Spring Boot Project for Beginners

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00:04 We are building a quiz application using Spring Boot.

05:31 Create a REST controller to handle requests for all questions

16:28 Create a model class to represent the table columns

21:37 Create a Question DAO using Spring Data JPA for fetching data from the database

31:34 We can fetch questions by category and retrieve questions based on a specific category.

36:28 Create a method to add a question and return a success message

46:27 Handling exceptions and HTTP response status codes in the question service.

51:23 Handle exceptions and return response entities in controller and service methods.

1:01:17 Create a quiz and send data using a post request

1:06:13 Create a quiz with questions

1:16:03 Successfully created and fetched quiz data

1:21:06 Create a question wrapper class to exclude irrelevant data from the quiz response

1:31:18 Create a method in the controller to submit a quiz and calculate the score.

1:36:33 Created a method in the service for calculating quiz responses


Wow! Very well explained and covered all the topics with clarity!


Amazing video. Thank you so much! This video really made me confident in the beginning of learning back end dev with Java.


Very nice and deep explanation i learnt a lot from this video thank you so much sir 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


Excellent beginners project and this will make to develope microservices as well, one thing gap for better understanding is UI, if you upload UI for this project it will very helpful to the students for better understanding


I’m attending a bootcamp and currently going through spring boot. This is perfect timing and helps to reinforce the material.
Thanks Navin the master Alien❤


You are master of your art
respect ++


Thanks for this project, really loved it...Need more such videos of Spring Boot projcets which are more advanced and which has spring security, aop and other concepts covered.


I would like to say thank you to Telusko and your channel. This tutorial about spring has helped and prepared me for a job opportunity for a company that I was aiming for. And now they have sent me an offer that I'm about to sign.

Thank you Telusko. More power to you.


For post method with category in question controller used pathvariable but in quiz controller used requestparam is there any specific reson behind this?


great tutorial as usual thank you so much


Super. Covered all the theories in one go.
Thanks a lot sir😊


Amazing explanation 😉.Thanks for giving such type of video


DATABASE for this project

question_title TEXT NOT NULL,
option1 TEXT NOT NULL,
option2 TEXT NOT NULL,
option3 TEXT NOT NULL,
option4 TEXT NOT NULL,
right_answer TEXT NOT NULL,
difficulty_level TEXT NOT NULL,
category TEXT NOT NULL

