would outdo American cotton farmers if not for our subsidies? The subsidies are just because Americans get paid too much? The narrator should go work a cotton farm with hand tools for African wages, and come back to tell us if he still supports this video.


You need to calm down, , i can't hear it, , too fast talk😕😕😕😕


So you are saying that subsidies are theft.


The concept for subsidizing cotton as it is for subsidizing the hat

Now tell me where the money came from to pay for that subsidy


Show this to anybody against raising minimum wage.


Subtractable beneficiaries. Incompetency.

Grant. Competency.
