Spring Boot Tutorials | Full Course

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Introduction - 00:00
1. What is Spring ? – 00:05
2. Dependency Injection? – 05:34
3. Spring Tool Suite | Spring Boot IDE – 13:40
4. Spring, Autowire, Dependency Injection – 22:17
5. Web App using Spring Boot – 40:39
6. Application Properties File – 55:33
7. Accepting Client Data – 01:00:11
8. ModelAndView – 01:08:51
9. Model Object – 01:16:12
10. JPA | MVC | H2 Example – 01:20:29
11. JPA | MVC | H2 Example Part 2 – 01:35:29
12. Data JPA | MVC | H2 | Query Methods Example – 01:45:12
13. Data JPA | MVC | H2 | REST Example – 01:54:43
14. Data JPA | MVC | H2 | REST Example – 02:02:22
15. Postman | Data JPA | MVC | H2 | REST Example – 02:06:55
16. Content Negotiation | Data JPA | MVC | H2 | REST – 02:11:29
17. Spring Boot | MVC | REST Post Example – 2:19:36
18. Spring Boot | MVC | REST PUT DELETE Example – 02:27:35
19. Spring Boot Data REST Example – 02:36:30

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lets take a moment here to thank this guy for putting this content on youtube for free.


I've been struggling to find a good youtube source that teaches me Java. No BS, you are that source. I've seen a ton of your videos and I hope you don't stop. Thanks man.


Your way of teaching is unique. Instead of just showing the program flow you actually go deep into each concept. Thank you for making everything easily accessible.


Requesting Learners to give thumbs up for this Quick Reference Guide

0:05 About Spring
5:34 Dep Inj
12:55 Mock Object
13:40 Spring Tool Suite IDE
17:50 start spring io
18:40 Project type Maven or Gradle
19:14 Spring Boot Version
19:19 Reactive Programming 42:27
20:10 Spring Boot in Eclipse
20:46 Artifact name as Project name
21:46 run a Spring Boot project
22:17 Autowired helps Dep Inj
24:00 properties
24:20 create getters and setters
24:29 POJO
27:27 what is bean
27:47 design patterns of spring boot
28:48 Component annotation creates bean 36:36
24:44 class has run method
26:40 error corrected on 30:40
31:41 Spring creates object by default
32:30 Spring container runs Constructor only once per class (by Singleton DP) irrespective of number of times which the class is referred to
32:44 Scope value prototype will create instance only when called by getBean method
34:11 class Laptop
34:44 toString method
35:20 Laptop given to Alien
36:00 37:17 NullPointerException corrected on 37:24
38:12 Autowire component MOA
38:30 Qualifier annotation
39:06 Component attribute and Qualifier attribute should be same if provided
40:39 Web App
42:22 web dependency
43:13 jsp created in different src folder
44:38 class HomeController created in different src folder
45:45 Controller annotation
46:46 RequestMapping annotation
48:00 Location of Tomcat server jar file
48:48 Project - Run as - Spring Boot app 50:50
50:00 return home jsp
51:30 issues with Tomcat server
52:25 Velocity Thymeleaf
52:35 ResponseBody annotation
53:25 mvnrepository tomcat-jasper dependency in pom xml file 1:25:00
55:33 Application Properties
57:27 location of application properties
57:50 path of page is defined by spring mvc view prefix
58:54 extension of page is defined by spring mvc view suffix
1:00:11 Get Data from Browser
1:02:22 HttpServletRequest for incoming request from Browser
1:03:13 httpServletRequestObject getParameter paramKeyName
1:05:50 httpServletRequestObject setAttribute to pass incoming request param to home jsp page
1:06:16 HttpSession httpSessionObject equals httpServletRequestObject which has getSession method
1:06:30 httpSessionObject has setAttribute method with key and value as params
1:06:55 we can use httpSessionObject to display value from paramKeyName
1:07:07 JSTL or EL Expression Language
1:08:08 HttpServletResponse httpServletResponseObject
1:08:33 amazing features of Spring Boot in next video
1:08:51 class ModelAndView
1:09:19 replacement of both HttpServletRequest httpServletRequestObject and HttpServletResponse httpServletResponseObject
1:10:10 HttpSession httpSessionObject as second param to home method
1:11:55 RequestParam annotation to handle incoming request keyName which does not match with property name
1:13:40 class ModelAndView modelAndViewObject within class HomeController with method home which will return modelAndViewObject which then will change the return type of method home to class ModelAndView
1:14:30 modelAndViewObject addObject method has two params ie keyName and dynamicValue
1:14:54 modelAndViewObject setViewName
1:14:14 HttpSession httpSessionObject replaced by ModelAndView modelAndViewObject
1:16:12 Model Object
1:16:36 class Alien created in different src folder
1:16:44 definition of Alien
1:18:44 home method to have Object of class Alien as its param
1:19:00 modelAndViewObject addObject method has two params ie keyName and Object of class Alien
1:19:19 JSTL to include keyName with propertyName from Object of class Alien
1:20:29 MVC using JPA and H2
1:21:00 dependency web jpa h2
1:21:51 app to add aliens and fetch aliens
1:22:10 model folder created with class Alien
1:22:30 Alien is POJO
1:22:44 webapp folder created
1:24:00 class SampleController created in controller folder
1:26:26 application properties file to have key spring h2 console enabled and its value as true
1:26:33 application properties file to have key spring datasource platform and its value as h2
1:26:52 application properties file to have key spring datasource url and its value as jdbc h2 mem dbName
1:27:27 way to access h2 on browser
1:28:12 class Alien has annotation Entity
1:28:18 class Alien property has annotation Id
1:29:10 data sql file created
1:31:31 dao folder created and DAO interface created
1:32:00 interface DAO extends CrudRepository with class POJO as its 1st Type and Data type of PrimaryKey of POJO as its 2nd Type
1:32:42 DAO dao inside class SampleController
1:32:52 DAO to have annotation AutoWired
1:33:43 dao save Object of class POJO
1:35:29 MVC using JPA and H2
1:36:50 Service Layer requirement
1:45:12 MVC using JPA and H2 Query Methods Example
1:52:33 Query annotation
1:52:52 JPQL
1:53:23 Question mark in JPQL
1:54:43 MVC using JPA H2 REST Example
1:56:00 Web Service by REST
2:01:30 PathVariable annotation
2:03:23 JpaRepository
2:04:14 Optional with type class POJO
1:58:48 Conversion of iterable output by toString method
1:59:09 ResponseBody annotation
2:01:01 wildcard in RequestMapping annotation
2:02:22 MVC using JPA H2 REST Example
2:04:00 with JpaRepository the return type is List and therefore toString method removed 2:04:30
2:06:16 mvnrepository jackson-core dependency
2:06:55 Usage of Postman in MVC using JPA H2 REST Example
2:10:40 Content Negotiation
2:11:29 Content Negotiation Data JPA MVC H2 REST
2:13:13 Default output format of Spring Boot is JSON
2:13:31 Headers Accept application xml
2:15:15 mvnrepository Jackson Dataformat XML dependency
2:17:17 within class Controller RequestMapping to have path and produces curly braces application xml curly braces wherever return type is List
2:19:36 POST Example
2:21:11 Body form-data key value
2:22:44 PostMapping annotation
2:23:03 GetMapping annotation
2:23:13 interface JpaRepository does NOT require ResponseBody annotation
2:23:23 if we remove ResponseBody annotation then we replace Controller annotation by RestController annotation
2:26:00 Body raw JSON 2:21:11
2:27:07 within class Controller PostMapping to have path and consumes curly braces application json curly braces wherever return type is POJO
2:27:35 PUT DELETE Example
2:30:40 DeleteMapping annotation has attribute id in curly braces
2:30:30 daoRef delete pojoObject
2:34:34 Put operation in Postman - Body raw JSON
2:35:35 class Controller can be Obsolete
2:36:30 REST Example
2:38:38 dependency RestRepositories jpa h2
2:39:39 application properties to have key value corresponding to h2
2:40:20 resources folder to have application properties file and data sql
2:41:21 class POJO to have Entity annotation
2:41:30 property id to have Id annotation and GeneratedValue annotation
2:42:02 interface DAO extends JpaRepository with 1st type POJO class and 2nd type Data Type of Primary Key
2:43:23 RepositoryRestResource annotation with 1st param collectionResourceRel and 2nd param path
2:45:45 Post operation on Postman