INSERT INTO Question (question_title, option1, option2, option3, option4, right_answer, difficulty_level, category)
('What is a class in Java?', 'A function', 'An object', 'A data structure', 'A loop', 'An object', 'Easy', 'java'),
('What does OOP stand for?', 'Object-Oriented Programming', 'Object Ordering Process', 'Operating Overloaded Pointers', 'Order of Operations', 'Object-Oriented Programming', 'Easy', 'java'),
('What is a list in Python?', 'A type of loop', 'A built-in function', 'A data structure', 'An object', 'A data structure', 'Easy', 'python'),
('Which data structure uses First-In-First-Out (FIFO) order?', 'Stack', 'Queue', 'Array', 'LinkedList', 'Queue', 'Medium', 'python'),
('What is a constructor?', 'A member of a class', 'A loop in Python', 'A data type', 'A special method', 'A special method', 'Medium', 'java'),
('Which sorting algorithm has the worst-case time complexity of O(n^2)?', 'Merge Sort', 'Quick Sort', 'Insertion Sort', 'Bubble Sort', 'Bubble Sort', 'Hard', 'python'),
('In Java, what is used to create an instance of a class?', 'Class', 'Method', 'Object', 'Constructor', 'Constructor', 'Easy', 'java'),
('Which keyword is used to define a variable that won’t be reassigned?', 'static', 'final', 'constant', 'immutable', 'final', 'Easy', 'java'),
('What is the output of 4 ^ 3 in Python?', '7', '64', '81', '12', '64', 'Easy', 'python'),
('What does the term "polymorphism" refer to in programming?', 'Using multiple inheritance', 'Ability to take multiple forms', 'Manipulating data', 'Using multiple programming languages', 'Ability to take multiple forms', 'Medium', 'java'),
('What is the purpose of the "self" parameter in Python class methods?', 'It refers to the current instance of the class', 'It is used to call parent class methods', 'It is a keyword for loops', 'It is a data type', 'It refers to the current instance of the class', 'Medium', 'python'),
('Which of the following is not a primitive data type in Java?', 'int', 'boolean', 'char', 'string', 'string', 'Medium', 'java'),
('What is the time complexity of a binary search?', 'O(n)', 'O(log n)', 'O(n^2)', 'O(1)', 'O(log n)', 'Medium', 'python'),
('What keyword is used to inherit a class in Python?', 'extends', 'inherits', 'super', 'class', 'class', 'Easy', 'python'),
('Which type of loop is ideal for situations where the number of iterations is known?', 'for loop', 'while loop', 'do-while loop', 'until loop', 'for loop', 'Easy', 'java'),
('What is the purpose of "import" in Python?', 'To export data', 'To create a backup', 'To include external modules', 'To print output', 'To include external modules', 'Easy', 'python'),
('In Java, which access modifier provides the widest visibility?', 'public', 'private', 'protected', 'package-private', 'public', 'Easy', 'java'),
('What is a lambda function in Python?', 'A function that uses the "lambda" keyword', 'A function with multiple return values', 'A function with no parameters', 'An anonymous inline function', 'An anonymous inline function', 'Medium', 'python'),
('What is a linked list?', 'A type of array', 'A linear data structure', 'A collection of objects', 'A group of classes', 'A linear data structure', 'Medium', 'java'),
('Which operator is used to concatenate strings in Python?', '&', '+', '*', '++', '+', 'Easy', 'python'),
('What does JVM stand for?', 'Java Virtual Machine', 'Just Virtual Memory', 'JavaScript Virtual Machine', 'Java Version Manager', 'Java Virtual Machine', 'Easy', 'java'),
('In Python, what is the main difference between a tuple and a list?', 'Tuples are mutable, lists are not', 'Lists are ordered, tuples are not', 'Tuples can store mixed data types, lists cannot', 'Lists have a fixed size, tuples do not', 'Tuples can store mixed data types, lists cannot', 'Medium', 'python'),
('What is the purpose of the "finally" block in a try-catch-finally statement?', 'To handle exceptions', 'To define a fallback value', 'To execute code regardless of exceptions', 'To terminate the program', 'To execute code regardless of exceptions', 'Medium', 'java'),
('What is a dictionary in Python?', 'A sorted collection of elements', 'A data structure used for searching', 'An ordered sequence of elements', 'A key-value store', 'A key-value store', 'Easy', 'python'),
('Which keyword is used to define a subclass in Java?', 'child', 'extends', 'inherits', 'subclass', 'extends', 'Easy', 'java'),
('What is the purpose of the "pass" statement in Python?', 'To stop the execution of a loop', 'To indicate an empty code block', 'To raise an exception', 'To terminate the program', 'To indicate an empty code block', 'Easy', 'python');

select * from "Question"


I have an issue on the primary key on the table when i add elements. When i restart the spring boot, the number for the id increments by 50. Are there any solutions for that?


Hi, does any one know how to translate the values in jira payload from user's locale to english ?( Not in the UI)


Easy to understand, you are awesome sir


we can use MappingJacksonValue and SimpleBeanPropertyFilter for dynamic filter to Question class for specific api rather than creating new QuizWrapper class


Thank you that was great.
The only problem is that by this implementation on the quiz submit, the order of responses are important
If you change the order of your responses, the index will be different from the questions array, the calculateResult function cannot return the right answer


Why I have to make getter and setter when setTitle is used as use lambok ??
