Changes in 2nd Trimester

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Second trimester starts from 13 weeks to 28 weeks, in other words, this is the longest trimester of pregnancy, which is 16 weeks. Most of the women really feel pregnant during this period because this is the time when the tummy starts getting bigger, your body starts changing and you will start noticing you are really pregnant. One of the big change that happens is that when the tummy starts getting bigger your spine starts going a curvature. In other words you will start feeling a backache and also because your pregnancy hormones are at a peak, it relaxes all the muscles. So your muscle sphincter that separates the stomach and the food pipe, also relaxes. So you start getting acid into your stomach, into your food pipe causing heart burn. So heart burn is one of the commonest feature in the second trimester and sometimes you start getting a backache and sometimes you start getting tired because your baby is getting bigger and the body is being utilized to manufacture the blood in the baby. So you may start feeling deficiency in iron, which makes you feel tired. So heartburn, backache and tiredness are all the common features. The most exciting feature of the second trimester is the fetal movements. You start feeling that the baby is kicking, somewhere around 18 to 20 weeks. This is the time when most mothers get really excited because you start feeling that you are really pregnant and you tummy start getting bigger. So the second trimester is full is exciting changes and you still feel that you are really getting to be a mother and you will enjoy these changes.
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