Yes this was the best Introduction to SpringBoot I've seen on youtube thus far. Good work Navin!


This was the most useful and friendly Spring Boot tutorial I have found on the internet. Thank you so much!


Thank you so much! ❣️ I am a July 2021 passout and am not from a CS/IT background, but was interested in Computer Science, hence I joined Accenture at a package of 4.5 LPA. After 6 months of working on myself, I've finally received an amazing offer, a 400% hike, from a product based company. Your videos helped a lot, I don't come from a very good financial background, hence it means a lot to me. Thank you so much! ✨


Hey Naveen, I can't express how much I feel grateful for this video. You just summarised the entire springjpa in one single video and that too so amazingly. Content like this makes the learners appreciate genuine teachers like you. God bless you man...


A really really great effort realised wonderfully. It's amazing to see such rich content and huge effort being released for free. Keep up the great work. The next generation of coders owe you.


I've seen the first 45 min and I'm loving it. Finally, a tutorial that truly explains the concepts of Spring Boot. You are a legend!


I spent weeks in a boot camp with no one being able to explain dependency injection. I finished applications where I had no idea what @autowire meant and I've seen so many videos that struggled to explain this to me. In 35 minutes I learned concepts that I had no idea about after multiple weeks of learning them. Between the simple drawing and the simple application example I just had a massive leap forward in understanding. Thank you very much.




I have no words to express my gratitude to you, thank you so much. I have learnt a lot in these 3 hrs. more than 3 years in my college days.


Finished the entire thing today - from not knowing literally anything about java, apis or spring - i feel a million times more comfortable with this area. Thank so much.


Great work Telusko ! Absolutely delicious stuff ! No one can easily explain the concepts of spring container, dependency injection & mapping this easily. Feeling much more confident in spring boot concepts especially JPA stuff & power of annotations.


You are an awesome teacher with great communication skill. I have gone through only initial few minutes of your tutorial, but had to pause and add my comments. Keep your great work going. You are, for sure, enlightening many developer's life. THANKS


You are a life saver bro. I watched your videos throughout my university days and even today when I am working as a professional, you are still the most relevant guy.


Such an excellent video covering concepts from Spring DI/IOC, MVC, Boot and Spring Data Rest. Thanks a lot!


This is the first time I completed any tutorial at once. The reason is that.. You have explained it in very well manner which made it so interesting. It's very hard to find so many important concepts in just one tutorial...Thank you so much. Keep sharing knowledge👍📚


Those who are facing problem with H2 database Initilizaion :

1) data.sql --> just rename the file to import.sql and re launch your application.
2) = true
3) don't use double quotes ("") use single quotes('')
